P. 8

Page 8                                                                            August, 2020
         Multiple Streams of Income for Your Business
          Multiple Streams of Income for your Business                                 AGI - INTERNATIONAL MSMEs DAY

         Continued from  pg 7
                                                                                    Continued from pg 9
         end  up  increasing  your
         revenue in that way as well.                                                    he large-scale
                                                                                         enterprises as well,
         Sell  Products/Services
         Related  to  Your  Current                                               tit said.
         Business                                                                 The statement
         Many  people  expand  their                                              commended development
         business  by  offering  more.                                            partners such as UNIDO,
         Let's  say  you  are  currently
         selling hair services for your     Many  sites  exist  to  help  you     BUSAC FUND, NBSSI,
         salon on your website. You've      become  a  successful  affiliate      Star Ghana, the E.U.,
         received a lot of business from    marketer. The following are the  GIZ, and business
         it, so you decide to offer the     most  common  ones  that  have
         hair care products you have in     products and services for you to      associations for the
         your salon. Now, you not only      sell and earn commission.             collective effort in
         earn money from new clients  ClickBank                                   supporting MSME
         who  find  your  website  and  AvantLink                                 development in the
         choose to come see you, but        CJ by Conversant
         you  also  make  money  from       Amazon                                country.
         the sales of the products.
         Think about what you could         RevenueWire                               Starting your own
         sell  in  addition  to  your  LinkConnector                                    business is like
         products or services. If you're  OneNetworkDistrict
         already selling products, think    AffiliateNetwork                              riding a roller
         of services you may be able to     You  can  also  browse  websites          coaster. There are
         offer people. It doesn't have to                                            highs and lows and
                                            with products and services your
         be  services  offered  offline.    audience would like, and then see        every turn you take
         Get  creative  and  think  of                                                  is another twist.
                                            if  the  owners  have  an  affiliate
         services you can offer online,     program.  If  they  don't,  contact      The lows are really
         and you'll really be busy with
                                            the owner to ask. Many people             low, but the highs
         making  extra  income  as          are  more  than  happy  to  offer  a
         everyone turns to you for not                                                can be really high.
                                            commission  for  any  sales  you
         only  your  products,  but  also   bring their way.                            You have to be
         the help you provide.                                                        strong, keep your
                                            There's so much more you can do
         Affiliate Marketing                with your business. When you're           stomach tight, and
         If  you  do  not  want  to  offer   ready, go ahead and get started on       ride along with the
         additional  products  or           an  alternate  stream  of  income.        roller coaster that
         services, you can become an        You can do as many as you have                 you started.
         affiliate.  Affiliate  marketing   time  for,  which  means  your            Lindsay Manseau
         involves  taking  products  or     income potential is limitless.
         services  people  sell  and        by Marcelina Hardy
         market  it  for  them.  You            The best reason to start an organization is to
         receive  a  commission  when          make meaning-to create a product or service to
         they receive a sale from your
         marketing.                                        make the world a better place.
         M          any retirees are turning to business ownership as a way to stay busy and active as well as
                    supplement their retirement income.
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