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                  590                   CHAPTER 14   GAME THEORY AND STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR

                  industry observers estimated barely exceeded Delta’s  Why did Philip Morris act as it did? In the early
                  marginal cost. Having been alerted to Morris’s move  1990s, Philip Morris had increased Marlboro’s market
                  on Saturday morning, B.A.T. had salespeople out sell-  share at B.A.T.’s expense in other Central American
                  ing at the new price by Saturday afternoon.      countries, such as Guatemala. Perhaps it expected
                      The ensuing price war lasted about two years.  that it could replicate that success in Costa Rica. Still,
                  Cigarette sales increased 17 percent as a result of the  had it anticipated B.A.T.’s quick response, Philip
                  lower prices, but market shares did not change. By  Morris should have realized that its price cut would
                  the time the war ended in late 1994, Philip Morris’s  not result in an increase in market share. Whatever
                  share of the Costa Rican market was unchanged, and  the motivation for Philip Morris’s actions, this exam-
                  it was $8 million worse off than it had been before the  ple highlights how quickly retaliation by competitors
                  war started. B.A.T. lost even more—$20 million—but it  can nullify the advantages of a price cut. If firms un-
                  had preserved the market share of its Delta brand and  derstand that and take the long view, their incentive
                  was able to maintain the same price gaps that had  to use price as a competitive weapon to gain market
                  prevailed across market segments before the war.  share will be blunted.

                  14.3                  So far, we have studied games in which players make decisions simultaneously. In
                  SEQUENTIAL-           many interesting games, however, one player can move before other players do. These
                                        are called sequential-move games. In a sequential-move game, one player (the first
                  MOVE GAMES            mover) takes an action before another player (the second mover). The second mover
                  AND                   observes the action taken by the first mover before it decides what action it should
                  STRATEGIC             take. (The Stackelberg model of oligopoly discussed in Chapter 13 is a particular
                                        example of a sequential-move game.) We shall see that the ability to move first in a
                  MOVES                 sequential-move game can sometimes have significant strategic value.

                  games  Games in which  ANALYZING SEQUENTIAL-MOVE GAMES
                  one player (the first mover)  To learn how to analyze sequential-move games, let’s return to the simultaneous-move
                  takes an action before
                  another player (the second  capacity expansion game between Toyota and Honda in Table 14.4. (To refresh your
                  mover). The second mover  memory of that game, Table 14.13 shows the payoff table.)
                  observes the action taken  Recall that the Nash equilibrium in this game was for Toyota and Honda to
                  by the first mover before  choose “build small.”
                  deciding what action it  But now suppose that Honda can make its capacity decision before Toyota decides
                  should take.
                                        what to do (perhaps because it has accelerated its decision-making process). We now
                                        have a sequential-move game in which Honda is the first mover and Toyota is the
                  game tree  A diagram  second mover. To analyze this sequential-move game, we use a  game tree, which
                  that shows the different  shows the different strategies that each player can follow in the game and the order in
                  strategies that each player  which those strategies get chosen. Figure 14.2 shows the game tree for our capacity
                  can follow in a game and
                  the order in which those
                  strategies get chosen.  TABLE 14.13  Capacity Expansion Game between Toyota and Honda*
                                                                     Build Large  Build Small  Do Not Build
                                                         Build Large    0, 0      12, 8       18, 9
                                                  Honda   Build Small   8, 12     16, 16      20, 15
                                                         Do Not Build   9, 18     15, 20      18, 18
                                        *Payoffs are in millions of dollars.
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