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         Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight

         Continued from page 56              fied to treat children. I am told I have   How can people in Florida       ing an appropriate, personalized treat-
        fying to hear so many patients express   treated more children in Florida with   benefit from the company     ment plan for each patient.
        optimism at their initial appointment,   medical cannabis than any other physi-  you represent?
        after years of suffering; and then at fol-  cian, and I am among the top five in the   Wholistic ReLeaf brings a unique per-  Are you personally a
        low-up appointments see how much     nation. I am also frequently asked to do   spective and knowledge base to patients   MJ card holder?
        progress most of them have made (often   educational consultations with patients   and their families. Unlike most doctors   Yes, I was diagnosed with a pancreatic
        with a reduction of their pharmaceuti-  from across the United States and inter-  in the medical cannabis field, I came to   neuroendocrine tumor just before
        cals).                               nationally.                          this work with decades of experience   Florida legalized cannabis for medical
          I have become quite experienced in   In my experience, most doctors are   treating patients with natural remedies. I   use.
        “medication management” for people   uncomfortable with the thought of giv-  have always been a physician who thinks
        whose cannabis treatments have not been   ing cannabis to children; as a wholistic   outside the box and works with patients   Do you see Florida moving
        optimized, including those based on rec-  pediatrician, I am confident in the safety   to creatively solve problems based on   forward with recreational
        ommendations made by other certifying   and efficiency of using cannabis as a   their individual circumstances.    Marijuana/cannabis and how
        physicians. We can usually guide such   medical treatment for children, especial-  Our clinic utilizes an advanced patient   will that affect your business?
        patients toward a better outcome. On so   ly compared to the other drugs often pre-  portal and intake system, has developed   I see the country heading in this direc-
        many levels, working in the medical   scribed to pediatric patients with chronic   streamlined office processes, and offers a   tion. If Florida decides to tax recreational
        cannabis field is incredibly rewarding.    conditions. When used appropriately,   kind, caring team of staff and physicians.   use while maintaining tax-free status for
                                             THC can be life-changing for a child; and   This approach enables us to provide a   products purchased through medical cer-
                                             when the child improves, it can bring   pleasurable and informative experience   tification, medical cannabis patients will
        What field are you in within         profound relief with lowered stress and   for our patients and their families. I per-  likely pay less and be given more options
        the cannabis space?                  increased confidence, for the caretaking   sonally train all physicians who work for   than what will be available through
          Although I specialize in pediatric med-  family. We educate patients and families   Wholistic ReLeaf, so patients can be   recreational dispensaries. This has been
        ical cannabis, I am also very experienced   how to utilize as little THC as possible.   assured they will get a similar, compre-  the case in many other states who legal-
        working with adult patients. As a pedia-  Used in conjunction with CBD, the CBD   hensive experience whether they see me   ized medical cannabis followed by recre-
        trician, I am one of only a few certifying   can lower or even totally block the psy-  or one of my colleagues.   ational legalization. When this happens,
        physicians in Florida who is truly quali-  choactive effects of the THC.                                      some adults will inevitably choose to
                                                                                  How did you get started within      forgo the medical cannabis system and,
                                                                                  the cannabis industry?              instead, attempt to “self treat.” Since
                                                                                   The moment medical cannabis was    cannabis will never be recreationally
                                                                                  presented as a potential constitutional   legal for children, there will always be a
                                                                                  amendment, I intuitively knew I needed   portion of the population who must get
                                                                                  to step forward as a leader in the field. I   certified through a qualified physician.
                                                                                  am thankful the State of Florida has   As a pediatrician, I am particularly grate-
                                                                                  given us a good system to work within,   ful I will be able to continue helping chil-
                                                                                  where doctors and patients --- not the   dren in need, even if cannabis becomes
                                                                                  government --- are in control of develop-  recreationally legal for adults.

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