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Miraculous Materials
Coming care facilities is to provide lation is usually achieved sound but will not absorb pathogens,
The mission of health-
and are cleanable can provide the fan
through the use of heavy
next month in every patient with a place materials. An example of a noise reduction needed. These acoustical
of healing in order to
good sound isolator is a
treatments are even available for high
South Florida speed their return to well- thick concrete wall assem- efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtra-
ness. The acoustical envi-
bly. However, this wall
tion systems.
Hospital News ronment at the healthcare type is not always practi- Room acoustics for
cal or cost effective.
facility plays a large part in
and the efforts to achieve the Lightweight construction low reverberation
techniques using gypsum
goal of successful out-
The acoustics of a room can greatly
Healthcare comes. wall board (GWB) on affect the comfort and speech communi-
The acoustics of facili- steel studs are less costly cation of the occupants. Too much rever-
Report... ties can be described as but do not block sound as beration, or echoing of sound in the
three functional areas: 1) BY BENNETT BROOKS, effectively. Modern mate- room, will make speech difficult to
ensuring sufficient sound PE, FASA, INCE rials are now available to understand, particularly in larger spaces
isolation between spaces improve the performance such as meeting rooms and lobbies.
Annual Salute
to enhance sleep and pri- of GWB assemblies. Excess reverberation can also induce a
vacy, 2) reducing the intrusion of Sound and vibration damping glues and feeling of unease about the environment.
to Case Managers
Case Manager Profiles mechanical system noise, and 3) provid- sealants can be field applied between lay- Sound absorption materials on room sur-
ing low sound reverberation with proper ers of wall board to increase sound isola- faces can reduce reverberation, but large
Case Management acoustics within spaces for speech intel- tion. If space is at a premium, with areas of absorption are needed to be
Challenges ligibility and comfort. The first two func- designers fighting for every inch, then effective. Fortunately, many attractive
tions, sound isolation and mechanical high performance wall boards are avail- room finishes that efficiently absorb
and Achievements system noise, are usually treated with able with the damping material layer sound have been recently developed. All
National Breast Cancer material installations “behind the built in at the factory for a thinner board types of finish materials, including gyp-
scenes” and so would not be visually with similar sound isolation results. sum wall board, wood, plaster, metal and
Awareness Month- apparent to someone in the space. The even glass can be obtained that provide
Go Pink with third function, proper room acoustics Mechanical system noise excellent sound absorption. The appear-
within a space, is accomplished using The noise from mechanical systems ance of these finishes is limited only by
SFHN&HR the appropriate surface finish materials which provide essential heat, ventilation the designer’s imagination. These materi-
and so should be integrated into the and air conditioning (HVAC) must never als can put the finishing touches on a
Advances in Oncology visual design for the space. be allowed to interfere with the comfort room design that sounds as great as it
Treatment Many advances in medicine have come and speech communication of the occu- looks!
through the use of advanced materials. pants in the spaces they serve. HVAC Are these advanced building materials,
South Florida Oncology So too, modern building materials, only systems should be “felt and not heard”. which can provide superior acoustics in
Innovators recently developed and now available, Mechanical system design for quiet per- healthcare facilities, a modern miracle?
can be applied to the construction and formance focuses on isolating the mov- Perhaps, but they should now be in the
Eldercare Trends in maintenance of facilities to achieve the ing components of those systems, such tool box of every building designer and
South Florida acoustical goals which support a healing as air handler fans and refrigeration facilities manager. These materials will
environment. compressors, from the occupied portions help to create a better facility with posi-
For more information Sound Isolation of the building. Placing these system tive outcomes.
components as far as possible from
We welcome your thoughts on build-
on advertising and Sound generated in one area or space patients and caregivers is an important ing acoustics, and your efforts to create
editorial opportunities, must be adequately blocked from part of the initial design process. an environment of healing.
call (561) 368-6950 impacting the adjacent spaces. The Another key technique is to install duct-
today! sound of a patient room television must work which is lined with fiberglass or Bennett Brooks is President, Brooks
not awaken the patient in the next room. another sound absorbent material to Acoustics Corp. For more information, visit
The conversations between the patient, keep the delivered conditioned air quiet.
the family and the caregivers must also Newly available ducts with an encapsu- or call (754) 229-1450.
be blocked to ensure privacy. Sound iso- lated lining, which will efficiently absorb
34 September 2017 South Florida Hospital News