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Context Sensitive Health Informatics
Some of the world’s place, workflows, or - At MedInfo, not surprisingly, the oid dependence was discussed. Data
leading health informati- gan izations, habits of focus again was on data analytics in analytics challenges in precision medi-
cians met at the City work, type and expert- health care, along with predictive and cine were discussed, along with predic-
University in Hong Kong ise, expectations, pref- prescriptive analytics. It was universal- tive analytics in occupational health
on August 18 and 19, erences of users, physi- ly thought that such analytics could and safety.
2017, for the 2017 cal implementations, improve the quality of health care and One particularly interesting session
Context Sensitive Health patients’ characteristics, stem its increasing costs. mHealth, was on what will be required to make
Informatics conference time, and workload. social media, telemedicine, eHealth, sure that HIT actually does what it is
which is held every two The design, implemen- and wearable technologies all were expected to do.
years in advance of tation, and evaluation thought to be keys in the delivery of I had the privilege of interfacing with
MedInfo, which was held of safe, efficient and healthcare, along with knowledge individuals from over 25 foreign coun-
in Hangzhou, China, a easy to adopt HIT management, data modeling and tries, some old friends and others new.
few days later. therefore requires prop- health data science in a context sensi- An increasing consideration was where
I had the privilege of BY PAUL R. DEMURO, er consideration of tive manner. do all the healthcare systems around
representing South PHD, JD. MBA, CPA human and organiza- The world seemed to be moving the world obtain the professionals that
Florida and presenting a tional factors. That is a toward universal healthcare coverage, they need who can critically analyze
paper on A Quality, ton of language which addressing the social aspects of HIT, data and will existing programs be
Benefit, Cost, and Financial basically means that HIT needs to be increasing use of clinical decision sup- reconfigured. Fortunately, one univer-
Framework for HIT, E-Prescribing: A adapted to the local situation. port systems, genomics and precision sity is in the process of developing a
Delphi Study which I co-authored with We learned about many of the chal- medicine. There was a significant focus healthcare practice doctorate degree
individuals from Harvard University, lenges of health care in Hong Kong, the on patient-centered health care, which is expected to have a data sci-
the Oregon Health & Science embracing of HIT, the similarities and patient-centered applications to pro- ence track which will equip individuals
University School of Medicine and the differences to the United States (US), mote engagement and activities by with such skills. Although it will not be
California State University. the increasing use of data analytics, patients, informatics tools as facilita- in Florida, at least it will be one short
The American Medical Informatics and the digital transformation of health tors for patient engagement, Fast flight away.
Association (AMIA) describes context care in Hong Kong. The challenges Healthcare Interoperability Resources
sensitive health informatics as health- faced by those in Hong Kong were (FHIR), and the future of mobile
care information technologies (HIT) remarkably similar to the U.S. We usability. Paul DeMuro, Of Counsel, Broad and
that are now routinely deployed and learned of the increasing use of artifi- Interestingly, the value of data in Cassel LLP , can be reached at
used in a wide variety of healthcare cial intelligence in healthcare across improving hospital pharmacy and
contexts that differ in terms of work- the world. medication safety, and prescription opi-
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South Florida Hospital News September 2017 7