P. 1
Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises
Issue No. 61 Free Copy August, 2020
L i m i t e d . H e i s a entrepreneurship to other
certificated Professional unemployed Ghanaians.
Educationist with twenty-
Progress to date /
three (23) years teaching
achievements of ASCL are:
experience from 1983 –
· Supplier of its honey
2006 and ten (10) years'
branded as Alpha
experience in beekeeping
Tropical Honey to
business. He started the
reputable supermarkets
beekeeping and honey
in Ghana such as;
production business in
· S h o p r i t e G h a n a
2005. He has persisted
Mr. Samuel Wede despite the difficult
Managing Director · All Shell Convenience
Alpha Samuelson Co. Ltd. conditions regarding
lpha Samuelson Shops in Accra / Tema
Ghanaians accepting local
Company Limited Metropolis,
Issue No. 20 honey.
A( A S C L ) , w a s · Game Supermarket
Today, he has markets for
registered as a business chain (6 stores),
locally produced organic
entity in 2002 to undertake · Relish Health Shop,
honey in Europe and
an integrated farming Osu – Accra
America. His international
venture. This involves · Marina Mall
exposure is epitomised in
beekeeping as its main · B a t s o n a T o t a l
most of the experiences
focus and other auxiliary Station.
m e n t i o n e d a s s o m e
ventures like vegetable · An exporter of Alpha
significant achievements
production that includes Natural Honey to
of ASCL, then as ASE
sunflower and moringa Canada in 2010 and
( A l p h a S a m u e l s o n
cultivation as well as snail W o r c e s t e r ,
Enterprise). His teaching
and rabbits rearing, Massachusetts, USA in
e x p e r i e n c e a n d
September 2014.
Mr. Samuel Korblah Wede entrepreneurship ability
is the Founder and will be brought to bear in In addition to its retail
Managing Director of Alpha this elaborate project of success ASCL has had
S a m u e l s o n C o m p a n y imparting knowledge and significant international
Continue on pg 2
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