Page 34 - SFHN March 2021
P. 34


                 South Florida's
                    Monthly                    Holy Cross Health, CITY Furniture Team Up to Deliver
             Healthcare Newspaper

                                                   Haven for COVID-Stressed Healthcare Colleagues
                   PO Box 812708
              Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
               Phone: (561) 368-6950           Holy Cross Health’s healthcare heroes

                                             have a new haven for well-deserved relief
                                             and relaxation with an upgrade of the
                     Website:                hospital’s central Mercy Courtyard and a

                                             new Resiliency Garden. With support

                                             from CITY Furniture, the project is now
                   CHARLES FELIX             open, giving the hospital’s team respite
                   CAROL FELIX               from a healthcare environment that has
                     Publishers              never been more challenging and stress-
                  NANCY LAMMIE                 CITY Furniture donated comfortable
                      Editor                 new outdoor furniture that’s in place in
                                             Holy Cross Health’s central Mercy
                   JUDY GRAMM                Courtyard for fresh-air breaks by staff.   Holy Cross Health’s healthcare heroes   CITY Furniture donated furniture for the
             Editorial Manager & Webmaster   The hospital has just finished transform-  have a new haven for well-deserved relief   newly completed Serenity Room
                                             ing a portion of the courtyard for the new
                   JMC GRAPHICS              Resiliency Garden, with butterfly-attract-  and relaxation with an upgrade of the    At Holy Cross Health, including executive
                   Art/Production                                                    hospital’s central Mercy Courtyard    massage chairs and recliners to help
                ing plants, basketball hoops and a bean-  and a new Resiliency Garden.          healthcare team members
                   412-877-5321              bag toss game. A canvas sail will soon                                          decompress and re-connect.
                                             shade areas of the garden. The Resiliency
              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS           Garden design maximizes the Mercy Courtyard’s potential and recognizes the need
                   Daniel Casciato           for social distancing and outdoor space usable in varied weather conditions.
                                               Creating an inviting “getaway” and encouraging colleagues to take breaks out-
                   Barbara Fallon
                    Vanessa Orr              doors, the project is a timely response to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
                   Lois Thomson              Inside the hospital, CITY Furniture has donated furniture for the newly completed
                                             Serenity Room, including executive massage chairs and recliners to help health-
                                             care team members decompress and re-connect.
                                               “Holy Cross Health is beyond grateful for the thoughtfulness and generosity of
              LOOK FOR OUR                   CITY Furniture,” said Mark Doyle, the hospital’s president and CEO. “The new
                                             outdoor furniture is a welcome addition to our Mercy Courtyard that’s already
                NEXT ISSUE                   making colleagues’ break times more comfortable and allowing them to resume
                   IN APRIL                  patient care energized.”
                                               CITY Furniture’s donation of furnishings for the courtyard and Serenity Room
                                             is the latest commitment in its long-term support of Holy Cross Health. The com-  CITY Furniture’s donation of furnishings
                 TO REACH US                 pany and its owners, the Koenig family, have donated more than $1 million to the
                                                                                                                        for the courtyard and Serenity Room
                      FOR                    hospital in recent years. CITY Furniture CEO Keith Koenig serves on the Holy   is the latest commitment in its long-term
                                             Cross Board of Directors, and his late wife Doreen, who died of breast cancer in
                 ADVERTISING                                                                                               support of Holy Cross Health.
                                             2015, was a leader in making major initiatives including the Holy Cross Women’s
                OR EDITORIAL                 Center a reality.
                Call (561) 368-6950            “It’s so important for staff, nurses and doctors to have spaces where they can relax and recharge,” said CITY Furniture President
                                             Andrew Koenig. “We know from our own family’s experience that the Holy Cross Health team delivers remarkable patient care.
                     or e-mail
                                             We’re inspired by these professionals every day and glad to lend our support,” he added.

                                                                Bethesda Heart Hospital Completes

                  One Year $40                                        Advanced Endovascular Suite
                 Two Years $60
                                                 Bethesda Heart Hospital’s new advanced hybrid endovascular suite features state-of-the-art technology that will benefit
                 Three Years $75               patients with speedier, more precise care when facing complex cardiac and vascular conditions.
                                                 Bethesda Heart Hospital, located on the campus of Bethesda Hospital East, a part of Baptist Health South Florida, is now the
                   To subscribe,               first in Palm Beach County — and one of few in the nation — to feature the highly sophisticated Azurion with FlexArm imaging
                                               system by Philips. The suite also includes the first commercial release of Philips Xper3 information management system for
               call (561) 368-6950
                                               physio-monitoring, reporting, inventory and data management.
               or subscribe online at            Azurion with FlexArm represents a significant advancement because it allows unprecedented image quality from a wide vari-
        ety of angles, using a pivoting C-arm and gantry suspended from the ceiling. The FlexArm rotates on no less than eight axes
                   ____________                to create virtually unlimited imaging options from head to toe for both two- and three-dimensional visualizations. That flexi-
                                               bility frees up medical teams to choose the best working position without the need to reposition the patient or adjust the oper-

                                               ating table, important safety and time considerations.
               All rights reserved. Reproduction
               in whole or part without written    Image-guided therapy, in which treatment is performed through a small incision and guided by imaging technology, is
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2020.  increasingly replacing open surgery for the treatment of many diseases. Patients experience less trauma and, as a result, their
                                               hospital stay can be dramatically reduced. They often return home after one night in the hospital, and may even leave the hos-
                                               pital on the same day.
                                                 Correspondingly, the procedures are also becoming more complex, requiring more physicians from different disciplines to be
              Don’t forget to include          at the patient’s tableside, working together in a highly coordinated way. Clinicians need to be able to quickly and easily visualize
                                               critical anatomy and identify changes to the patient during procedures.
          South Florida Hospital News            The new suite can seamlessly accommodate both minimally invasive procedures and traditional open surgery, allowing cli-
              & Healthcare Report              nicians to pivot in their surgical planning when necessary.
                                                 The new advanced endovascular suite will be used for more complex procedures such as transcatheter aortic valve replace-
             in your Marketing Plans           ments (TAVR), mitral valve clip repairs, left atrial appendage occlusion surgeries and thoracic aneurysm repairs.
         Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

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