P. 5
August, 2020 Page 5
National Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programme (NEIP)
Provision of Subsidized · Tanoah SME Hub ADRA
Workspace for Young Ghana
Entrepreneurs which will be · Smithtips Co. Ltd
resourced with business Kosmos Innovation Centre
development facilities, · Social Enterprise
meeting rooms, conference Ghana Challenges World
rooms, shared office space Wide UK
and other related service. · Ghana Entrepreneurs
In this project NEIP will Network Reach For
partner private sector Change
Mr. John Kumah ISpace Tony Elumelu
CEO - NEIP investors to set these ·
h e N a t i o n a l Business Incubator Hubs and Foundation
Entrepreneurship and Industrial parks for youth · Accra Digital Centre
TInnovation Programme owned businesses. There Busy Internet
(NEIP) exist to enable new some few Incubation hubs · A f r i c a S t a r t - u p
businesses to emerge and give across the country and there Academy Google Ghana
them the space to grow, to are some key stakeholders · G r o w t h M o s a i c
receive financing and business who have interest in Embassies/ Consulates
development services, to Business Incubation and · MTN Foundation
secure orders during the Innovative hubs. A few have · UMB Bank
critical formative years, and been listed in the table These workspaces will serve
to tap into a wide supply chain below. as the Nucleus for the
and network for their growth All these and more would be development of the Incubator
years, helping to create jobs engaged as we set up the Hubs as well as the Business
at a widely distributed biggest Workspace for Accelerators.
national level. budding businesses in Accra
Business Competition &
NEIP is set within the context and the other regional
B u s i n e s s S u p p o r t
o f G h a n a ' s l o n g - t e r m capitals
Programme(Module 2)
s t r a t e g i c v i s i o n o f Num Entrepreneurship
Programme Overview
consolidating it middle-income Hubs Institutional Support
· The NEIP Enterprise
status, building an industry- (Grants)
Programme is a 1 year fully
driven economy capable of · Tedx Accra Engine
c o m p r e h e n s i v e
providing decent jobs that are (Technoserve Ghana)
e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
suitable and sustainable for · Impact Hub Accra
development. For NEIP to British Council
· The programme is
achieve it set objectives, · Kumasi Hive Total
designed to support &
NEIP will run on four (4) Key Petroleum
stimulate the growth of
Implementation modules. · Hapaspace Adum
Ghana's most promising
N E I P I n c u b a t i o n & entrepreneurs on their
· Ace Innovative Hub
Acceleration Programme enterprise journey
Kumasi & BA USAID
(Module 1) · 7000 youth will be
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