Page 35 - SFHN March 2021
P. 35


                                                 Danto Builders' Owners Do It All

                         BY LOIS THOMSON                                                         same attention. She mentioned a younger couple they helped –
                                                                                                 both of whom were doctors who wanted to buy real estate and
          With more than four decades of experience in the construc-                             open their own medical office. "That's smart, because that's their
        tion business, Craig Danto and his wife Debbie have devel-                               nest egg – they eventually will retire but will still have this real
        oped a firm that is capable of handling most projects in the                             estate. But it's very challenging because the bank wants plans and
        design build field. Debbie Danto explained that her husband                              budgets before they approve the loan. So we had to help them
        is a fourth-generation builder who came to South Florida well                            expedite plans and they had to put money down for plans even
        over 40 years ago, and has done every type of construction                               before they knew they were going to get the loan. That's a tough
        imaginable.                                                                              situation."
          "We're a design build firm," she said, "which means we love                              She mentioned trends that are currently taking place in the
        to take a client from concept through completion, and even                               industry, saying that more facilities are focusing on telemedicine
        beyond that, because of other services we offer. We are able to                          than on brick-and-mortar, especially since COVID came on the
        start with the client with a complete design build team so                               scene. However, she added that hospitals do not want to feel ster-
        everyone understands the project – their vision, their goals,                            ile, but rather feel more like a hotel. "That's great for us, because
        their budget; even tax incentives, and how to maximize those                             our strongest background is probably in hospitality – hotels and
        to give a better ROI. So there really are benefits to starting                           restaurants. So we are able to bring that into hospitals and make
        with the design build team up front, and then working with   Debbie and Craig Danto      them feel comfortable; that's been an ongoing trend and I'm sure
        the client all the way through construction."                PHOTO CREDIT: JASON LEIDY,    it will continue. An ongoing focus, especially with COVID, is
          Danto said she and her husband have always included med-  MIDDLE RIVER ARTS PHOTOGRAPHY  maintaining safety in hospitals with cleaner air, which is also part
        ical facilities as part of their business, but they really started                       of what we do."
        focusing on that after the downturn of the market. Before that they were building a   Danto believes that their Midwest backgrounds enhance the quality of their serv-
        lot of custom homes and multi-family developments, but when the market dropped,   ice. "Craig is from Michigan and I'm from Ohio, and we both are very down-to-earth
        they realized they would be wise to diversify.                           and ethical. We're hardworking, and we take a personal interest in clients. If it's not
          "We said we need to focus more on the healthcare industry, and with aging baby   a big job, it doesn't matter, we're going to treat it the same and with the same urgency,
        boomers and the increasing older population here, we knew that was a good segment   because we know that's (the small customer's) livelihood."
        of the market to focus on. We design and/or build medical office buildings, and build   Danto said all of this works well because she and her husband are partners/owners.
        out separate medical offices like ear, nose, throat; MRI centers; primary physician;   "He was born and raised in the business and has tremendous construction and engi-
        dental offices; patient rooms; and miscellaneous medical offices." They have also   neering knowledge. I come from the business side, so I oversee operations and
        completed renovations for Broward Health and Holy Cross over the last decade.   administrative processes; and we're both in business development." She said they also
          Danto pointed out that Danto Builders is a woman-owned business, which has   care about the community, serving on boards and being engaged in various activities
        enhanced its growth. The changeover was made four years ago when she was in a   such as holding fundraisers for Special Olympics, and now helping young people
        meeting with Broward Health and they explained their diversity program. "I under-  learn about the trades and helping to get them enrolled into a certification program.
        stood the competitive advantage of being woman-owned, so I got my GC license and   "Craig and I are very involved with our clients and community. We are thankful to
        we made that transition. We're a WBENC firm, which is a national woman-owned   our team and colleagues for helping us make everything happen."
        business designation. We made that transition so that we could be more competitive
        with hospitals like Broward Health, and we are an approved woman-owned contrac-                               For more information, call (954) 229-2006
        tor for them."                                                                                                         or visit
          Danto emphasized that whether a project is large or small, each one is given the

           The Anderson Family Cancer Institute at Jupiter Medical Center, Marking

                a New Era of Cancer Care from the Treasure Coast to South Florida

          Jupiter Medical Center has long been                                              demic medical center.     because it allows Jupiter Medical Center
        the region’s leader in cancer treatment,                                             With 31 private infusion   to further build its medical oncology
        providing world-class cancer care for                                               rooms, patients can receive   division, complementing a growing team
        more than 35 years. However, with the                                               chemotherapy and other    of renowned surgical oncologists and
        recent opening of the iconic healthcare                                             types of infusions in a calm-  radiation oncologists.
        facility’s  new   55,000-square-foot                                                ing environment outfitted   This exceptional team includes Dr.
        Anderson Family Cancer Institute,                                                   with specialized chairs to   Debra Brandt, Director of Medical
        Jupiter Medical Center’s new era of early                                           maximize comfort.         Oncology. A board-certified, fellowship-
        detection, diagnostics and treatment sets                                            Features at the Institute   trained, hematologist/oncologist, Dr.
        the bar to which hospitals across the                                               designed to enhance patient   Brandt will be expanding the oncology
        nation aspire.                                                                      and family comfort and sup-  clinical trials program, offering patients a
          The facility is state of the art, bringing                                        port include:             broader range ot treatment options.
        together   multidisciplinary  cancer                                                 • A healing garden for   Local clinical trials allow participation in
        experts, the most sophisticated treat-  den of a cancer diagnosis, versus the       patients and family to gather   state-of-the-art research about cancer or
        ments in the field and unique amenities   logistics of having to travel to multiple   and visit               hematologic disorders without having to
        designed for patient and family comfort   locations over the course of sometimes   •  A  45-seat  auditorium  for  travel long distances.
        and healing. The Anderson Family     weeks potentially delaying their care.    physician/patient educational events    Prior to joining Jupiter Medical Cen -
        Cancer Institute enables patients to visit   The institute also holds Jupiter    Meraki Juice Café with outdoor seat-  ter, Dr. Brandt was Assistant Professor of
        one place for physician appointments,   Medical Center’s cutting-edge radiation   ing                         Clinical Medicine at Smilow Cancer
        lab work, radiation therapy, chemothera-  technology, including a TrueBeam™   • A 2,000-gallon saltwater aquarium   Hospital in Yale, Connecticut, and served
        py, infusions and support services.    Radiotherapy System, which precisely   filled with salt water tropical fish to aid   as Medical Director of the Torrington
          Virtually all services at the center are   target and destroys cancer cells while   relaxation              Care Center in the Yale New Haven
        integrated into one location, allowing   preserving  healthy  tissue,  the  • A Patient Resource Center equipped   Health System. Her distinctions include
        patients to see multiple oncology special-  CyberKnife®  M6™    Robotic   with computer stations              multiple “Top Doctor” awards, and a Yale
        ists and support team all in the same day,   Radiosurgery System, which treats   • Publix Pharmacy for easy access to   Cancer Center Award for Clinical
        and receive a comprehensive treatment   tumors nonsurgically and Electron Beam   filling prescriptions        Excellence.
        plan so they know what to expect from   Intraoperative Therapy (e-IORT), which   • And a boutique and lab will be com-
        diagnosis through survivorship. This is a   reduces the number of radiation treat-  ing soon                         For more information about Jupiter
        remarkable concept for patients and   ments for breast cancer patients. This   The Anderson Family Cancer Institute   Medical Center, please call (561) 263-2234
        their families who already carry the bur-  technology rivals that of any major aca-  also marks a transformative point    or visit

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