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Levitetz Family Foundation Gifts Cape Coral Hospital
South Florida's $2 Million to Support Orthopaedic Marks 40th Anniversary
Healthcare Newspaper Surgery Department at Forty years ago Cape Coral Hospital opened its doors as a
Cleveland Clinic Florida 94-bed hospital that employed 253 men and women. Through
PO Box 812708 the years, as Cape Coral grew, so did the hospital. Today, there
Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708 are 291 private rooms, 1,200 employees, a medical staff of
more than 600 physicians and a team of more than 1,000 vol-
Phone: (561) 368-6950 The Levitetz Fam - unteers.
ily Foun dation and “Health care in Cape Coral has come a long way since the
Website: Jeff Levitetz, philan- 1950s and 1960s when a lone doctor would travel by boat on thropist and long- Thursdays to visit patients,” explains Wendy Piascik, Vice
time supporter of President of Patient Care Services at Cape Coral Hospital. “We
Cleveland Clinic
CHARLES FELIX are so proud to look back on all we’ve accomplished in the past
CAROL FELIX Florida, has made a 40 years.”
Publishers $2 million gift for Some highlights include:
Cleveland Clinic 1979 – The first emergency department expansion.
NANCY LAMMIE Florida’s nationally 1980 – The first CT scan was installed at a cost of $145,000.
Editor ranked Orthopaedic 1981 – To meet capacity, the hospital started offering week-
Surgery Depart ment. end testing and surgeries. The hospital honored 250 nurses as
JUDY GRAMM His gift is being rec- Jeff Levitetz, pictured to the left of part of the nurse’s week celebration. The first baby was born in
Editorial Manager & Webmaster ognized with the the emergency department –Maggie Miller, daughter of Bill and
naming of The Cleveland Clinic Florida President Sue Miller.
JMC GRAPHICS Levitetz Department Dr. Wael Barsoum, attended a naming 1982 – Groundbreaking held for 80-bed expansion project.
Art/Production of Orthopaedic Surg - ceremony that recognized a $2 million 1983 – Installation of the first mammography equipment in ery, the highest gift from the Levitetz Family Foundation Lee County. 10 acres adjacent to the hospital were purchased
412-835-5796 ranked orthopedics to the nationally ranked Levitetz for future expansion.
program in Florida Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS by U.S. News & at Cleveland Clinic Florida. 1985 – $11 million wing opened with new emergency
Lisa Bianco World Report, in department at Del Prado entrance.
1986 – The new Lifetime Involvement in Fitness and
Daniel Casciato appreciation of his Education (L.I.F.E.) Center opened.
Barbara Fallon significant contribution to orthopaedic research and develop- 1987 – Groundbreaking for two-story day surgery addition;
Vanessa Orr ment, caregiver training and patient care initiatives. campaign begins to raise money for the Family Birth Suites.
Lois Thomson As founder and president of The Levitetz Family Foundation, 1988 – Family Birth Suites opened with 14 beds.
Levitetz makes charitable gifts to organizations that support chil- 1989 – Cardiac catheterization lab opens with an auxiliary
dren, families, veterans and scientific research, among other pledge of $100,000.
areas. In addition to innovations in orthopaedic surgery, his con- 1990 – Implementation of area’s first cancer program accred-
LOOK FOR OUR tributions to Cleveland Clini
ited by the American College of Surgeons.
NEXT ISSUE 1993 – The five-story addition opened, which included new
IN OCTOBER Accountable Care Options, LLC main entrance, family birthplace and the Women’s Breast
Health Center.
TO REACH US (ACO-FL) Applies RowdMap, Inc. 1995 – KidsPlace pediatric unit opened.
FOR Benchmarks for Roster Filings to 1996 – Merged with Lee Memorial Health System
2009 – The emergency department expansion began to
ADVERTISING increase the number of beds from 24 to 42.
OR EDITORIAL Achieve Success in CMS Next- 2016 – The Gunterberg Charitable Foundation Culliton
Family Cardiac Rehabilitation center opened.
Call (561) 368-6950 Generation ACO Program
or e-mail Jupiter Medical Center Launches
Accountable Care Options, LLC (ACO-FL) announced that in
its third year of partnership with RowdMap, Inc. ("RowdMap"), Care Anywhere Service
the organizations have collaboratively reviewed thousands of
specialists and home health providers in Florida to select the best
SUBSCRIPTIONS Jupiter Medical Center is making it easier than ever for patients
organizations for referrals made by their primary care practice. to receive convenient medical care with the launch of Care
One Year $40 "Given our experience participating in a variety of accountable Anywhere, its new tele-health platform.
care initiatives, most recently the CMS Next Generation ACO
Two Years $60 program, it is obvious to us that RowdMap's insights must play a Care Anywhere is a private, secure and easy way for anyone
Three Years $75 critical role. We estimate that 70% of medical expenditures are to get convenient, cost-effective and immediate medical care
anywhere – from home, the office or any other location – using
determined by specialists and home health providers. a smartphone, tablet or computer. Through the platform, a
RowdMap's data allows us to identify and focus our referral
To subscribe, efforts on high-value providers who can help bend the cost medical provider interviews each patient and makes a diagno-
call (561) 368-6950 curve," said Richard Lucibella, CEO of ACO-FL. "Just as impor- sis, much the same way he or she would in a traditional urgent
care visit. Providers can treat many common conditions or ill-
or subscribe online at tant, as we enter risk arrangements with commercial health nesses, such as colds, fever, rash, stomach flu, sinus infections
plans, we are able to employ the same methodology and tem- plates across payers to scale our success." and pink eye, as well as prescribe medications.
____________ Accessing Care Anywhere is simple. Download the Care
RowdMap credits ACO-FL executives with decision-making Anywhere app (for Apple OS or Android mobile device) or
that distinguishes their results. "Our benchmark data describes visit the Care Anywhere website at
All rights reserved. Reproduction compelling opportunities for providers looking to make a suc-
in whole or part without written cessful transition to risk, but in our experience working with where. Once patients have downloaded the app or logged into
permission prohibited. Copyright © 2017. the website, it takes just a few minutes to begin a virtual visit
providers across the country, the real success is in defining clear with a provider. A typical visit lasts about 10 minutes.
strategic business objectives and communicating the merits of
the Risk-Readiness® approach with physicians," says Ashley
Distler, Vice President for Provider Strategy at RowdMap. "Rich
Don’t forget to include Lucibella and his team stand out as national leaders, and the suc-
South Florida Hospital News cess of their efforts in delivering high quality medical care and
savings for the Medicare program speaks for itself."
& Healthcare Report Florida have also supported the Maroone Cancer Center.
in your Marketing Plans
Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit
16 September 2017 South Florida Hospital News