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The New Reality of Health Care:
Future of Medicine Summit XI -
October 12–13 - Hilton Palm Beach Airport
The Palm Beach County Medical Featured speakers include Phillip
Society — recognized as one of the Boiselle, MD; Joan St. Onge, M.D.;
premier medical associations in the Elaine Wallace, D.O.; Troy H. Seidl,
United States — is readily approaching Ph.D., M.Ed; Elizabeth Strombom,
its 100th anniversary in 2019. The CEO; Rohit Dandiya, M.D., FACP;
organization’s vision is to be acknowl- Brian Keeley, CEO; Gina Melby, CEO;
edged as the pre-eminent health care Darcy Davis, CEO; Dianne Golde -
resource and advocate for all residents nberg, CEO and a representative from
of Palm Beach County. the Cleveland Clinic Florida. Henry
One of the highly successful and Haire, M.D., FACP, will lead a panel
transformative efforts of the Palm exploring the next generation of
Beach County Medical Society young physician leaders. A special
(PBCMS) and the PBCMS Services is focus on medical education at the
the annual Future of Medicine Summit is provided with the James J.
Summit. The Summit engages and Byrnes, MD Medical Student and
inspires physicians, other members of Resident Poster Symposium.
the health care community and com-
munity leaders, while providing a cut- Importance of the Summit
ting-edge educational opportunity. As the chairperson, Dr. Dennis’ aim
The Future of Medicine Summit XI is to cut through the noise and distill
is set for October 12–13 at the Hilton the most crucial topics of the day. "The
Palm Beach Airport, West Palm Beach. extraordinary difficulty which Con -
Last year more than 500 guests and 35 (l-r) Dr. Jose Arrascue and Dr. Michael T.B. Dennis gress has demonstrated in attempting
exhibitors attended the two-day edu- to repeal or revise existing health care
cational gathering, which is nationally policies reflects the complexity of the
recognized and highly valued. cian and workforce satisfaction. The ness. She will be joined by Phillip issues as well as the need for better
Physicians and health care profession- Future of Medicine Summit consis- Boiselle, M.D.; Joan St. Onge, M.D.; communication and cooperation,” he
als are eligible to earn continuing edu- tently brings to Palm Beach County and Elaine Wallace, D.O., representing says.
cation credits provided by the VA the best and most innovative ideas to medical education programs in Palm “The Palm Beach County Medical
Medical Center, West Palm Beach, and accomplish these goals," he says. Beach County. Society Services continues its annual
Alzheimer’s Community Care. The Future of Medicine Summit, Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D., returns by Future of Medicine Summit with the
Founded by Jose Arrascue, M.D., the chaired by Michael T.B. Dennis, M.D., popular demand on October 13. Dr. goal of promoting expanded under-
Future of Medicine initiative has who also serves as the chairperson of Goldsmith, who will talk on “Making standing and improved performance as
brought together community leaders PMCMS Services, is celebrating its Sense of Health Policy in the Era of it examines ‘The New Reality of Health
to define issues, establish partnerships 11th successful year of bringing President Trump,” is the National Care.’
and implement strategies for change in national and community health care Advisor, Navigant Healthcare and This is directed not just at physi-
the health care arena. leaders together to explore the popular Associate Professor of Public Health cians but every individual committed
"The Future of Medicine initiative issues of the day. Sciences, University of Virginia. to serving the medically needy in
began in Palm Beach County in 2007 This year’s theme — The New David B. Nash, M.D., MBA, repeat- whatever capacity. Everyone is wel-
with the goal to present health care as Reality of Health Care — promises to edly named on Modern Healthcare’s come. A healthier population is our
a joint physician-community effort once again deliver compelling and list of “Most Powerful Persons in primary goal," Dr. Dennis states.
with an aim for improving access to impactful information for the hun- Healthcare,” is the keynote speaker
care with quality, safety and improved dreds of health care providers and this year. His presentation, “Delivering
physician practice viability,” explains other interested parties expected to be on the Promise of High Value Care” is The Future of Medicine Summit XI has
Dr. Arrascue. “Over the past decade in attendance. set for October 13 at 10:45 a.m. A sponsorship opportunities available. Visit
health care has gone through a revolu- recipient of many awards in recogni- the website for reservations
tion with a new paradigm that can be Program Highlights tion of his achievements, and sponsorship options. For more infor-
summarized by the Quadruple Aim, The opening night’s keynote speaker Dr. Nash has authored more than mation, contact Jim Sugarman at
which includes better care for every is Anne Schultz, M.D., FACP, Clinical 100 peer-reviewed articles and edited or Katherine Zuber at
patient, better health for the whole Instructor of Medicine, Northwestern 23 books. The board-certified internist
community, lower costs via the intelli- Feinberg School of Medicine, address- is Dean, Jefferson College of or call (561) 433-3940.
gent use of our resources, and physi- ing the critical issue of physician well- Population Health.
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center
Presents 2017 Florida Paramedic of
the Year Award to Palm Beach
Gardens Fire Rescue Medic
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center recently hosted the Association of EMS
Providers to present the 2017 Florida Paramedic of the Year Award to Palm Beach
Gardens Fire Rescue Medic, David Terrana.
Terrana was nominated and honored in part, for saving a man in 2016 who had
crashed his car into a light pole. The car then burst into flames before Terrana, who
was off duty and driving on the same road at the time. He stopped his vehicle and
then risked his own life to save the man from the burning car, and brought him to
safety, both of them being lucky enough to survive the ordeal.
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Chief Operating Officer, Teresa Urquhart, (l-r) James Ippolito, Deputy Chief of Administration-Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue;
presented the award to Terrana who was surrounded by his family, friends and fellow Teresa Urquhart, Chief Operating Officer Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center;
paramedics. David Terrana, Paramedic with Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue; Ashley Terrana,
Wife of David Terrana; Shon Broedell, Deputy Chief-Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue
14 September 2017 South Florida Hospital News