P. 56

Brief Review of the Effects                                    CANNABIS
                                                                of Recreational Marijuana
                                                                Legislation on Academic                                        BUSINESS
                                                                Student Performance,
                                                                Crime and Driving                                              DIRECTORY

                                                                Accidents                                                                      page  50
                                                                                                page 53

                                         May 2021

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year


                Medical Marijuana Recommendations Made Easy

                 BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                          “At DocMJ, we are proud to offer patients
                                                                           world-class care at an affordable price,” says
          Founded in 2016, DocMJ has more than 45                          Rothman. “We allow our patients to select from
        doctors in 29 locations throughout Florida.                        one of two payments options: paid in full or in
        DocMJ is Florida’s largest and most experi-                        easy monthly payments.”
        enced medical cannabis physician’s practice.                         Both payment plans include renewals every 70
          “We have proudly performed well over                             days, up to the State maximum of 7 months, and
        175,000 patient visits,” says Jackie Rothman,                      are all-inclusive and have no hidden fees.
        Chief Operating Officer for the Florida-based                        “We offer a money-back guarantee if the            Dr. Michelle Weiner
        practice. “At DocMJ, we strive to provide                          patient does not receive a recommendation, as
        patients with compassionate care, direct                           well as discounts for veterans, first responders,
        access to medical cannabis recommendations                         industry workers and pediatric patients,” she    Prescription
        and an all around complete health and well-                        says. “In addition, we have more locations and
        ness experience.”                                                  more doctors than any practice in the state, so   for Exercise
          DocMJ started as a small group of physi-    Jackie Rothman       we are able to offer convenient appointments,
        cians who saw the need for patients to have                        including same day, early morning, late night and
        compassionate, affordable, direct patient access to medical   weekend appointments at many locations. Our physicians are   BY MICHELLE WEINER, DO, MPH
        cannabis.                                              backed by a large and knowledgeable staff, available 6 days a
          While there are other similar practices that offer patient eval-  week, to answer questions and provide support as our patients   Have you ever wondered why you feel
        uations for medical marijuana, DocMJ distinguishes itself by   seek the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis.”   so alive after exercising? Researchers
        being the largest group of cannabis doctors, with a diverse vari-  “Medical cannabis can help many patients with a variety of   have been trying to account for the anal-
        ety of specialties. This allows them to address each individual   health conditions and associated symptoms,” says Rothman.   gesic and euphoric mental states pro-
        patient’s conditions and needs.                                                                               duced during exercise. Initially, it was
                                                                                                  Continued on page 55  thought that alterations in the cate-
                                                                                                                      cholamines adrenaline (epinephrine) and
                                                                                                                      noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and
                               Cannabis Spotlight                                                                     endogenous opioid released during exer-
                                                                                                                      cise induces physiological and psycho-
                                                                                                                      logical changes. The endorphin hypothe-
                                                                                                                      sis alone may not be the only mechanism.
        David Berger, M.D., FAAP                                            with western medicine, I was confident med-  Exercise induces changes in mental
                                                                            ical cannabis would be a valuable treatment
        Wholistic ReLeaf                                                    resource for many patients.               status, including analgesia, sedation,
                                                                                                                      anxiolysis, and a sense of wellbeing.
                                                                              In 2016, after Florida voters overwhelmingly   Recent findings show that exercise
        What benefits do you see for                                        approved adding access to medical cannabis   increases serum concentrations of endo-
        patients throughout Florida within                                  into the state constitution, I launched   cannabinoids, suggesting a possible
        this space?                                                         Wholistic ReLeaf, a division of my primary   explanation for a number of these
          As a wholistic pediatrician who has worked                        medical practice, Wholistic Pediatrics &   changes. We all have an endocannabi-
        with herbs as medicinal remedies for more than                      Family Care, which has been serving the   noid system; it is our master regulator.
        twenty-five years, I can unequivocally say med-                     greater Tampa Bay area and beyond since 2005.   We make endogenous cannabinoids on
        ical cannabis is the most beneficial and versa-                     The sole focus of Wholistic ReLeaf is to evalu-  demand (Anandamide and 2 AG); we
        tile natural treatment I have utilized in treating                  ate, certify, educate, and treat patients who   have cannabinoid receptors located
        patients. It is amazing one category of therapy                     meet the State of Florida’s legal requirements   throughout our central and peripheral
        can treat such a broad range of health condi-                       for receiving medical cannabis.           nervous system and enzymes that break
        tions. For example, medical cannabis can help   Dr. David Berger      My main motivation for working in the med-  our naturally occurring cannabinoids
        eliminate seizures, treat anxiety and depres-                       ical cannabis field is the ability it gives me to   down.
        sion, relieve chronic pain, and significantly reduce the core   help such a wide array of patients find successful treatments.   Research is underway to examine the
        symptoms of autism, such as violence, irritability, hyperactivity   Medical cannabis has very few side effects, especially compared   effect of exercise on both serum and cere-
        and insomnia … plus so much more. The medicinal applica-  to other medications, and any side effects that occur can usu-  brospinal fluid concentrations of endo-
        tions of cannabis are truly amazing.                   ally be minimized with proper education.               cannabinoids in exercising rats, while
                                                                 At Wholistic ReLeaf, we have a dedicated, full-time patient   also examining several associated alter-
        What motivates you to be a part                        educator on staff who meets with the patient/caregiver at the   ations of behaviors. Using trained male
        of the cannabis Industry?                              end of each appointment and is available at no charge through-  college students running on a treadmill
          I have dedicated my career to serving as a primary care physi-  out the 7-month certification. We have received incredible   or cycling on a stationary bike for 50
        cian for both children and adults, with expertise in treating   feedback and gratitude from our patients for including educa-  minutes at 70–80% of maximum heart
        patients with chronic conditions and special needs. Based on   tion in our certification procedures. It is critical to provide   rate, researchers found that exercise of
        my experience utilizing herbal medicines, often in conjunction   such comprehensive services to people in need. It is also grati-
                                                                                                  Continued on page 52                 Continued on page 54
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