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Retired CEO Howard Root
to Headline Broad and Cassel
Health Forum Oct. 11
Broad and Cassel’s Health Law Practice
Group will once again host national and
local experts for discussions around
today’s rapidly changing health care
landscape at the annual Broad and Cassel
Health Forum Oct. 11.
New to the speaker lineup this year is
retired CEO Howard Root, who after a
five-year ordeal with the U.S.
Department of Justice, authored Cardiac
Arrest: Five Heart-Stopping Years as a
CEO On the Feds’ Hit-List. A corporate
lawyer by trade, he founded Vascular To register, contact Elizabeth Levine at
Solutions in 1997, and during his tenure, or call 407-
invented and launched more than 100 839-4229.
cardiovascular devices. Root will share The Forum will be from 11 a.m. to 6
his legal nightmare of how he spent years p.m. Wednesday, October 11 at the
fighting the injustice of false federal Signature Grand on 6900 State Road 84,
criminal charges. Davie, FL. Registration and lunch starts
Also offering a keynote presentation is at 11 a.m. Presentations begin at 12 p.m.
The Advisory Board Company on the Networking cocktail hour for partici-
playbook for population health followed pants, sponsors and speakers starts at 5
by two panel discussions. Panel topics p.m.
will cover compliance and risk, and med- Broad and Cassel has built one of the
ical transactions with private equity. most experienced and diversified Health
Panels will be moderated by Broad and Law Groups in the Southeastern United
Cassel Fort Lauderdale Managing States. The firm has more lawyers certi-
Partner Gabriel Imperato and Partner fied in Health Law by the Florida Bar
Mike Segal, co-chair of the firm’s Health Board of Legal Specialization &
Law Practice Group. Additional Broad Education than any other firm. Many of
and Cassel attorneys joining the panels the firm’s health lawyers are certified by
include Of Counsel Anne Branan and the Health Care Compliance Association
Senior Counsel O. Benton Curtis. in Health Care Compliance and are
The Health Forum is sponsored by Certified Dispute Resolvers with the
Broward County Medical Association, American Health Lawyers Association.
Dade County Medical Association, Palm
Beach County Medical Society, Information on the firm’s health law
ProAssurance Companies, PYA, South events and industry and attorney news can
Florida Medical Group Management be found on Broad and Cassel’s
Association, South Florida Hospital and Health Law Blog at
Healthcare Association, South Florida
Hospital News, SunTrust and Withum. or on Twitter at
The cost to attend is $90 and includes
lunch and a cocktail reception following
the presentations.
The American Association of
Healthcare Administrative
Management (AAHAM) to Offer
Free Student Memberships to
Full Time Students
The American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management
(AAHAM), the leading professional association focused exclusively on the
healthcare revenue cycle, now offers complimentary student memberships
to all students taking 12 credit hours or more. This free membership ini-
tiative was introduced to attract new and younger members to the national
organization and its 32 local chapters across the country while they are in
“We are pleased to introduce these innovative recruitment efforts and
hope to grow our student membership base over 50% in the coming year”
said AAHAM President, John Currier, CRCE-I. “Students are interested in
the strong educational and certification programs offered by AAHAM that
are key to their career growth and achieving the director positions they
desire. Getting involved at the student level also offers exposure to men-
tors and career contacts which are so valuable” he added.
South Florida Hospital News September 2017 5