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                                                                                           E-mail Your Calendar Submissions to

           September 9                                                            October 12-13
           Endocrinology Nursing Symposium                                        Future of Medicine Summit XI
             The 2017 Endocrinology Nursing Symposium will be held September 9 at David  The Palm Beach County Medical Society’s Future of Medicine Summit XI is set
           G. Jagelman Conference Center/Cleveland Clinic Florida, 2950 Cleveland Clinic  for October 12-13 at Hilton Palm Beach Airport, West Palm Beach. Visit
           Blvd., Weston. For more information or to register, visit the website at  for reservations or for more information, contact Jim Sugarman at
   or Katherine Zuber at or call (561) 433-3940.
                                                                                  October 21
           September 14                                                           Ronald McDonald Gala Celebration
           SFHEF Education Event                                                    The Ronald McDonald House Charities 35th Anniversary Gala Celebration will
             South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. presents Diversity and Inclusion  be held Saturday, October 21 at the Donna E. Shalala Student Center Grand
           in Healthcare on Thursday, September 14 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at FAU – Davie  Ballroom, 1330 Miller Dr. Coral Gables. To purchase tickets, visit the website
           Campus, 3200 College Ave. Register at          or call (786) 476-2176.
           September 14                                                           October 26
           SFHHA Networking Event                                                 Salute Our Physicians in Lung Health
             SFHHA will host a Summer Networking Event on Thursday, September 14 from  The American Lung Association in Florida Salutes Our Physicians in Lung
           6-8 p.m. at The Yard House, 601 Silks Run #1490, Hallandale Beach. For more  Health on October 26 from 6-9 p.m. at Cohen Pavilion, Kravis Center. For more
           information, contact Stephanie Foy at or (954) 964-1660.   information, visit

           September 14                                                           October 26
           Big Bad BBQ                                                            Cannabis Law and Business Conference & Expo
             The 4th Annual Big Bad BBQ benefiting the Special Olympics will take place on  Save the Date for the Cannabis Law and Business Conference & Expo to be held
           Thursday, September 14 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at 5601 Powerline Rd. #401, Fort  October 26 at the Bonaventure Resort, Weston.
           Lauderdale. Tickets at
                                                                                  October 27-28
           September 22                                                           Echocardiography Symposium
           Suncoast AHRMM Fall Symposium                                            Baptist Health South Florida presents the 36th Annual Echocardiography
             Suncoast AHRMM in partnership with the South Florida Hospital & Healthcare  Symposium October 27-28 at the Hilton, Miami Airport. For more information,
           Association present the 2017 Fall Symposium on September 22 at Cleveland  visit or contact
           Clinic. Suncoast AHRMM is Florida’s premier education event for providers, aca-
           demics, affiliates, and vendors who work in all facets of healthcare supply chain.  November 2
           For more information, visit                   SFHHA 25th Annual Golf Tournament
                                                                                    This annual golf tournament will benefit the South Florida Hospital Research
           September 28                                                           and Education Foundation. For more information, call (954) 964-1660 or visit the
           South Florida Healthcare Networking Group Meeting                      website
             You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South Florida Healthcare
           Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar on Thursday,  November 5-8
           September 28 from 7:45 to 10 a.m. Download the reservation form at the website  Emergency Radiology Symposium
  or call (561) 368-6950.                 Baptist Health South Florida presents the 17th Annual Emergency Radiology
                                                                                  Symposium November 5-8, at the Ritz Carlton South Beach, Miami Beach. For
           October 11                                                             more information, visit or contact
           Broad and Cassel Health Forum                                
             Broad and Cassel LLP and The Advisory Board Company are hosting the Seventh
           Annual Health Forum on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at the Signature Grand in  December 1-2
           Davie, FL. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by presentations and dis-  Miami Neuro Symposium and Miami Brain Symposium
           cussions with some of the industry's top professionals knowledgeable about  Baptist Health South Florida presents the 6th Annual Miami Neuro Symposium
           today's rapidly changing health care landscape. For more information, contact  and the Inaugural Miami Brain Symposium December 1-2 at the Biltmore Hotel,
           Elizabeth Levine at or (407) 839-4229.      Coral Gables. For more information, visit or

                   New Approach Developed by FAU Nursing Professor Could Save

                                       U.S. Health Care System Millions of Dollars

                Thinking “outside-the-box,” a researcher from the Christine E. Lynn College of  a hospital transfer guide, “Go to the Hospital or Stay Here? A Decision Guide for
              Nursing at Florida Atlantic University has developed an innovative yet simple and  Patients and Families.”
              inexpensive approach that could have a dramatic impact on health care cost sav-  Prior to development of this guide, little attention was paid to the role residents
              ings, morbidity and quality of life for residents in nursing homes across the coun-  and their families play in avoiding potentially preventable hospital transfers.
              try.                                                                 Studies have shown that their insistence on going to the hospital accounts for as
                Using a guide developed for nursing home residents and their families, FAU’s  much as 15 to 18 percent of these admissions. Furthermore, it is commonplace that
              College of Nursing, Barry University in Miami Shores, and The Larkin Health  medical providers will not refuse to transfer the nursing home resident to the hos-
              System in Miami have joined forces to launch a pilot program in seven South  pital if the resident or a family member insists.
              Florida nursing homes for a much-needed initiative to help avoid unnecessary hos-  This guide provides residents and families with vital information to help them
              pital readmissions.                                                  make informed decisions about whether or not a transfer to the hospital is neces-
                With the support of a $677,000 grant from The Patient Centered Outcomes  sary. Explaining the risks and benefits of treatment in long-term care versus trans-
              Research Institute (PCORI), Ruth Tappen, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN, Christine E. Lynn  fer to the hospital, this guide was developed based on interviews with 271 resi-
              Eminent Scholar in Nursing in FAU’s College of Nursing and her team developed  dents, family members and care providers.

         26                       September 2017                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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