Page 625 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 625

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                                                                                    PROBLEMS                    599
                      you can see from the following table, there are some ben-  b) Does either student have any dominated strategies?
                      efits if they end up doing the same thing. Ignoring mixed  c) What is the Nash equilibrium in this game?
                      strategies, is there a Nash equilibrium in this game? If so,  d) Suppose that Jack and Jill each could borrow money
                      what is it?                                     from the other students in the class, so that each of them
                                                   Ricky              had a total of $11 to bid. Would ($11, $11) be a Nash
                                            Ballet  Boxing Match      equilibrium?
                                                                      14.15.  Consider the following game between Sony, a
                       Lucy   Ballet        100, 30    90,   90       manufacturer of video cassette players, and Columbia
                             Boxing Match   90,   90   30, 100        Pictures, a movie studio. Each firm must decide whether to
                                                                      use the VHS or Beta format—Sony to make video players,
                      14.12.  Suppose market demand is P   130   Q.   Columbia to release its movies for rental or purchase.
                      a) If two firms compete in this market with marginal cost             Columbia Pictures
                      c   10, find the Cournot equilibrium output and profit
                      per firm.                                                              Beta   VHS
                      b) Find the monopoly output and profit if there is only    Sony   Beta   20, 10  0, 0
                      one firm with marginal cost c   10.                              VHS   0, 0  10, 20
                      c) Using the information from parts (a) and (b), construct
                      a 2   2 payoff matrix where the strategies available to  a) Restrict attention to pure strategies. Does either firm
                      each of two players are to produce the Cournot equilib-  have a dominant strategy? What is (are) the Nash equi-
                      rium quantity or half the monopoly quantity.    librium (equilibria) of this game?
                      d) What is the Nash equilibrium (or equilibria) of the  b) Is there a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in this
                      game you constructed in part (c)?               game? If so, what is it?
                                                                      c) Restrict attention again to pure strategies, but now
                      14.13.  Consider the following game, where x   0:
                                                                      focus on a sequential-move game in which Sony chooses
                                                 Firm 2               its strategy first. What is (are) the Nash equilibrium
                                                                      (equilibria) of this game?
                                         High Price   Low Price
                              High Price   140, 140    20, 160        14.16. In a World Series game, Tim Lincecum is pitch-
                       Firm 1                                         ing and Joe Mauer is batting. The count on Mauer is 3 balls
                              Low Price   90   x , 90   x   50, 50
                                                                      and 2 strikes. Lincecum has to decide whether to throw a
                                                                      fastball or a curveball. Mauer has to decide whether to
                      a) For what values of x do both firms have a dominant  swing or not swing. If Lincecum throws a fastball and
                      strategy? What is the Nash equilibrium (or equilibria) in  Mauer doesn’t swing, the pitch will almost certainly be a
                      these cases?                                    strike, and Mauer will be out. If Mauer does swing, how-
                      b) For what values of x does only one firm have a domi-  ever, there is a strong likelihood that he will get a hit. If
                      nant strategy? What is the Nash equilibrium (or equilib-  Lincecum throws a curve and Mauer swings, there is a
                      ria) in these cases?                            strong likelihood that Mauer will strike out. But if
                                                                      Lincecum throws a curve and Mauer doesn’t swing, there is
                      c) Are there any values of x such that neither firm has a
                      dominant strategy? Ignoring mixed strategies, is there a  a good chance that it will be ball four and Mauer will walk
                      Nash equilibrium in such cases?                 (assume that a walk is as good as a hit in this instance).
                                                                          The following table shows the payoffs from each
                      14.14.  Professor Nash announces that he will auction  pair of choices that the two players can make:
                      off a $20 bill in a competition between Jack and Jill, two
                      students chosen randomly at the beginning of class. Each                      Joe Mauer
                      student is to privately submit a bid on a piece of paper;                 Swing   Do Not Swing
                      whoever places the highest bid wins the $20 bill. (In the                100, 100   100, 100
                      event of a tie, each student gets $10.) The catch, however,  Tim Lincecum  Fastball
                      is that each student must pay whatever he or she bid, re-    Curveball   100, 100    100, 100
                      gardless of who wins the auction. Suppose that each student
                      has only two $1 bills in his or her wallet that day, so the  a) Is there a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies in this
                      available strategies to each student are to bid $0, $1, or $2.  game?
                      a) Write down a 3    3 payoff matrix describing this  b) Is there a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in this
                      game.                                           game? If so, what is it?
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