Page 21 - Cannabis News Florida May 2022
P. 21

                                                                                                                           by the

                                                                                  Cover Story: UM School of Nursing

                                                                                  and Health Studies Celebrates

                                                                                  Alumnus David Zambrana

                                                                                  Continued from page 1                has been full circle for me because it has
               Nurses, we                                                         my role as molding people into what I   given me the opportunity to advocate
                                                                                  think they should be, but instead sup-
                                                                                                                       support for our teams in unique and dif-
                                                                                  porting them to mold themselves to the
                                                                                  strongest, smartest, and most honest ver-  ferent ways.”
                                                                                                                        The pandemic only strengthened
                                                                                  sions of themselves,” said Zambrana.
                                                                                                                       Zambrana’s commitment to those teams
               salute you!                                                        crucible that forces students and profes-  and the communities they serve. He
                                                                                    He described UM as “a challenging
                                                                                                                       identified being authentic, courageous,
                                                                                  sors alike to think differently about
                                                                                  learning. The School of Nursing and   and loving as “three ways I choose and
                                                                                                                       strive to be the version of David who’s a
                                                                                  Health Studies in particular approaches   mentor and partner to colleagues, a ser-
               Thanks to your care and efforts,                                   the discipline of caregiving through the   vant leader to institutions, an hombre de
                                                                                  lens of developing leaders who will   bien, as my mother urged me to
               our patients can Age Well.                                         transform the lives of others and in so   become.”
                                                                                  doing transform the world. I am not the   The first characteristic, authenticity,
                                                                                  same person I was before stepping foot   builds trust and connection, he
                                                                                  on this campus, and that’s very much the   explained, “both of which are the basis
                                                                                  point of this kind of education.”    for successful personal and professional
               Conviva recognizes and celebrates                                    Nurse anesthesia student Kaylene   relationships,” while love is “the birth-
                                                                                  Baugh introduced Zambrana, who also   place of compassion, patience, and toler-
               our talented, dedicated nurses across                              holds a master’s degree in business   ance, especially in health care. Our suc-
                                                                                  administration from another institution,   cess depends often upon the ability to
               South Florida. Your hard work and your                             as “a man of service, a man of valor, a   commit ourselves to someone else’s out-
                                                                                  leader who has an understanding and   come. That could be a patient’s physical
               dedication is essential to our patients’                           appreciation for paying it forward.”    recovery, in some cases their mortality, a
                                                                                    “It is surreal for me to stand as an hon-  subordinate’s expanding capacity, or a
               health. We’re grateful for the care and                            oree of this distinction before so many   peer’s interpersonal growth.”
                                                                                  people I so deeply admire, Zambrana   Of course, concluded Zambrana,
               compassion you provide to our patients,                            responded, going on to thank each of the   “These concepts of leadership are a bell
                                                                                  many colleagues, mentors, educators,   unrung without the disciplined setting
               their families and the community.                                  and family members who have supported   and tracking of goals and the accounta-
                                                                                  him along his personal and professional   bility to meet them. But these three ideas
                                                                                  journey, including current bosses at   are for me the forces that make it possi-
               Thank you!
                                                                                  Jackson, CEO Carlos Migoya and presi-  ble for teams to unite and individuals to
                                                                                  dent Don Steigman, both of whom were   be empowered. It’s about expecting the
                                                                                  in attendance.                       best in people, not by focusing only on
                                                                                    “I started at Jackson Memorial     the individual’s results and outcomes,
                                                                                  Hospital as a staff nurse 32 years ago,   but instead seeing each other and recog-
                                                                                  and it’s there that I learned the power   nizing our shared commitment to our
                                                                                  nurses have to impact the lives of their   mutual success.”
                                                                                  patients and their families by solely the   The School of Nursing and Health
                                                                                  manner in which they care for them,”   Studies is proud of Dr. Zambrana’s
                                                                                  said Zambrana. “Returning to Jackson   accomplishments.

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