Page 617 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 617

c14gametheoryandstrategicbehavior.qxd  8/6/10  8:22 AM  Page 591

                                          14.3 SEQUENTIAL-MOVE GAMES AND STRATEGIC MOVES                        591

                                                              Honda Payoff Toyota Payoff  FIGURE 14.2  Game Tree for
                                                   Build large
                                                                   0          0       the Sequential-Move Capacity
                                  Build large      Build small                        Expansion Game between Toyota
                                              T                   12          8
                                                   Do not build   18          9       and Honda
                                                                                      Honda moves first and can choose
                                                   Build large                        among three strategies: Toyota moves
                                                                   8         12
                                  Build small      Build small                        next (having observed Honda’s move),
                          H                   T                   16         16       also choosing among the same three
                                                   Do not build
                                                                  20         15       strategies. Assuming that Toyota will
                                                   Build large                        always make its best (payoff-
                                                                   9         18       maximizing) response, Honda can
                                  Do not build     Build small
                                              T                   15         20       maximize its own payoff by choos-
                                                   Do not build                       ing “build large,” as Toyota’s best
                                                                  18         18
                                                                                      response will be “do not build.”
                      expansion game. In any game tree, the order of moves flows from left to right. Because
                      Honda moves first, it is in the leftmost position. For each of Honda’s possible actions,
                      the tree then shows the possible decisions for Toyota.
                         To analyze the game tree in Figure 14.2, it is convenient to use a thought process
                      called backward induction. When you solve a sequential-move game using backward  backward induction A
                      induction, you start at the end of the game tree, and for each decision point (repre-  procedure for solving a
                      sented by the shaded squares), you find the optimal decision for the player at that  sequential-move game by
                      point. You continue to do this until you reach the beginning of the game. The thought  starting at the end of the
                      process of backward induction has the attractive property that it allows us to break a  game tree and finding the
                                                                                                optimal decision for the
                      potentially complicated game into manageable pieces.                      player at each decision point.
                         To apply backward induction in this example, we must find Toyota’s optimal decision
                      for each of the three choices Honda might make: “do not build,” “build small,” and
                      “build large” (in Figure 14.2, Toyota’s optimal choices are underlined):

                       • If Honda chooses “do not build,” Toyota’s optimal choice is “build small.”
                       • If Honda chooses “build small,” Toyota’s optimal choice is “build small.”
                       • If Honda chooses “build large,” Toyota’s optimal choice is “do not build.”
                         As we work backward in the tree, we assume that Honda anticipates that Toyota
                      will choose its best response to each of the three actions Honda might take. We can
                      then determine which of Honda’s three strategies gives it the highest profit, by iden-
                      tifying the profit that Honda gets from each option it might choose, given that Toyota
                      responds optimally:

                       • If Honda chooses “do not build,” then given Toyota’s optimal reaction, Honda’s
                         profit will be $15 million.
                       • If Honda chooses “build small,” then given Toyota’s optimal reaction, Honda’s
                         profit will be $16 million.
                       • If Honda chooses “build large,” then given Toyota’s optimal reaction, Honda’s
                         profit will be $18 million.

                      Thus, Honda attains the highest profit when it chooses “build large.” The Nash equi-
                      librium in this game is for Honda to choose “build large” and for Toyota to choose
                      “do not build.” At this equilibrium, Honda’s profit is $18 million and Toyota’s profit
                      is $9 million.
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