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Cover Story: Z Urology’s Dr. Michael Zahalsky Competes on TV’s Survivor

         Continued from page 1                 Dr. Zahalsky has never shied away  weights.”                           on TV; and I love that my children, and
         Dr. Zahalsky had talked about applying  from hard work; his many accomplish-  Despite being selected for one of the  my future grandchildren, will be able to
         to the show for years before finally decid-  ments include becoming the first person  biggest shows on TV, Dr. Zahalsky wasn’t  see it as well.
         ing to take the leap. He sent in a three-  to perform robotic urology surgery in  allowed to share his good news, which  “It’s super cheesy, but my kids now
         minute video that he produced in his  Broward or Palm Beach counties, and the  might have been the biggest challenge of  look at me a little differently,” he added.
         medical office, talking about why he  first physician in the U.S. to publish  all. “They called me at the office, and I  “They see a person who isn’t afraid to do
         should be chosen.                   results in a peer-reviewed journal about  was literally jumping up and down,  the craziest thing in the world. I came
          “I probably stood out because of my  the use of biologics injected into a  shouting, and patients were running out  back alive, so I’m kind of a badass.”
         quirky nerdiness,” he laughed, referenc-  human with ED. He was also the first  of their rooms asking what was going  While Dr. Zahalsky doesn’t know how
         ing a joke he made on tape about the  physician in the world to publish results  on,” he laughed. “Then the woman on  people will react to his appearance on
         novel Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. “If  from injecting biologics into a person  the phone said, ‘It has to be a secret!’” so  the show, he hopes that it will be positive
         they didn’t read the book, they probably  with Peyronie’s disease.       I had to look at everyone and say, ‘Oh, it’s  for himself, his family and his practice. “I
         thought I was an idiot, but there was a  He approached Season 35 of Survivor:  nothing.’”                    think it will be good publicity,” he
         method to my madness.”              Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers with the  Another complication came when Dr.  laughed. “After all, who would you
          On his video, Dr. Zahalsky discussed  same mindset. “I’m willing to bet that I  Zahalsky’s cover story about doing med-  rather have doing your vasectomy - a
         the impact that the TV show has made  trained harder than anyone in the history  ical research in Indonesia began to elicit  regular doctor, or one who can tell you
         on society. “Ethan Zohn was popular in  of Survivor,” he said. “I approached it  questions. “It’s amazing how many  stories from Survivor?”
         season three, and the name Ethan then  like a quarterback going into the Super  patients and doctors know people in  While he’s ready to get back to work,
         became popular in America for years  Bowl. I watched all of the past episodes,  Indonesia,” he said. “People were  Dr. Zahalsky isn’t ruling anything out. “If
         after that because he was such an influ-  and studied the different personalities,  quizzing me on what city I’d be staying  I can use Survivor as a platform to edu-
         ential person,” said the doctor, who also  hoping to understand everyone’s flaws  in, and what hotel I was going to, and  cate the public about reproductive health
         has a son named Ethan.              and strengths. I looked at how everyone  one guy even insisted that I meet up with  or issues of sexuality, or find another way
          “Survivor also happened at the exact  played the game because you don’t know  the head rabbi. I was like, ‘Um, no, that’s  to help, I’m all in,” he said.
         same time as the Internet boom, when  if you’ll be dealing with new or repeating  okay.’”                      “My son says that if I get to go back on
         people were becoming rich overnight,  players.”                           Dr. Zahalsky was worried about leav-  Survivor a second time, I would be a
         and kids began to believe that you could  Dr. Zahalsky also continued his  ing his medical practice - with no com-  Survivor legend,” he said. “You never
         just go on a reality TV show and leave a  marathon training, running three days a  munication - for the seven-week filming,  know - maybe that’s my next challenge.”
         millionaire, when the truth is, you have  week and working three days a week  but said that it was well worth it to par-
         to work hard your whole life to succeed,”  with a trainer. “I concentrated on the  ticipate in the opportunity of a lifetime.
         he added. “I wanted to go on the show to  things I know I struggle with, like bal-  “We all have dreams, but it’s so easy to  Ed. Note:
         remind people of this forgotten     ance,” he explained. “My kids would just  become complacent,” he explained. “In  The new Survivor cast was announced
         American value; that it’s what you have  laugh at me every morning when they  one phone call, my entire life changed. I  Aug. 30. Episodes begin airing
         to do to survive.”                  saw me standing on one foot while lifting  can’t wait to sit back and watch myself  Wed., Sept. 27 at 8 p.m.

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