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DCOTA  I 1855 Griffin Road, Suite A-415   I Dania Beach   I Florida  I 33004
                                                                                       954.964.1660      I

                                                A message from our President

                                                Healthcare in Flux!

                                               It seems that every day we see another  I am the proud grandfather of a new baby
                                             significant change occurring in healthcare.  girl named Claire Elizabeth. I want a better
                                             The move to value supported strongly by  health system for Claire where providers are
                                             the Obama Administration seems not to be  able to coordinate her care with no impedi-
                                             the passion of the Trump Administration.  ments. To share information about her med-
                                             Insurers involved in the insurance   ical history and to recommend treatment that
                   Jaime Caldwell          exchanges are spinning trying to figure out if  comes from the synthesis of millions of med-
                                           they are going to remain in the exchange, the  ical studies. I want healthcare providers to be
                                           pricing of their products, and if the Trump  concerned about her care, to have time to
         Administration will continue the cost sharing reductions.                form a relationship with Claire beyond just
           I don’t know about you, but when I went to school, there was always a cost associated  the few minutes allotted for care. I want physi-
         with uncertainty! I will not be surprised to see the cost of healthcare begin to increase at  cians and hospitals to be fairly compensated
         greater rates. Added to these market uncertainties, we also have the pending nursing  for the coordinated care that they provide to
         shortage, drug pricing, and growing technology expense. All together, it looks like the  Claire. Doesn’t she deserve it? Don’t we as a
         potential formation of the “perfect storm.”                              country deserve it?
           Don’t we have a responsibility to act? Shouldn’t the healthcare industry say that we are  So, what is holding us back? What is keep-
         committed to advancing the Triple Aim? That quality, patient satisfaction, and cost do  ing us from making that leap to the next care
         impact care! Aren’t we seeing more and more articles tying the cost of care to access? Did  paradigm? I have hope. The more I work with
         we not just see the results of a study done by Cleveland Clinic that found that in the face  our healthcare provider members the more I  Claire Eizabeth
         of significantly rising drug prices, patients were priced out of the market?  see the passion and the drive they have to con-
                                                                                  tinue to improve care and access. While the dollars are important, they are still a second
                                                                                  to their patients. Healthcare providers, during a time of major uncertainty, are saying,
                                                                                  “We can’t go back, the pursuit of value works.”
                                                                                    Three weeks ago, I experienced the provision of healthcare in action. My daughter
                                                                                  chose to deliver little Claire at Memorial Hospital Miramar Not personally experiencing
                                                                                  childbirth for almost 30 years, I was amazed. The compassion, focus on the care delivered
                                                                                  to the mother and child, continual education of the mother, then parents and grandpar-
                                                                                  ents, level of safety afforded to the family and baby, and the level of expertise from the
                                                                                  environmental staff to the nurses to the delivering obstetrician … this is how healthcare
                                                                                  is supposed to work. All those providers coordinating care with the common goal of
                                                                                  ensuring the best quality outcome for the patient(s).
                                                                                    I think that we are on the way. Some don’t realize that the train has already left the sta-
                                                                                  tion and it can’t go back. A new paradigm is emerging that is focused on the quality of
                                                                                  patient care and the integration of new technologies that allow us to provide that care in
                                                                                  the most efficient way while keeping an eye on affordability. Yes, I think we are pointed
                                                                                  in the right direction, we have to be, because I now have a responsibility to my grand-
                                                                                  daughter to make that happen. Her grandfather “has her back.”

                                                                                                   2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                                                        Chantal Leconte           James Ball           Dr. Patrick Taylor
                                                                                       Chair, South Florida Hospital   COO, Catholic Health Services  CEO, Holy Cross Hospital
                                                                                        and Healthcare Association                       Dr. Ann Wehr
                                                                                     CEO, Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital  Ana M. Viamonte Ros, MD  Sr. VP/CMO, AvMed
                                                                                                             Director Medical Staff Development
                                                                                         Lincoln Mendez           Baptist Health         Doug Bartel
                                                                                        Immediate Past Chairman  Maria Currier        Director, Business Development
                                                                                         South Florida Hospital                           Florida Blue
                                                                                        and Healthcare Association  General Counsel, Partner
                                                                                                                Holland & Knight, LLP
                                                                                        CEO, South Miami Hospital                        Darcy Davis
                                                                                                                                       CEO, Health Care District
                                                                                         David Wagner          William Duquette
                                                                                      Vice Chair, South Florida Hospital   CEO, Homestead Hospital   of Palm Beach County
                                                                                        and Healthcare Association                      Ralph Marrinson
                                                                                      CEO, Kindred Hospital, Hollywood  Steven Ullmann  President, Marrinson Senior
                                                                                                               Director, University of Miami
                                                                                         Mary Zalaznik         Health Policy Management  Care Residences
                                                                                     Secretary, South Florida Hospital and               John Couris
                                                                                         Healthcare Association  Patricia Greenberg      President & CEO
                                                                                      Sr. Vice President Operations, VITAS  President, National Healthcare Associates
                                                                                                                                        Jupiter Medical Center
                                                                                          Mark Doyle           Michael Gittelman
                                                                                                                                         Kevin Conn
                                                                                     Treasurer, South Florida Hospital and  CEO, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute  Reg. VP of Operations
                                                                                         Healthcare Association  Charles Michelson
                                                                                      CEO, Memorial Hospital Pembroke                  HealthSouth Corporation
                                                                                          Charles Felix         Saltz Michelson Architects  Enrique A. Vicéns-Rivera,
                                                                                          Member at Large      Wael Barsoum, MD           JD, MHSA
                                                                                      Publisher, South Florida Hospital   CEO, Cleveland Clinic Hospital  CEO, HealthSouth Rehabilitation
                                                                                        News & Healthcare Report                         Hospital of Miami
         18                        September 2017                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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