P. 55

AROUND                            Medical & Business
                                                       TM                                                                       Florida’s Resource for
                                                                                                                               Cannabis Developments

                                                                                                                                  PO Box 812708
                                                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
         Back Cover Story: DocMJ: Medical Marijuana                                                                            Phone: (561) 368-6950

         Recommendations Made Easy                                                                                

                                                                                                                        CHARLES FELIX
         Continued from page 56                                                                                         CAROL FELIX
                                                               and contribute to their complete and total wellness,” says   Publishers
         “Pain, anxiety and difficulty sleeping are common conditions   Rothman.
         helped by MMJ. We believe there is an endless number of ways   Most recently, to meet its patients needs, DocMJ has started   NANCY LAMMIE
         people can benefit from medical cannabis. And that this, is just   offering online mental health counseling through “DocMJ-  JMC Graphics
         the beginning of their health and wellness journey.”   Cares.”                                                 Art/Production
          “One of the biggest misconceptions about cannabis is that   “We have expanded our services by adding convenient and
         the sole purpose of using it is to get “high,” notes Rothman.   affordable online mental health counseling,” adds Rothman.   JUDY GRAMM
         “While THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis   “Many of our patients suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD,   Editorial Manager
         does produce psychoactive effects, patients aren’t using it to get   and related mental health conditions. DocMJ-Cares is a part of
         “high”—they’re using it to get healthy and improve their over-  our growing effort to provide for our patient's complete well-  CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
         all quality of life,” she explains.                   ness.”                                                   Daniel Casciato • Barbara Fallon
                                                                                                                        Vanessa Orr •  Lois Thomson
          The company’s short term goal is to continue to expand its
         practice by providing compassionate, convenient, and afford-  To learn more about DocMJ or to make an appointment, visit   SUBSCRIPTIONS
         able medical care to patients who seek the benefits of medical   or call (888) 908-0143.   One Year - $45
         cannabis.                                                 You can also visit them on Facebook to talk with other patients,   Two Years - $70
          “Our long term goals are to continue to expand the services                      physicians or the support team.   Three Years - $85
         we offer to meet our patients individualized health care needs
                                                                                                                        To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
                                                                                                                        Or email:

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                Visit us on the web at                                                      In whole or part without written
                                                                                                                        permission is prohibited.
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