Page 627 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 627

c14gametheoryandstrategicbehavior.qxd  8/6/10  8:22 AM  Page 601

                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    601
                      c) Suppose that aircraft orders are received once a year  that if the buyer purchases the product and learns that he
                      rather than once a quarter. That is, Boeing and Airbus  has bought a high-quality good, he will return the next
                      will compete with each other for an order this year (with  month and buy again. Indeed, he will continue to pur-
                      payoffs given in the table above), but their next compet-  chase, month after month (potentially forever!), as long
                      itive encounter will not occur for another year. In terms  as the quality of the product he purchased in the previous
                      of evaluating present and future payoffs, suppose that  month is high. However, if the buyer is ever unpleasantly
                      each firm views a stream of payoffs of $1 starting next  surprised—that is, if the seller sells him a low-quality
                      year and received every year thereafter as equivalent to  good in a particular month—he will refuse to purchase
                      $10 received immediately this year. Again assuming that  from the seller forever after. Suppose that the seller
                      Airbus will follow the policy in its public statement  knows that the buyer is going to behave in this fashion.
                      above, what price would you recommend that Boeing  Further, let’s imagine that the seller evaluates profits in
                      charge in this year and beyond?                 the following way: a stream of payoffs of $1 starting next
                                                                      month and received in every month thereafter has exactly
                      14.20.  Consider a buyer who, in the upcoming month,  the same value as a one-time payoff of $50 received im-
                      will make a decision about whether to purchase a good  mediately this month. Will the seller offer a low-quality
                      from a monopoly seller. The seller “advertises” that it of-  good or a high-quality good?
                      fers a high-quality product (and the price that it has set is
                      based on that claim). However, by substituting low-quality  14.21.  Two firms are competing in an oligopolistic
                      components for higher-quality ones, the seller can re-  industry. Firm 1, the larger of the two firms, is contemplat-
                      duce the quality of the product it sells to the buyer, and  ing its capacity strategy, which could be either “aggressive”
                      in so doing, the seller can lower the variable and fixed  or “passive.” The aggressive strategy involves a large
                      costs of making the product. The product quality is not  increase in capacity aimed at increasing the firm’s market
                      observable to the buyer at the time of purchase, and so the  share, while the passive strategy involves no change in the
                      buyer cannot tell, at that point, whether he is getting a  firm’s capacity. Firm 2, the smaller competitor, is also
                      high-quality or a low-quality good. Only after he begins  pondering its capacity expansion strategy; it will also
                      to use the product does the buyer learn the quality of the  choose between an aggressive strategy and a passive strat-
                      good he has purchased.                          egy. The following table shows the profits associated with
                         The payoffs that accrue to the buyer and seller from  each pair of choices:
                      this encounter are as follows:

                                                 Seller                                          Firm 2
                                                                                           Aggressive  Passive
                                     Sell High-Quality  Sell Low-Quality
                                         Product        Product                  Aggressive   25, 9     33, 10
                                                                          Firm 1
                            Purchase      $5, $6          $4, $12                Passive      30, 13    36, 12
                            Do Not       $0,   $4        $0,   $1
                            Purchase                                  a) If both firms decide their strategies simultaneously,
                                                                      what is the Nash equilibrium?
                      The buyer’s payoff (consumer surplus) is listed first; the
                      seller’s payoff (profit) is listed second.      b) If Firm 1 could move first and credibly commit to its
                         Answer each of the following questions, using the  capacity expansion strategy, what is its optimal strategy?
                      preceding table.                                What will Firm 2 do?
                      a) What are the Nash equilibrium strategies for the buyer  14.22.  The only two firms moving crude oil from an
                      and seller in this game under the assumption that it is  oil-producing region to a port in Atlantis are pipelines:
                      played just once?                               Starline and Pipetran. The following table shows the an-
                      b) Let’s again suppose that the game is played just once  nual profit (in millions of euros) that each firm would
                      (i.e., the buyer makes at most one purchase). But suppose  earn at different capacities. Starline’s profit is the left
                      that before the game is played, the seller can commit to of-  number in each cell; Pipetran’s profit is the right number.
                      fering a warranty that gives the buyer a monetary payment  At the current capacities (with no expansion) Starline is
                      W in the event that he buys the product and is unhappy  earning 40 million euros, and Pipetran is earning 18 mil-
                      with the product he purchases. What is the smallest value  lion euros annually. Each company is considering an
                      of W such that the seller chooses to offer a high-quality  expansion of its capacity. Since Pipetran is a fairly small
                      product and the buyer chooses to purchase?      company, it can consider only a small expansion to its
                      c) Instead of the warranty, let’s now allow for the possibil-  capacity. Starline has the ability to consider both a small
                      ity of repeat purchases by the buyer. In particular, suppose  and a large expansion.
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