Page 19 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
P. 19

               Buil     i dinng  W Whhat’s    ext   f for Nurssing                    Nursing..                             by the
                                       ’s Nex
                     E Enngaging, E Embr a  n i cing and E Emmp o we  n i
                               g n i g a g ngaging,
                                                     mpo rerriinngg
                                       r bracing
                         f for  G Grre a  e ter Res  e i l i esil li ie ence  es tlttss  Cover Story:  Growth and Development
                                                ce &Res
                                e reate
                     M a y 20, 2022 a  t the Signa   ture G  and                  Are the Keys to Retaining
                                                        e r
                      in Da vie , F lorida or via liv e webc ast                
                                                                                  Specialized Nurses
                                                                                  Continued from page 1                four years and then a mother-baby unit
                                                                                  delivery of care methodologies. This will   for 5+ years before applying to our RN
                                                                                  help us reap the greatest benefits for   Fellowship for Oncology nursing.
                                                                                  patients while helping satisfy frontline   Chastity was hired and serves as an
                                                                                  nurses and leaders, now and in the   Oncology nurse at the Memorial Cancer
                                                                                  future.                              Institute Outpatient Infusion Center at
                                                                                                                       Memorial Regional Hospital. She delivers
                                                                                  Growing Our Own                      compassionate and highly skilled care to
                                                                                    I believe the catalyst for positive   our patients who require chemotherapy
                                                                                  impact must start by focusing on     and other infusions. Like Chastity, all the
                                                                                  employee development. Growth and     nurses in the fellowship program have
                                                                                  advancement are key to attracting,   unique career paths, abilities, and per-
                                                         a review of the
                Join the Nursing Consortium of Florida for a                      retaining, nurturing, and positioning   spectives to share.
                                                         ext for nursing;
                strategies being adopted to build what’s ne                       RNs to succeed in difficult to recruit
                                                                                  nursing positions. Last year, Memorial   Residency Options
                                                         s. Learn about
                more resilient and higher performing teams
                                                                                  Healthcare System created an RN       In addition to the fellowship program,
                new onboarding experiences, reconfigured
                                                         d nurse teams,
                                                                                  Fellowship Program – a formalized pro-  Memorial also offers an RN Residency
                evolving leadership roles, and more.                In a          fessional development opportunity and   program for graduated registered nurses
                                                         addition to the
                keynote presentations the agenda will     include three           retention incentive for RNs desiring a   who want to continue developing their
                moderated panel presentations by leaders  implementing            transition into specialty practice.    nursing skills and later specialize in a
                initiatives  to  move  their  organizations  towards  what’s        Our initial offering in the nursing fel-  clinical area through the fellowship. Both
                                                                                  lowship included three high demand   nurse residency and fellowship programs
                next for nursing.  The panel topics will be:
                                                                                  specialties: critical care, emergency serv-  focus on leadership, patient outcomes,

                                                                             ‡7KH 1HZ 2QERDUGLQJ ([SHULHQFH; Realities and   ices, and oncology. The immense   and professional roles that will enable

                   Road Map for an Engaged Nursing Workforce.                     response from many nurses confirmed   nurses to have fulfilling careers. Our
                                                                                  we were on the right path. We discovered   nurses utilize their skills at six hospitals,

                                                                   ‡,QQRYDWLRQV DW :RUN; Building for Resilience and

                                                                                  common ground where participants had   each offering diverse learning opportuni-
                   Performance.                                                   a strong desire to learn a new specialty   ties that actively contribute to the deliv-

                                                                                              ‡7KH &DOO WR 1XUVLQJ /HDGHUVKLS DQG 6XSSRUW;   and develop their abilities.   ery of the patient and family-centered

                   Bringing the future into focus now.                              Today, the fellowship has grown to   care that has been a critical part of our
                                                                                  include 13 specialty practice areas,   success.
                All registered attendees can look forward to a first-class        including NICU, PICU, adult and pedi-  Our profession faces many challenges,
                conference experience.  Contact hours will be awarded.            atric cardiovascular procedural areas,   and many more will come. We must con-
                                                                                  interventional radiology, surgical servic-  tinue to innovate, focus on meeting the
                Don’t miss this exceptional learning and networking               es, and family birthplace specialties. Our   needs of caregivers, and proactively
                opportunity!  For more information and to register                nurse residents are introduced to the   inspire the current and future generation
                please go to: KWWSV   ZZZ QXUVLQJFRQVRUWLXP XV                    program as a formal career pathway dur-  of healers. If we do this together, we can
                                                                                  ing their professional development semi-  transform nursing and continue to
                                                                                  nar and are eligible to apply once they   appropriately care for our communities
                                                                                  have graduated and completed their first   in the years to come.
                                                                                  year of practice.
                                                                                    Nurses come into the RN Fellowship     Maggie Hansen is senior vice president
                                             Af  ternoon Keynote Speaker
                Morning Keynote Speaker
                                                                                  program with a wide range of experi-         and chief nursing executive at the
                                                                                  ences that contribute to their success and   Hollywood-based Memorial Healthcare
                                                                                  that of the program. A prime example of   System (, one of the largest
                                                                                  this is Chastity Bartram, one of our very   public healthcare systems in the U.S. and a
                                                                                  first RN Fellowship cohort nurses, whom   national leader in quality care and patient,
                                                                                  I had the privilege to connect with       physician, and employee satisfaction.
                                                                                  recently. Chastity has been a nurse for 10    She currently chairs the State of
                                                                                  years. She worked on a stepdown unit for            Florida’s Nursing Board.
                    Ramón L  v a  ander  ,  o     R ich Bluni, RN
                    RN MA MSN FAARN, MA, MSN, F AAN AN   Author of thA  th  f the  I  Inspir  d ed
                    S enior Dir ec t or o of      Nurse  and Speak er
                    C ommunica tion ns and        Hur on
                    Str  t a  egic Alliances c
                    Americ an A ssociation a
                    of C ritic al- C ar e Nurses
                                                     Presenting Sponsor
         34                       May 2022                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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