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Memorial Healthcare System Cover Story: Being Involved
Program One of Five in U.S. 'Is Really Important' to
Honored with NOVA Award New BCMA President
A Memorial Healthcare Continued from page 1 – even though that was disproved about
System program that aids 10 years ago – and put susceptible peo-
some of the most vulnera- She went into psychiatric nursing and ple at risk, such as pregnant women or
ble individuals in South enjoyed it, but said she felt a little stilted infants."
Florida, children aging out after a while. She went back to school Another issue is the profusion of walk-
of the foster care system, and received her Ph.D. in psychology in clinics that are being set up in phar-
has won the American and practiced as a psychologist, but macies, strip malls, and elsewhere.
Hospital Association’s 2017 medical school was still calling. "So I While they serve a purpose, Dr. Pevsner
NOVA Award. The honor, enrolled, and I was the oldest person in pointed out that the BCMA and other
earned by five or fewer enti- my class and in my residency." But her organizations are looking for better
ties nationwide each year, perseverance paid off, and in 2003 she record-keeping by the clinics to inform
recognizes “effective, col- earned her degree in Osteopathic the primary care physicians of the visits
laborative programs Medicine. and treatments. "If the patients go to a
focused on improving com- Saying that she has "always been a walk-in clinic to get an injection or for
munity health status.” joiner," and knowing the importance of some other treatment, the doctor needs
The Memorial program, supporting professional organizations, to have better access to records so that
Healthy Youth Transitions, Dr. Pevsner first became active in psy- we are aware of what's taken place."
was the only winner from Vanessa Ervin, AHA Board of Trustees and chology associations and was president Additionally, BCMA offers good
Florida. Board member and Tim Curtin of MHS. of the local chapter, and was also co- opportunities for networking, as Dr.
Utilizing funding from chair of the Florida Psychological Pevsner said, "We usually have a young
the Children’s Services Council of Broward County, the program helps kids and Association’s women's group. physicians' meeting where young physi-
young adults transition from foster care to adulthood by providing support before "I became interested in the Broward cians can ask physicians in practice
and after a person turns 18. Life coaches help those who’ve grown up on their own County Medical Association when I about different types of practices, and
learn to be productive adults, with guidance on daily living challenges such as hous- went to one of the women's group's discuss the pros and cons of private
ing, health, social relationships, education, money management, career planning, meetings and was interacting with the practice versus employed practice."
and work. women doctors. One of the women said Between her private practice, her work
“There are often nonprofits in the community that offer some of these services, but delegates were needed from the chapter at the VA, and now the presidency of the
it’s very unusual for a healthcare provider to take on a comprehensive program like for the state convention. So I became a BCMA, Dr. Pevsner will be juggling
ours,” said Tim Curtin, administrative director for community services at Memorial delegate and found it so fascinating. We quite a bit of responsibility, but because
Healthcare System. “We’ve been able to form community partnerships and bring vote on everything from the floor and it she has been on the board for several
everything under one umbrella for kids who have spent their childhoods in a con- runs the gamut from our medical prac- years, she knows what to expect. She
stant state of flux.” tice issues to public health. After that I also mentioned that Cynthia Peterson,
175 children, some of them women with babies of their own, have been coached started attending board meetings and BCMA's CEO, "is a very big help with
on life skills since 2010. “All they want is a fair shot at having success in life. We’re became a member on the board. I think everything. I can't say enough about her,
their safety net at a time they have nowhere else to turn,” said Curtin. if you show up enough, they will elect
you to office," Dr. Pevsner joked. Dr. she organizes everything for all of us."
Pevsner then went up the ladder from The term of presidency is one year,
secretary, to treasurer, to vice president, starting in October. Dr. Pevsner said
to president-elect, and now president. most people just serve one term, and
Responding to public health issues is when it's finished some stay active while
W : n e h Th hursday, Sept. 14, an important function of the BCMA, and others kind of drift away. "I think they
0 3 : 5 , 7 1 0 2 0-7:30 p.m. Dr. Pevsner said once a year delegates get burned out; but we have some people
who are still very active." Dr. Pevsner
Pu rc e s a h e tickets by Aug. from the county medical societies meet seems as if she will be one of the ones
1 3 d n a g get a $10 Arcade at the Florida Medical Association to
ca rd from m Xtreme present resolutions they believe are who remains active. "Yes," she said with
A ctio n Park, and $100 important. One of the concerns had to a laugh, "I probably will."
Pla y c d r a d and $150 gift do with vaccines. "A lot of people are not
ca rd (d n ining or brunch) vaccinating their children now because For more information, visit
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20 September 2017 South Florida Hospital News