Page 769 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
P. 769

BMappAMathematicalAppendix.qxd  8/17/10  1:10 AM  Page 743

                                                                 A.6 MULTIVARIABLE FUNCTIONS                    743
                      we vary Q 2 , but holds Q 1 constant, with Q 1   4 . Point B in  the top of the profit hill, point A in Figure A.8. Let’s also
                      this figure is therefore the same as point B in Figure A.8.  consider point A in Figure A.9, where  Q 1   4  and Q 2   3 ,
                      We have also drawn RS, the line tangent to the profit hill at  the outputs that maximize profits. Point A in this figure is
                      point B. (The tangent line RS is the same in Figures A.8 and  therefore the same as point A in Figure A.8. Since we have
                                                                      reached the top of the profit curve, the slope of the profit
                      A.9.) The partial derivative of profit with respect to  Q 2
                      (denoted by  0p/0Q 2 ) measures the slope of this tangent  hill at A in Figure A.9 is zero; this means that the partial
                      line. At point B the slope is 4.                derivative 0p/0Q 2 , is zero.
                         Similarly, we could ask how an increase in Q 1 affects p,  To practice taking partial derivatives, you might try the
                      holding constant the other independent variable  Q 2 . To  following exercises.
                      find this information, we find the partial derivative of  p
                                                   . We take the deriva-  LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE A.7
                      with respect to Q 1 , denoted by 0p/0Q 1
                      tive of equation (A.10), but treat the level of Q 2 as a constant.
                                                                      Marginal Utility with Two Independent Variables
                      When we do this, the last two terms in equation (A.10) will
                      be a constant because they depend only on Q 2 ; therefore the  In Chapter 3 (Learning-By-Doing Exercise 3.1), we intro-
                      partial derivative of these terms with respect to Q 1 is zero.  duced the utility function  U   1xy . Here  U is the de-
                      The partial derivative of the third term (Q 1 Q 2 ) with respect  pendent variable and x and y are the independent variables.
                      to Q 1 is just Q 2 . The partial derivative of the first two terms  The corresponding marginal utilities function are
                      with respect to Q 1 will be 13   4Q 1 . When we put all of  MU x   1y/(21x ) , and MU y   1x/(21y  ) .
                      this information together, we learn that
                                                                      Problem Use partial derivatives to verify that these ex-
                                   0p                                 pressions for marginal utilities are correct.
                                        13   4Q 1   Q 2       (A.12)
                                  0Q 1                                Solution It may help to rewrite the utility function as
                                                                      U   x 1/2 1/2 . The marginal utility of  x is just the partial
                         Equation (A.12) measures the marginal profit of  Q 1 ,  derivative of U with respect to x, that is, 0U/0x. To find this
                      that is, the rate of change of profit as we vary Q 1 , but hold  derivative, we treat y as a constant. Therefore, we only need
                      Q 2 constant. Let’s evaluate this partial derivative at point B  to find the derivative of the term in brackets: U   [x 1/2 ] y 1/2 .
                      in Figure A.8. When  Q 1   4 , and  Q 2   2 , we find that  (The y 1/2  is just a multiplicative constant.) We observe that
                               13   4(4)   2    1 . Let’s draw the line tan-
                      0p/0Q 1                                         x 1/2  is a power function, with the derivative (1/2)x  1/2 ,
                      gent to the profit hill at point  B, holding  Q 2 constant  which can be rewritten as 1/(21x ) . The marginal utility is
                      (Q 2   2 ), and label this line MN. The tangent line will have  then MU x   1y/(21x) .
                      a slope of  1.
                                                                          Similarly, the marginal utility of  y is just the partial
                                                                      derivative of U with respect to y, that is, 0U/0y. To find this
                      Finding a Maximum or a Minimum                  derivative, we treat x as a constant. Therefore, we only need
                      How can we find the top of the profit hill in Figure A.8? At  to find the derivative of the term in brackets: U   x 1/2 [ y 1/2 ].
                      a maximum, the slope of the profit hill will be zero in all di-  We observe that y 1/2  is a power function, with the deriva-
                      rections. This means that at a maximum the partial derivatives  tive (1/2)y  1/2 , which can be rewritten as  1/(21y ) . The
                                     must both be zero. Thus, in the example,  marginal utility is then MU y   1x/(21y ) .
                      0p/0Q 1  and 0p/0Q 2
                                       13   4Q 1   Q 2   0            LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE A.8
                                  0Q 1
                                   0p                                 Marginal Cost with Two Independent Variables
                                        Q 1   8   4Q 2   0
                                  0Q 2
                                                                      Problem Suppose the total cost C of producing two prod-
                         When we solve these two equations, we find that  ucts is  C   Q 1   1Q 1 Q 2   Q 2 , where  Q 1 measures the
                                                                      number of units of the first product and Q 2 the number of
                      Q 1   4  and Q 2   3 . These are the quantities that lead us to
                                                                      units of the second. When Q 1   16 and Q 2   1, find the
                                                                      marginal cost of the first product, MC 1 .

                      3 Another way to see the meaning of the partial derivative illus-  4 To ensure that we have a maximum, or to distinguish a maximum
                      trated in Figure A.9 is to substitute Q 1   4  into the profit function  from a minimum, we would also have to examine the second-order
                      p   13Q 1   2(Q 1 )   Q 1 Q 2   8Q 2   2(Q 2 ) 2 . Profits then become  conditions for an optimum. In this appendix we do not present these
                      p   20   12Q   2(Q 2 ) 2 . This is the equation of the profit hill   conditions for a function with more than one independent variable
                      in Figure A.9, because we have assumed Q 1 is held constant at 4.  and refer you to any standard calculus text. Also, the techniques we
                      The slope of the profit hill in Figure A.9 is therefore dp/dQ 2    have discussed in this appendix may show you where a local maxi-
                      12   4Q 2 . At point B, where Q 2   2 , we find that dp/dQ 2   4 ,  mum or minimum exists, but you may need to check further to see if
                      which is the slope of the tangent line RS.      the local maximum or minimum is a global optimum (see footnote 2).
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