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                                             West Palm Beach VA Medical Center

                                      Breaks Ground on Residential Rehab Facility

                  BY VANESSA ORR

          By early April 2019, veterans in South
        Florida will have access to a new residen-
        tial rehabilitation treatment facility located
        on the grounds of the West Palm Beach VA
        Medical Center. The 30,000 sq. ft., two-
        story inpatient building will serve to
        expand the center’s current treatment pro-
        grams, providing care for a growing num-
        ber of veterans dealing with substance
        abuse and mental health issues.
          “There is a definite need for additional
        inpatient residential treatment facilities
        specifically for veterans,” explained Kenita
        D. Gordon, public affairs officer, West
        Palm Beach VA Medical Center. “We’ve
        been sending veterans out into the com-
        munity to live in different rehabilitation
        facilities in residential settings, but with
        the opening of this new facility, we will be
        able to provide them with more compre-
        hensive services on our grounds.”
        Currently, the medical center provides res-
        idential mental health treatment for veter-  ments, and independent and group thera-  clinically necessary for them to receive  “This particular project has taken a long
        ans through its Care in the Community  py sessions, but others need inpatient  around the clock treatment, and some also  time to develop due to VA budgetary con-
        program.                             options, especially if they are dealing with  benefit from being able to relearn life skills  straints and program requirements to
          “Some veterans are fine to come in as  substance abuse coupled with mental  with others who are going through what  ensure that what is being designed and
        outpatients for regular therapy appoint-  health disorders,” she added. “It may be  they’re going through.”   constructed will meet the needs of the
                                                                                   According to Gordon, the number of  facility and the veteran community it
                                                                                  veterans requiring services is increasing  serves.”
                                                                                  each year. In fiscal year 2015, the medical  The West Palm Beach VA Medical
                                                                                  center provided 8,680 veterans with men-  Center treats veterans for mental health
                                                                                  tal health services for a total of 41,332  issues including PTSD, depression, anxi-
                                                                                  appointments. That number increased to  ety, substance abuse and more, and veter-
                                                                                  9,960 veterans and 48,448 appointments  ans can also take advantage of other serv-
                                                                                  in fiscal year 2016, and this year, 8,318  ices on the VA campus, including primary
                                                                                  veterans have already been seen, with the  and specialty care, an emergency room, a
                                                                                  fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2017.   blind rehabilitation center, and social serv-
                                                                                   Rob Kittelson, project engineer, West  ice programs for homeless vets.
                                                                                  Palm Beach VA Medical Center, said that  According to Gordon, veterans will be
                                                                                  the project, which broke ground at the end  evaluated by the VA’s mental health clinical
                                                                                  of August, will take about 14 months to  team to determine if they are good candi-
                                                                                  complete.                           dates for inpatient treatment. “How long
                                                                                   “The building will house a total of 60  the person stays will depend on the indi-
                                                                                  beds; 30 downstairs and 30 upstairs, with  vidual; some may stay six weeks, some for
                                                                                  two beds per semi-private room,” he said.  a few months,” she said.
                                                                                  The building will also contain an adminis-  “We’re working hard to make sure that
                                                                                  tration area on the ground floor, as well as  the community is aware of the range of
                                                                                  a dining room, kitchen, three group thera-  services that we offer to veterans,” she
                                                                                  py rooms, and one large recreation room.  added. “We want to spread the word that
                                                                                   “Once the building is complete, it will  we’re here to help 24 hours a day. The new
                                                                                  take approximately four months to   residential facility is simply the cherry on
                                                                                  become fully activated with equipment  top of the services that are already avail-
                                                                                  and resources, with the expected move-in  able.”
                                                                                  date in early April 2019,” Kittelson added.  “There is a great need for rehab services
                                                                                  Stephen L. Borruf AIA Architects +  for veterans in South Florida, and this
                                                                                  Planners will design the building, which is  facility will really fill a big void in the
                                                                                  being built by Pointer Construction  area,” added Jones. “We are very excited to
                                                                                  Group, a company that has done a number  be a part of it and are looking forward to
                                                                                  of   projects  for   the   Veterans  building a successful addition to the VA
                                                                                  Administration.                     campus.”
                                                                                   “We’ve been involved in a variety of dif-
                                                                                  ferent types of renovations, additions and  To learn more about services provided by
                                                                                  construction projects for the VA since  the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center,
                           “Experience a Sound Future”                            2010,” said David Jones, vice president of     visit
                                                                                  operations, Pointer Construction Group.              or call (561) 422-8262.

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