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Let’s Connect:                                                                When It Comes to Patient Care

           ACHE of South Florida                                                            – How Easy Do You Make It?

                                                                                          About a year and a half ago, my wife and I
           Spotlight                                                                    downsized our home which translated into mov-
                                                                                        ing east about 25 minutes. After 12 months of
                                                                                        going out of our way for doctor appointments,
                                                                                        we started to weigh which medical professionals
             ACHE of South Florida Spotlight:                                           were worth fighting traffic for. As a result, some
                                                                                        did not make the cut.
                             Paula M. Zalucki                                           I reached out to was either impressively smooth
                                                                                          The new patient process at some of the offices
                                                                                        or extremely difficult. Let me give you the worst
                 BY VANESSA ORR
                                                                                        example. I called a highly recommended health-
          For more than 25 years, Paula M.                                              care provider and requested an appointment. I   BY  JAY JUFFRE
        Zalucki, FACHE, FACMPE, has served                                              was asked for my name, birthdate, and insurance
        in consulting and senior leadership roles                                       information. So far, so good. Basics were cov-
        in medical groups, large integrated deliv-                                      ered. They then asked me what time worked best for me. I replied either first
        ery systems, and community hospitals.                                           thing in the morning or late afternoon, preferably Friday. ‘They replied, 7:30
        As the senior manager at ECG                                                    am a week from Friday work?’ “Perfect” I replied. Then everything got dicey.
        Management Consultants, she is focused                                            Two days before the appointment, I got a call from their office. “There is a
        on performance improvement among                                                problem with your insurance.” Once I heard why, I immediately knew what
        medical groups, specifically those that                                         was going on and explained that my name and my son’s name were the same
        are part of hospital systems.                                                   and that someone; their office, the insurance company or maybe my 20-year-
          “I help clients improve their opera-                                          old, had somehow transposed some of the information. “Well, you need to
        tions and increase access, looking at           Paula M. Zalucki                call your insurance company and get this straightened out.” I politely
        everything from how a patient enters the                                        explained that I was too busy to be calling insurance companies. The person
        system and gets scheduled for appoint-  you have to make a commitment to life-  politely informed me that this was my “problem”. I then politely cancelled the
        ments to how they move through the   long learning,” she said. “ACHE pro-       appointment. Navigating insurance and payment options is difficult for most
        care process in an ambulatory setting to   vides resources as well as avenues to net-  people.
        get the care they need,” she explained.    work and share ideas. It allows you to   Telling potential new, or any patients what they need to do and what their
          Before joining ECG, where she has   keep up with the rapid changes taking     problems are is rarely the best approach. Yet many times we punt issues back
        been for the past year, Zalucki held con-  place while also fostering collaboration.”   to them as if people seeking our services owed us anything. When it comes to
        sulting roles with Berkeley Research   Zalucki first became affiliated with     patient care, help your teams make it easier to do business with you. Who
        Group and Deloitte. She has also served   ACHE in 1988, and has since become    knows how many new patients you will attract (or potentially drive away)?
        as the vice president of physician servic-  quite involved, having served as chapter
        es for Jupiter Medical Center and has   president for ACHE of North Texas, and         Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President, ImageFIRST. For more information on
        held executive positions within health   as regent for the Greater Dallas-Fort                 ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
        systems in Texas, Georgia and Florida.   Worth area. She has also served as facul-
          “I’ve always been in healthcare, other   ty to dozens of ACHE chapter education
        than working at a Chuck E. Cheese for   events, enabling hundreds of candidates
        19 days in high school,” laughed     to prepare for the Fellow exam.
        Zalucki. “I worked on the provider side   “When I joined ACHE, members were
        for several decades before moving into   required to advance to board certifica-
        consulting for the last 10 years.”    tion and take the exam within two     “ You can’t separate the clinical
          Even before the pandemic, things were   years,” said Zalucki, who is dually

        challenging for the industry, but Zalucki   boarded with Fellow status in the   and the financial – not anymore.”
        says that it’s now even more imperative   American  College  of  Healthcare
        for healthcare professionals to focus on   Executives and the American College of                  People who know Healthcare, know BDO.
        operational improvement.             Medical Practice Executives. “Now you
          “Practices are looking to improve mar-  can stay a member in perpetuity without
        gins, as healthcare is very restricted with   board certification, but for those who
        which services gets paid, so it’s impor-  want to pursue it, it is the gold standard
        tant to know how to cut waste and    in demonstrating your commitment to
        improve efficiencies. That’s become even   the field.”
        more heightened since the pandemic,”   Zalucki still helps candidates prepare
        said Zalucki.                        for the exam, and recently held a virtual
          “Access to care has also become more   program to help 60 participants review
        of a focus as healthcare systems have had   the material. She also encourages those
        to pivot to provide new ways for patients   new to the healthcare field to become
        to access their services. Telehealth has   ACHE members.
        become a huge growth area,” she added.   “I believe that it shows a commitment
        “Emergency rooms are no longer being   to the profession, to lifelong learning,
        misused for primary care, so systems are   and to professional development,” she
        now having to establish stronger rela-  said. “I advise all early careerists, as well
        tionships with PCPs, or provide tele-  as students in healthcare, to look at what
        health online.”                      ACHE offers. Not only can they partici-  The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence & Innovation
          According to Zalucki, one of the best   pate in local and national events, but   As the healthcare industry enters an era of unprecedented transformation, anticipating and
        ways to stay abreast of the latest trends is   they can also network beyond their   understanding the future state model of healthcare is more important than ever. From advising on
        by being a member of a premier profes-  immediate employers, find mentors, and   complex joint ventures, to M&A services, to healthcare redesign, BDO’s multidisciplinary teams help

        sional membership organization like the   collaborate with colleagues and peers to   organizations plan for and implement the financial and clinical changes needed to transform their
                                                                                     institutions — and thrive in the years to come.
        American College of Healthcare Exe -  expand their knowledge base while mak-
        cutives (ACHE).                      ing lifelong friends.”
                                                                                     Alfredo Cepero, 305-420-8006 /
          “In order to survive in this industry,
                                                                                     Angelo Pirozzi, 646-520-2870 /
                                                                                     Accountants  |  Advisors  |  Doctors
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                                                                                     © 2019 BDO USA, LLP. All rights reserved.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                             October 2020                            7
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