Page 36 - SFHN March 2021
P. 36

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            A message from our President                                                                In a recent report by Paul Keckley, he said that “Per
                                                                                                      Chartis, 453 rural hospitals are in danger of closing and
                                                                                                      most (77%) have 33 days or less of cash on hand. Per
                           How Can Summer                                                             Deloitte, by 2030, revenue from inpatient services will
                                                                                                      decline by 35% and demand for inpatient beds will shrink
                            Already Be Here!                                                          by 44%.” The way we used to run hospitals worked well in
                                                                                                      the past but today, maybe not.
                                                                                                        What this says is that hospitals are going to need to
             I was out working in the yard last week and you wouldn’t know that it was still          change and innovate or risk becoming a statistic. Fiscal
           mid-February. I remember when we first moved down to South Florida in the                  pressures will continue with the federal deficits and state
           early 90’s and you could depend on having nice weather almost to May … not so              budget downsizing. Even with the cost cutting that hospi-
           much now. If it isn’t global warming, then what is it? P.S., not “global warming”   Jaime Caldwell  tals have done over the last ten years, it isn’t enough. A
           is also responsible for the early onset of pollen season. Look at your driveway and        new paradigm is emerging. Revenue constraints, the rise
           your cars, it is already here.                                         of the consumer, the aging of the healthcare workforce, the perfect storm is on the
             The pandemic has caused many of us to think about the way things used to be.   horizon.
           Schools, clubs, pick-up basketball games, movies, and healthcare, will they ever be   With all these challenges, forward-looking healthcare systems will survive and
           the same? Will I ever get to go to Disneyworld and not wear a mask from this point   do well. They will invest in their most valuable resource, their employees, and
           forward? Return to Napa and enjoy tasting rooms without worrying that I might   fashion responses to these challenges. The responses will be price transparency
           become infected? Have we also seen the last days for hospitals operating from   that has meaning, governance that brings in the best and the brightest to add value
           processes they started in the 1960’s?                                  to the leadership team, and a keen focus on ensuring that there is an ample supply
             Hospital operating margins had declined by 96 percent through June of 2020 as   of providers (physicians, nurses, and techs) to stabilize labor costs and ensure
           reported by Kaufman Hall. Operating margins declined to 0.3 percent by the end   access.
           of 2020 and that result was only made better by the infusion of cash from the   While the pandemic exacerbated the process, the innovative culture that has
           CARES Act funding. With that added cash, operating margins were still only 2.7   been fostered by technology, that challenges the old norms, is hard at work. What
           percent. As I shared many months ago, the plight of rural hospitals wasn’t good   we are seeing is the death of an old paradigm and the birth of a new one. A new
           then. Some forecasters several years ago were saying that a significant portion of   paradigm is created where everyone along the continuum of care has some input
           rural hospitals would slowly disappear. You just need to look at Becker’s and you   into the care being delivered to every patient. The days of silos in the provision of
           can see that happening … hospitals becoming urgent care centers and the distance   care and the recordkeeping associated with that care are over. Integration will be
           that rural American’s have to travel to get care for a critical health situation is   an important and necessary part of this new paradigm.
           increasing dramatically.

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