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                  596                   CHAPTER 14   GAME THEORY AND STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR

                  commuter airlines had the highest degree of irre-  provoke a matching response than is a decision to
                  versibility. Decisions to abandon a route, increases in  engage in a short-term promotional or advertising
                  commission rates for travel agents, promotional ad-  campaign. Chen and MacMillan tested this hypothesis
                  vertising campaigns, and pricing decisions were seen  through an exhaustive study of competitive moves
                  by industry participants and experts as being the easi-  and countermoves reported over an eight-year period
                  est moves to reverse.                            (1979–1986) in a leading trade publication of the air-
                      Chen and MacMillan hypothesized that competi-  line industry, Aviation Daily. In general, their findings
                  tors are less likely to match an airline’s competitive  support their hypothesis: Harder-to-reverse moves are
                  move when the original move is hard to reverse. Their  less frequently matched than easier-to-reverse moves.
                  logic is akin to that in the Honda–Toyota example in  The study suggests that price cuts are especially
                  this chapter. The more credible a firm’s commitment  provocative and thus likely to be matched frequently
                  to an aggressive strategic move is, the more likely it is  and quickly. MacMillan and Chen found that rival air-
                  that its competitors will respond by choosing a less  lines responded to price cuts more frequently than to
                  aggressive strategy. This logic would suggest that a  other moves they saw as having a similar, or even
                  preemptive move by one airline to expand its route  higher, degree of irreversibility.
                  system by acquiring another airline is less likely to

                  CHAPTER SUMMAR Y

                  • Game theory is the branch of economics concerned  • In many games, some or all players may have neither
                  with the analysis of optimal decision making when all  a dominant strategy nor dominated strategies, and some
                  decision makers are presumed to be rational, and each is  games, such as Chicken, have more than one Nash equi-
                  attempting to anticipate the actions and reactions of its  librium. To find the Nash equilibria in any game, first
                  competitors.                                     find Player 1’s best response to each of Player 2’s strate-
                                                                   gies, then find Player 2’s best response to each of Player
                  • A Nash equilibrium in a game occurs when each  1’s strategies, and then see where these best responses
                  player chooses a strategy that gives the highest payoff,  occur together.
                  given the strategies chosen by the other players in the
                  game.  (LBD Exercises 14.1, 14.2)                • A pure strategy is a specific choice among the pos-
                                                                   sible moves in a game. Under a mixed strategy, a player
                  • Prisoners’ dilemma games illustrate the conflict  chooses among two or more pure strategies according to
                  between self-interest and collective interest. In the Nash  prespecified probabilities. Every game has at least one
                  equilibrium of a prisoners’ dilemma game, each player  Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies.
                  chooses a “noncooperative” strategy, even though it is in
                  the players’ collective interest to pursue a cooperative  • In a repeated prisoners’ dilemma game, the players
                  strategy.                                        might, in equilibrium, play cooperatively. The likeli-
                                                                   hood of a cooperative outcome is enhanced when the
                  • A dominant strategy gives a higher payoff than any  players are patient, their interactions are frequent,
                  other strategy the player might follow, no matter what  cheating is easy to detect, and the one-shot gain from
                  the other player does. A dominated strategy gives a  cheating is small.
                  lower payoff than another strategy, no matter what the
                  other player does.                               • An analysis of sequential-move games reveals that
                                                                   moving first in a game can have strategic value.  (LBD
                  • When both players in a game have a dominant strategy,  Exercise 14.3)
                  those strategies define the Nash equilibrium. If one
                  player has a dominant strategy, the Nash equilibrium is  • A strategic move is an action you take in an early stage
                  defined by the other player’s best response to that strat-  of a game that alters your behavior and your competitors’
                  egy. If neither player has a dominant strategy, we can  behavior later in the game in a way that is favorable to
                  often find the Nash equilibrium by eliminating domi-  you. Strategic moves can limit a player’s flexibility but in
                  nated strategies.                                so doing can have strategic value.
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