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                        Palm Beach Children’s Hospital Opens New Pediatric Unit

                                                                                                             Private patient room
                                    Interactive playroom
                                                                                 each patient room is equipped with a flat-screen TV and an X-Box for their enjoy-
           Business, community leaders and loyal supporters of the Palm Beach Children’s
        Hospital at St. Mary’s Medical Center recently gathered to celebrate the opening of the  ment. In addition, each room on this floor can be referred to as the “pearl” room, the
        hospital’s new pediatric medical/surgical unit – one of the county’s largest pediatric  “turtle” room or the “wave” room, to name a few, instead of being referred to by num-
        specialty care units. Hospital CEO Gabrielle Finley-Hazle cut the ceremonial ribbon,  bers. The pediatric medical/surgical unit was designed to provide a kid-friendly heal-
        along with physicians, board members and community leaders, and welcomed every-  ing environment for the entire family and is just one of the many floors in our 142-
        one to take the first look at the new pediatric floor.                   bed children’s hospital.
          The pediatric nurses and highly-trained Child Life Specialists played a large role in  Complementing the specialty services provided at our children’s hospital is the
        the design and planning of this unit thanks to their vast experience working with  Child Life program. Our team of Child Life specialists are developmental experts who
        pediatric patients and extensive knowledge of hospital visits from a child’s perspec-  provide support and advocacy for children and their families during their stay at the
        tive. This new floor features a dedicated stepdown unit for more specialized care, a  Palm Beach Children’s Hospital. These highly-trained specialists work to normalize
        large procedure room, family lounge and more spacious, private patient rooms. VIP  the hospital experience by providing daily activities, special events and helping chil-
        family suites complete with adjacent living rooms have been designed to help create  dren understand and cope with the treatment process. This support may start as early
        an intimate, comfortable setting for families as their child heals.      as the pediatric emergency room and continue throughout your child's hospital stay
          To help ease patients’ minds during their stay, there is an interactive playroom and  and discharge.

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