Page 772 - Microeconomics, Fourth Edition
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                  746                   MATHEMATICAL APPENDIX

                   3. How much will the area change when the amount of  where    is the Lagrange multiplier. Note that we have
                      fence varies? We know that the Area   LW   F /16.  rewritten the constraint so that the right-hand side is zero
                      Therefore, dArea/dF   F/8. The area will increase by  (i.e., 10   T   R   0). We then place the left-hand side of
                      about F/8 square feet when the perimeter is increased  the constraint in the Lagrangian function.
                      by one foot.                                    The conditions for an interior optimum (with T   0
                                                                   and R   0) are

                  A.8  LAGRANGE MULTIPLIERS
                                                                            0¶           0B(T, R)
                                                                                 0  ¡            l   0     (A.19)
                  In the previous section we showed how to solve a con-     0T             0T
                  strained optimization problem by solving the constraint for
                  one of the variables and then substituting the constraint  0¶    0  ¡   0B(T, R)    l    0  (A.20)
                  into the objective function. This technique is most likely   0R          0R
                  to work when the constraint (or set of constraints) has a
                  simple form. However, it may not be possible to use this       0  ¡  10   T   R   0      (A.21)
                  approach in more complicated problems.                     0l
                      We now show how to solve constrained optimization
                  problems by constructing an equation, called the Lagrangian  The partial derivatives in this problem are  B(T, R)/
                  function, that is a combination of the objective function and  0 T   5000   500T and  B(T, R)/ R   1000   100R. Thus,
                  the constraint. We begin with a general description of the  we can write (A.18) as
                  method, and then illustrate how to use it with two Learning-
                  By-Doing Exercises.                                           5000   500T   l,  and      (A.22)
                      We first construct the Lagrangian function as follows:
(x, y,  )   F(x, y)   G(x, y) . This function is the sum of  1000   100R   l            (A.23)
                  two terms: (1) the objective function, and (2) the constraint,
                  multiplied by an unknown factor,   , which is called the  Since the right-hand sides of equations (A.22) and
                  Lagrange multiplier. We then set the partial derivatives of the  (A.23) are the same  (l) , we know that at an optimum
                  Lagrangian function with respect to the three unknowns  5000   500T   1000    100R. This is equation (A.24).
                  (x, y, and  ) equal to zero.                     Equation (A.25) is the same as equation (A.21). Together,
                                                                   equations (A.24) and (A.25) give us two equations in two
                         0¶          0F(x, y)  0G(x, y)            unknowns,  T and  R. We now know that the optimal
                              0  ¡           l         0  (A.16)
                         0x            0x        0x                amounts of radio and television advertising are determined
                                                                   by two equations:
                         0¶          0F(x, y)  0G(x, y)
                              0  ¡           l         0  (A.17)
                         0y            0y        0y                           5000   500T   1000   100R    (A.24)
                         0¶                                                          T   R   10            (A.25)
                              0  ¡  G(x, y)   0           (A.18)
                                                                      We then find that T   $8.33 (hundred thousand) and
                      We can then use the three equations (A.16, A.17, and  R   $1.67 (hundred thousand), the same solution we found
                  A.18) to solve for the three unknowns. To see how to apply  in Learning-By-Doing Exercise A.9.
                  this method, consider the following two exercises.  It is also possible to calculate the value of the Lagrange
                                                                   multiplier  at the optimum, and this value has an impor-
                                                                   tant economic interpretation. We observe that l   5000
                  LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE A.11
                                                                   500T   5000   500(25/3)   833.33 . (Alternatively,  l
                  Radio and Beer Advertising Revisited             1000   100R   1000   100(5/3)   833.33.)  The value of
                                                                   l  tells us (approximately) how much beer sales (the objec-
                  Problem The problem here is the same as in Learning-  tive function) could be increased if the advertising budget
                  By-Doing Exercise A.9. Now let’s solve the problem using  were increased by one “unit” (in this problem a unit of ad-
                  the method of Lagrange multipliers.              vertising is $100,000). The manager could expect sales to
                                                                   increase by about 833 barrels for every $100,000 in extra
                  Solution We define the Lagrangian function
                                                                   advertising, or by about 0.00833 barrels for each additional
                                                                   dollar of advertising.
                          ¶(T, R, l)   B(T, R)   l(10   T   R)
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