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                                                                Health Care Sector?
                                                                                 page  10

          Volume 17 • Issue 4 • $5.00                 October 2020

                                              Oncology... Oncology... Oncology... Oncology...

                                                         Donation of $126 Million

                                                          Comes As 'Big Surprise'

                                                            BY LOIS THOMSON

                                               "It came as a big surprise," said Dr. Stephen D. Nimer, in
                                             what could be considered a classic understatement. Dr.
                                             Nimer was referring to a $126 million anonymous donation
                                             made on his behalf to the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer
                     Matt Gracey             Center at the University of Miami. However, while the dona-                       Dr. Michael Abramoff
                                             tion itself might have been a surprise, the reason behind it is
                    Rising                   pretty clear.                                                                       Digital
                                               Dr. Nimer said the donation – the largest single gift in the
                                             history of the University of Miami – came from a family that
              Reinsurance                    has been a supporter of his in the past, and a member decid-                   Diagnostics:
                                             ed that the work he was doing at Sylvester was worthy of   Dr. Stephen D. Nimer
           Rates to Affect                   this very large bequest. "I've known the family for a couple                 Committed to
                                             of decades but never imagined receiving a gift like this. My relationship with them was
                  Already                    based on my expertise as a physician and a scientist, which is in the area of leukemia and   Ethical AI
                                             stem cell transplantation. The assistance I provided to them and their friends was as a
                                             physician in my own field and related fields of medicine."
               Hardening                       He has been honored in the past, including last November when he received the Oscar   Healthcare
                                             de la Renta endowed professorship. "That was very special for me. Endowed chairs are
              Malpractice                    an indication from the university that you are an accomplished scientist and educator;      BY DANIEL CASCIATO
                                             doctors don't usually receive endowed chairs without having done some research from
                                             the university." Additionally, at Sloan Kettering, he was named the Alfred P. Sloan profes-  Digital Diagnostics was founded by Dr.
                Insurance                    sor; but he has never been honored like this.                            Michael Abramoff to use technology to
                                               Dr. Nimer said the funds given were to be used at his discretion, that the donor "very   improve patient access to high quality
                  Market                     much wanted me to spend money on things that were important to me. The gift was   care, save all stakeholders real dollars,
                                             given because of care I provided, so I want to make sure it has a clinical impact on our   and directly improve patient outcomes.
                                             community." He highlighted experimental therapeutics as being one of the most impor-  They do this using artificial intelligence
                  BY VANESSA ORR                                                                                      that is FDA authorized to remove the
                                                                                                  Continued on page 20  physician oversight from standard of
          For the last year-and-a-half, a hard mar-                                                                   care tests. This gives patients instanta-
        ket has been unfolding in the medical pro-                                                                    neous results and immediate referral to
        fessional liability sector, which provides   Public Awareness Saves Lives                                     specialty care for treatment. In doing
        malpractice insurance. And with a recent                                                                      this, providers practice top of license,
        announcement by Lloyd’s of London, it                                                                         payers save significant medical expenses,
        looks like the difficulties the sector has   BY LOIS THOMSON                                                  and the patients have demonstrably bet-
        been facing are about to get even worse.                                                                      ter outcomes.
          “Lloyd’s of London just announced that   According to Nick Silverio, "public                                  Their expanding platform enables the
        in the first half of the year, they lost 400   awareness saves lives," and for that reason,                   deployment of specialty care sensors into
        million pounds ($520.08 million), com-  Silverio, founder of A Safe Haven for                                 primary care and retail health. Using
        pared to last year’s profit of  2.3 billion dur-  Newborns, is delighted to have formed a                     their patented biomarker-driven devel-
        ing the same period in 2019,” said Matt   partnership with Century Ambulance                                  opment process, they migrate specialty
        Gracey, medical malpractice insurance spe-  Service, Inc. Salome Lofty, Account                               care previously offered in person or as
        cialist at Danna-Gracey, the largest inde-  Executive, South Florida, of Century,                             telehealth to FDA authorized fully
        pendent medical malpractice insurance   agrees.                                                               autonomous AI diagnostics. Its first ever
        agency in Florida. “The company is pre-  Safe Haven's mission is to help save the                             autonomous AI was cleared by the FDA
        dicting that it will have payouts of more   lives of newborns who are in danger of                            in 2018 for diagnosing diabetic retinopa-
        than  5 billion due to COVID, and they   being abandoned by their mothers, and                                thy and diabetic macular edema. More
        only have reinsurance for  2 billion of   also to assist pregnant girls and women                             recently, Digital Diagnostics acquired
        that.”                               in crisis. Silverio said there's an escalat-                             3Derm who has FDA breakthrough sta-
          Insurance companies buy reinsurance so   ing crisis where mothers believe they                              tus for its autonomous AI focused on
        that if they have a bad year, they will be   have no support: they're not connected                           diagnosing skin cancers.
        able to recover some of their losses from   to their family or people who might care.   Nick Silverio           “What distinguishes our company
        another insurance carrier.           Sometimes they are connected, but they                                   from the competition is our ever-
          “Some companies buy higher limits of   are young and feel ashamed, and are fearful of being ostracized from the family. They   expanding platform of fully autonomous
        reinsurance than others, based on the   may panic at the last minute and leave babies in unsafe places that can often result in   AI, and our ability to take existing sen-
        sheer gamble of how well they think the   death. "Safe Haven is a resource for those moms, we try to get them help in the com-  sor-driven diagnostics from human cog-
        year will go,” said Gracey. “Some very   munity in which they live; quite often when we do they are able to keep their baby, and   nition to AI-driven” said John Bertrand,
                         Continued on page 13                                                       Continued on page 6                Continued on page 13
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