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                  The Wien Center for Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders

                                                   at Mount Sinai Medical Center

          The Wien Center for Alzheimer’s    patients and their families, connecting  The center is dedicated                     stage of the disease as well
        Disease and Memory Disorders at Mount  them to services ranging from home  to enhancing research for                      as for people in later stages
        Sinai Medical Center is a leading Tertiary  health care to adult day care. The Wien  the prevention of Al -               of the disease.
        Care Referral Center for the Diagnosis  Center also offers educational work-  zheimer’s  disease  by                       The Wien Center is
        and Treatment of Memory and Cognitive  shops and seminars for both patients and  detecting the preclinical                proud to be a national
          Disorders. The center is committed to  families. Caregiver training and support  stages of the disease, uti-            leader for education of
        providing high-quality care to patients  groups are also available.      lizing advanced brain                            health professionals, pa -
        and their families. It is also a leading cen-  In addition to connecting patients to  imaging methods and cog-            tients and their caregivers.
        ter for Clinical Research and Education.  community resources and workshops,  nitive tests. The research                  Prom inent amongst these
        The Wien Center conducts various clini-  the Wien Center offers a free memory  conducted by the 1Florida                  efforts, the Wien Center
        cal trials of pharmaceutical and non-  screening program for individuals 50  ADRC promotes a better                       continues to host the Mild
        pharmaceutical    treatments    for  years and older, to help with early diag-  understanding of the biol-                Cognitive
        Alzheimer’s and related disorders, and  nosis.                           ogy and predictors of the  BY DR. RANJAN DUARA    Impairment (MCI) sym-
        hosts yearly forums, free memory screen-                                 course of Alzheimer’s dis-                      posium and Public Edu -
        ing programs and local support groups.  Cutting-edge Research            ease. Ultimately, the re -                      cation Forum for 16 years.
        A groundbreaker in conducting innova-  and Education                     search provides the basis                       This international confer-
        tive research, the center’s medical team is  The Wien Center has received funding  for developing new treatments for the  ence focuses on developments in under-
        paving the way for improved under-   from the National Institutes of Health  disease.                         standing the biology, the diagnosis, pre-
        standing and treatment of Alzheimer’s  (NIH) as a partner to the           The Wien Center is also the lead insti-  vention and treatment of the earliest
        disease and related disorders.         University of Florida to establish an  tution for the Florida Brain Bank - a serv-  stages of Alzheimer’s and related disor-
                                             Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center  ice for providing a final pathological  ders.
        Patient support                      (ADRC), one of only thirty-one      diagnosis for dementing disorders and
          For over 30 years, the Wien Center for  ADRCs in the nation. A group of  for supporting research in Alzheimer’s  Dr. Duara is the Medical Director of the
        Alzheimer's Disease and Memory       Florida institutions make up the    and related disorders around the globe.  Wien Center for Alzheimer’s Disease and
        Disorders at Mount Sinai             1Florida ADRC. The 1Florida ADRC is  In collaboration with institutions around  Memory Disorders at Mount Sinai Medical
          Medical Center has offered hope and  significant and plays an important role in  the US and Canada, the Wien Center is  Center. For more information,
        care to patients experiencing memory  sharing ideas and innovative strategies  also focused on clinical trials dedicated       call (305) 674-CARE.
        loss. Our team serves as a resource to  with other researchers.          to developing treatments at a very early

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         22                       September 2017                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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