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                                 Florida Department of Health in Broward County

                           Implementing 4 Key Components to Reduce Rates of HIV

              The Florida Department                         tion that treats HIV.  to developing AIDS and greatly   and Treat clients closely to ensure that
            of Health in Broward                             People newly diag-   reduces the risk of transmitting HIV to  they have completed the eligibility
            County (DOH-Broward) is                          nosed with HIV, as   sexual partners. Many clients report  process for services, are connected to
            implementing 4 key com-                          well as those who    that the decision to start ART and  all appropriate services, are keeping
            ponents to reduce rates of                       previously   tested  quickly achieving undetectable levels  appointments and are taking their
            new HIV infection in                             positive and are not  of HIV virus provides them with the  medication every day. Staff also assist
            Broward County. These                            in regular HIV pri-  first experience of empowerment in  with addressing barriers and navigat-
            include routine HIV testing                      mary care, are eligi-  living with HIV.                 ing the system of care.
            in the healthcare setting                        ble for Test and Treat.  On a daily basis, healthcare    DOH-Broward, together with our
            and targeted testing in the                      Clients are offered  providers and community partners   partners, is working to build upon the
            non-healthcare setting, HIV                      the opportunity to   notify DOH-Broward about potential  success of the first 4 months of the Test
            Pre-exposure Prophylaxis                         start ART the same   Test and Treat clients. DOH-Broward  and Treat program and to continuously
            (PrEP) and Non-occupa-                           day of diagnosis or  staff meet the client immediately and  improve the process for our communi-
            tional  Post  Exposure    BY PAULA M. THAQI,     returning to care. The  offer them the option of Test and Treat.  ty. Along with the implementation of
            Prophylaxis (nPEP), com-       M.D., M.P .H      program benefits the  If the client accepts, the staff member  routine HIV testing in the healthcare
            munity outreach and Test                         client’s health and the  accompanies the client to see an HIV  setting and targeted testing in the non-
            and Treat. On May 1, 2017,                       community. Since the  primary care physician the same day at  healthcare setting, PrEP and nPEP and
            DOH-Broward, in partnership with the  program began, over 335 clients have  one of the participating Test and Treat  community outreach, Test and Treat
            Broward County Ryan White Part A   been enrolled in Test and Treat.   providers.                         has the potential to prevent new HIV
            Grantee Office, HIV testing sites (reg-  Department of Health and Human  These include AIDS Healthcare   infections in our community and
            istered), hospitals, federally qualified  Services (DHHS) Guidelines currently  Foundation, Broward Community and  improve the health of people living
            health centers, community based    recommend ART for all people living  Family Health Centers, Broward   with HIV/AIDS.
            organizations, emergency departments  with HIV. Increasing data show a med-  Health, Care Resource, Children’s
            and physicians, launched Test and  ical benefit to the client when immedi-  Diagnostic and Treatment Center,  Dr. Paula Thaqi is Director, Florida
            Treat in Broward County.           ate ART is initiated, particularly during  Memorial Healthcare Systems and sev-  Department of Health in Broward
              Test and Treat is a voluntary clinical  acute/early HIV infection. ART  eral private infectious disease prac-  County. For more information, visit
            program providing immediate entry  decreases the amount of HIV virus in  tices. In most cases, the client receives or
            into HIV primary care and initiation of  the blood to undetectable levels, which  a 30 day supply of medication immedi-  call (954) 467-4700 ext. 5233.
            Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), medica-  makes people far less likely to progress  ately. DOH-Broward staff follow Test

        Cover Story:  Liz Dudek Brings Wealth of Healthcare Knowledge

        to New Role at Greenberg Traurig

         Continued from page 1
         things where I’d always worked to the  accomplish?”                     care, Dudek hopes to make things easier  Baby Boomers?” she asked.
         private side,” said Dudek, adding that  Dudek has a history of making things  for clients in the industry, even as it con-  “And of course, finding ways to fund
         her decision was made easier because  happen; as secretary of the Agency for  tinues to evolve. “In addition to watch-  mental health services is a huge issue,”
         she’s known some of the partners in the  Health Care Administration from 2010-  ing what’s happening on a federal level,  she continued. “On top of the opioid cri-
         firm’s Tallahassee office since the 1980s.  16, she oversaw one of the largest  there’s a lot going on in the state,” she  sis, substance abuse permeates every-
           In her new role, Dudek helps the  Medicaid programs in the nation.    explained, noting that the legislative  thing. Providing better mental health
         firm’s clients navigate the healthcare sys-  She and her staff successfully imple-  process is beginning earlier each year.  services means fewer ER visits, less
         tem, interact with agencies, and better  mented  the  Statewide  Medicaid  “Baby Boomers are coming into their  homelessness, less child abuse, fewer
         understand legislative affairs and their  Managed Care Program, moving the vast  own, and we need to be on top of the  kids born into the Medicaid program,
         accompanying issues.                majority of Medicaid patients from a fee-  types of healthcare services they need,”  and a better economy.”
           “It’s very exciting to be a part of this  for-service program to a managed care  she added. “We need to look at what liv-  Having experienced the headaches of
         team; they know every nook and cranny  program, and also established the Care  ing in the electronic age means to  navigating the healthcare industry as a
         of transactional law,” she said. “My  Provider  Background   Screening  healthcare delivery, and to prepare for  consumer in retirement, Dudek is happy
         strength lies in knowing the processes in  Clearinghouse.               the fact that healthcare is moving to an  that she’s now in a position to help steer
         the state, the people, and the approaches  “The screening clearinghouse en  -  outpatient or at-home basis.”  clients at Greenberg Traurig through
         to take; I can provide an education on  velops all managed healthcare plans,  As the trend toward “bedless” hospi-  their own legislative and agency hur-
         what is required and set up the linkages  providers, and health and social service  tals grows, the industry also needs to  dles. “There are so many bits and
         to pull things together and move for-  agencies in the state so that someone  look at how to fund programs such as  pieces,” she said. “It’s a very complicated
         ward.                               like a physician, who once needed four  telemedicine, as well as where to find  process.”
           “I especially like strategizing with  separate background screenings to work  and train the future workforce, accord-
         clients about how to achieve their  in different places, can now come to a  ing to Dudek. “How do we get individu-       For more information, visit
         goals,” she added. “Are their goals real-  one-stop shop. It’s a much more simpli-  als interested in hands-on nursing, espe-
         istic? And if not, what can we do to  fied process,” she explained.     cially when there are fewer of the next            or call (850) 222-6891.
         bring them closer to what they want to  As a result of her experience in health-  generation to staff the needs of aging

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         10                        September 2017                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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