P. 4

Page 4
                                                                                                August, 2020
                                                                                    Starting a Business?
                                                                                    Read this ...........

          Contd from pg 3
        the  colony.  Bee  colonies          interest  is  BEESWAX.               investment  horizon  than
        are  obtained  naturally             Beeswax is a wax material            traditional financing

        through baiting and good             p r o d u c e d   f r o m   t h e    A l m o s t   a l l   v e n t u r e
        h i v e   m a n a g e m e n t   honeybee's  body.  Most                   capitalists  will,  at  a

        practices.  There  is  no            people  who  keep  bees              minimum,  want  a  seat  on
        expense  (expenditure)  in           (especially  in  Africa)  are        the board of directors. So

        feeding  bees.  Bees  have           unaware  of  the  economic           be  prepared  to  give  up
        direct  and  absolute  benefits  of  beeswax  and                         some  portion  of  both

        access  to  the  natural             often throw it away after            control  and  ownership  of
        vegetation in the area. A            harvesting honey from bee            your company in exchange
        beekeeper does not need              h i v e s .   A   l o t   o f        for funding.

        to  own  land  to  realize  a        c r a f t s p e o p l e   a n d      Get a small business loan
        cash crop from this rural            manufacturers  still  spend          If  you  want  to  retain

        enterprise. The naturally-           a  lot  of  money  importing         complete  control  of  your
        available  resources  such           beeswax  which  can  be              business,  but  don't  have
        as  nectar  and  pollen  are         produced locally.                    enough  funds  to  start,

        free  in  the  environment                                                consider  a  small  business
                                             Surprisingly, beeswax has
        for the bees.                                                             loan.
                                             a  much  wider  use  than
        Beehives can be placed in                                                 To  increase  your  chances
                                             honey.  It  is  used  in  food
        any  location  provided                                                   of  securing  a  loan,  you
                                             processing industries as an
        there are flowers for the                                                 should  have  a  business
                                             additive  and  a  common
        bees  to  pollinate.  The                                                 plan,  expense  sheet,  and
                                             ingredient in chewing gum.
        bees do not compete with                                                  financial  projections  for
                                             It  has  much  wider  use  in
        any  other  agricultural                                                  the next five years. These
                                             the skin care and cosmetic
        enterprise for the nectar                                                 tools will give you an idea
                                             industry where it has been
        and  pollen.  It  rather                                                  of how much you'll need to
                                             f o u n d   b e t t e r   t h a n
        enriches the biodiversity                                                 ask for, and will help the
                                             petroleum  jelly  in  making
        of  the  environment.                                                     bank know they're making
                                             products  like  lip  balm,  lip
        Beekeeping  has  positive                                                 a  smart  choice  by  giving
                                             gloss,  hand  creams,
        ecological  consequences.                                                 you a loan.
                                             moisturizers, eye shadow,
        Bees  play  an  important                                                 Once  you  have  your
                                             blush and eye liners. It is
        role  in  the  pollination  of                                            materials  ready,  contact
                                             also  commonly  used  to
        many flowering plants and                                                 banks and credit unions to
                                             make  shoe  and  furniture
        crops, thus increasing the                                                request a loan. You'll want
                                             polish, and has been used
        yield of many major food                                                  to compare offers to get
                                             for  centuries  to  make
        crops.                                                                    the  best  possible  terms
        Another  product  of                                                      for your loan.
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