P. 6

Page 6                                                                               August, 2020
                                                                                  Under  these  project
              National Entrepreneurship &
                                                                                  Access to market is already
            Innovation Programme (NEIP)
                                                                                  provided  for  each  of  the
         Continued from pg 5
        engaged over one month of           factories  apart  from  being  industries that is to be set
        entrepreneurship training           operated  as  a  profitable  up.  Off-taker  agreements
        ·      500  entrepreneurs           venture, will also be used as a  would  be  signed  before

            will  further  be  engaged      training centre for the youth  production commences.
            over  1  year  with  seed       with diverse skills of interest       NEIP Fund (Module 4)
            funding  and  business          so  that  after  the  practical       This  fund  would  be  a
            support services                training, they can also be in a       privately managed fund but
        Programme Objectives                position  to  be  set  up  and        under  the  supervision  and

        The overall objective of the        supported.                            management  of  NEIP  and
        programme  is  to  provide          Examples  of  some  of  the           the  Ministry  for  Business
        integrated,  nationwide             small factories:                      Development.  The  capital

        support  for  start-ups  and        ·      Fruit  And  Vegetable          under  this  fund  would  be
        small businesses.                      Juice Processing Factory
                                            ·      Soap Factory                   raised through Government
        NEIP Industrialization Plan         ·      Briquette  Factory             s u p p o r t ,   g r a n t s   f o r
        (Module 3)                             (Coconut Husk For Organic          International  agencies  and
        S E T T I N G   U P   O F              Farming)                           from the Private sector.
        I N D U T R I A L   S U B -         ·      Cocoa  Pod  Processing         A  committee  of  Fund
        CONTRATING  EXCHANGE                   Factory                            managers  would  be  put

        to link large industries in the     ·      Palm  Oil  Processing          together  to  manage  this
        supply chain process. These            Plant                              fund  which  would  be  given
        small Businesses and Start-         ·      Cassava  Processing            to  businesses  that  have

        ups  will  become  the  supply         Factory  To  Process               gone through our Training,
        chain for goods and service            Starch,  Flour,  Gari,             M e n t o r s h i p   a n d
        to feed the large industries.          Cassava  Chips  And  For           Accelerated program from
        Under  this  module,  there            Brewing Alcohol.                   o u r   I n n o v a t i o n   a n d

        will  be  a  provision  of          ·      Shea Butter Factory            Incubation  hubs.  Funds
        Subsidized  Industrial/             ·      Brick And Tile Factory         a l l o c a t e d   w o u l d   b e
        Machining  workshops  for           ·      Fish  And  Livestock           d e p e n d e n t   o n   o n e s

        young  entrepreneurs  to               Feed Processing Unit               business,  the  capacity  to
        develop  prototypes  and  or        ·      Food Canning Industry          manage  the  funds  and  the
        produce to fill orders.             All  these  sectoral  industries      business ability to generate

                                            have  huge  demand  for  its          and  pay  back.  The  funds
        The  NEIP  Industrialization        outputs,  but  most  of  the          would  be  both  Grants  and

        Plan has an objective to build      outputs  of  these  industries        Loans with zero or very low
        26  small  to  medium  scale        are being done in a very small        interest  rate  to  cushion
        industries  that  will  be          informal  manner  and  the            businesses to grow.

        looking  at  key  thematic          Ministry  Through  NEIP
        areas in the Agro sector and        intends to transform these to         The major focus of all the
        other  key  sectors  of  the        become centres of excellence          modules under NEIP is to at
        economy.  These  small              and training.
                                                                                                       Continue on pg 7
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