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Care Assistance Program at Broward Health North
Helps Those Who Spend Their Lives Helping
Specially designed caregiver assistance program offers hope and help
to family members of Alzheimer’s patients
Caring for a loved one with
Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia
can be overwhelming for family and
friends. Broward Health North’s (BHN)
Memory Disorder Center hosts a Care
Assistance Program (CAP) that helps
caregivers deal with everyday concerns
of caring for a loved one with a degener-
ative neurological condition.
As Alzheimer’s disease progresses,
caregivers often struggle to balance the
demands of a loved one’s care with their
own physical and emotional needs. With
family members living longer, more adult
children are assuming the responsibili-
ties of caring for aging parents who are
unable to function independently.
The Memory Disorder Center, the first
in the nation to attain Joint Commission
Certification for Alzheimer’s disease,
designed the CAP program to teach care-
givers about the disease process and to
accept the memory and cognitive losses
resulting from the progression of the dis-
ease. During the classes, speakers discuss
behavior strategies, stress management,
legal issues, medications, day care, home
health, placement options, and Medicaid
and veteran’s benefits. Attendees meet
and interact with others facing similar (l. to r.) Dr. Palencia-Kerr, Blanca Jean Merget, Gail Freedman, Veronica Noboa-Pantuso, Milena Cedeno-Oblinger, Natasha Hall
challenges, which can reduce stress and
assist in coping with the lifestyle changes DayCAP, a 16-hour program, is for or other related dementia. The respite are available.
that come with being a caregiver. spouses, siblings, other relatives and NightCAP, a 12-hour program, is for Additional support groups include:
There are two programs offered at friends who are providing care to a loved adult children and working caregivers • Spouses and Children of Those
BHN’s Memory Disorder Center. The one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease who are unable to attend the day classes. With Alzheimer’s Disease or Related
After participating in the initial CAP Dementia
course, weekly support groups are avail- Tuesdays, 10:30 am – 12 pm
able to offer additional guidance, friend- Location: Neuro Resource Center
ship and understanding. For more information, call (954) 786-
Memory Café Offers Social The Memory Disorder Center is an 7392
outpatient diagnostic facility offering a • Adult Children of Those With
and Educational Activities for multidisciplinary approach to determine Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia
the cause of memory impairment. Second and Fourth Tuesday of the
Both classes are held in the Neuro-
Those Living with Dementias Resource Center at Broward Health month, 6 pm – 8 pm
Location: Neuro Resource Center
North and are open to the community.
Lee Health is teaming up with the Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Registration is mandatory. For CAP class For more information,
Resource Center, the Alzheimer’s Association, Florida Gulf Coast information and schedule, call the call (954) 786-7392
University and Keiser University to create and host Memory Café, a Memory Disorder Center at (954) 786-
monthly gathering for those living with mild cognitive impairment, 7392. Transportation and in-home
Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Caregivers are also invited to
“The gatherings provide a social outlet and opportunities to meet
people, learn something new and participate in activities, such as
dancing, journaling, or arts and crafts,” explains Molly Grubbs,
director, Lee Health’s Healthy Life Center at Coconut Point. “Living 35th
with, as well as caring for someone with cognitive impairments
and/or dementia can be challenging. Through Memory Café, Lee ANNIVERSAR Y Y
Health wants to create a way to support both the patient and the care-
giver in a fun, relaxed and friendly way.” GALA
Lee Health is providing the space for the gatherings, while the
Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center and the Alzheimer’s
Association are providing resources and support. Florida Gulf Coast C ELEB R O I T A N
University students will participate as a course-based, service-learn-
ing activity, which will enhance their understanding of older adults
and those living with dementias. Keiser University will track and y ears
1982- 201 7
measure outcomes regarding whether participants feel more socially
engaged with others and if the gatherings make attendees feel less S a t u r da y, O cto b er 21, 2 1702
socially isolated from others.
Donna E. Shalala
Student Center To p u rch h sa et c i kets o n li n ev t i s i
Grand Ballroom www.r m hcs o u t h flo i r da .o rg /ga la
13 30 Mi ller Dri ve
Coral Gab les, FL 3 3 146 o r ca a ll 78 6.4 76.2 176
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South Florida Hospital News September 2017 25