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Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades
Jupiter Medical Center Recognized Broward Health Coral
With “Most Wired Hospital” Award from Springs Announces June
Hospital and Health Networks DAISY Nurse
In recognition of its continued progress in expanding its digital footprint, Jupiter Broward Health Coral Springs is pleased to
Medical Center received the “Most Wired Hospital” award for the fourth consecutive announce that Avinash “Nash” Bhim, R.N. on 4
year. Presented by Hospital and Health Networks (H&HN), the award recognizes hos- West, has been recognized as the June DAISY
pitals that are making the most progress in the adoption of health information tech- Nurse. He is a new graduate nurse of only 6
nology (IT), resulting in lower readmission rates and a higher standard of patient months! What an accomplishment for someone
care. Jupiter Medical Center received the award based on its showing in the 19th so early on in their profession.
Annual Health Care’s Most Wired® survey, released by the American Hospital
Association’s (AHA) Health Forum.
The award, which measures the amount of IT integration in health care facilities
across the United States, was once again presented to Jupiter Medical Center for U.S. News & World Report Avinash Bhim
advancement in IT infrastructure; business and administrative management; clinical Ranks Cleveland Clinic
quality and safety; and clinical integration.
Florida Among Best in Region and Nation
St. Mary’s Medical Center
For the eighth year in a row, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Cleveland
Names DAISY Clinic Florida among the best hospitals in the region and highest in Broward County.
Overall, Cleveland Clinic Florida ranked second among hospitals in the Miami-Fort
Award for Extraordinary Lauderdale metropolitan area and eighth in Florida.
For the first time, the hospital’s orthopedics program is ranked nationally, joining
Nurses Winner the top 50 programs at #31, making it the highest ranked orthopedics program in
Florida. Cleveland Clinic Florida’s gastroenterology and GI surgery program once
St. Mary’s Medical Center is proud to honor again achieved national ranking, moving up to #42 in the country.
Linda Murphy as its latest monthly DAISY Award In addition to the regional rankings, Cleveland Clinic Florida’s cancer and geriatrics
winner. She is a wound care nurse, but works programs were rated as high performing. Two procedures, hip replacement and colon
primarily in the hospital’s ICU. The department cancer surgery, and two chronic conditions, heart failure and chronic obstructive pul-
nominated Linda, almost unanimously, for the monary disease, were also rated as high performing.
compassion she shows not only patients, but also
their families. During difficult times, she has
been seen hugging family members and provid- U.S. News & World Report Names Holy Cross
ing emotional support as their loved ones receive
care. Linda is also respected among her peers for Hospital One of the Best Hospitals in Miami
showing this same dedication to her co-workers, Linda Murphy Metro Area and State of Florida
often going the extra mile when they need her as
well. Other departments, such as the trauma team at St. Mary’s, have grown to respect
her work ethic and the important role she plays in her patients’ healing. Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale has been recognized in the top three of 64
hospitals for 2017-18 in the Miami metro area and has tied for 10th in the state in U.S.
News and World Report's annual Best Hospital rankings.
Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Holy Cross Hospital also was recognized as high performing in eight common adult
procedures and conditions evaluated by U.S. News & World Report: aortic valve sur-
Midtown Imaging Earns an ACR Breast gery, heart bypass surgery, heart failure, colon cancer surgery, chronic obstructive pul-
monary disease (COPD), hip replacement, knee replacement and lung cancer surgery.
Imaging Center of Excellence Designation
Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Midtown Imaging receives a Breast Imaging National Safe Sleep Hospital
Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR recog-
nizes breast imaging centers earning accreditation in mammography, stereotactic Certification Program Recognizes Memorial
breast biopsy, and breast ultrasound (including ultrasound-guided breast biopsy).
Hospital West as Champion
Memorial Hospital West has been recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital
Baptist Health South Florida Hospitals Certification Program as a “Gold Safe Sleep Champion” for their commitment to best
practices and education on infant safe sleep.
Named Among the Best in the Nation by The hospital – part of the Memorial Healthcare System- is the first hospital in
Broward County and one of the first hospitals in Florida to receive the title according
U.S. News & World Report to officials with Cribs for Kids®, the group that issued the designation. The National
Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was created by Cribs for Kids®, a
Baptist Health South Florida has been recognized for being among the best health- Pittsburgh-based organization dedicated to preventing infant, sleep-related deaths
care providers in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in its 2017-2018 Best due to accidental suffocation.
Hospitals report. For the second time, Baptist Hospital was ranked #1 in all of South “Sleep-related deaths result in the loss of more than 3,500 infants every year in the
Florida, which includes Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. South U.S.,” said Michael H. Goodstein, M.D., neonatologist and medical director of
Miami Hospital and West Kendall Baptist Hospital tied for #6, and Homestead research at Cribs for Kids®. “We know that consistent education can have a profound
Hospital ranked #9 in the region. effect on infant mortality, and this program is designed to encourage safe sleep edu-
Five Baptist Health hospitals—Baptist Hospital, Doctors Hospital, Homestead cation and to recognize those hospitals that are taking an active role in reducing these
Hospital, South Miami Hospital and West Kendall Baptist Hospital—earned a total of preventable deaths.”
26 high-performing honors in 13 types of care. In addition to being Cribs for Kids® partners, Memorial Hospital West was recog-
nized for its development of a hospital policy, staff training, parent education, model-
ing through a wearable blanket program and a pledge to participate in ongoing audits.
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30 September 2017 South Florida Hospital News