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Cover Story: Public Awareness Saves Lives

        Continued from page 1                          who was impressed with our
        that's our goal."                              level of services, and recom-
          He continued, saying                         mended that Safe Haven reach
        that if they cannot keep the                   out to us. He felt confident
        baby, they may place the                       that we would be a good part-
        infant directly with an                        ner. When Dr. Bruno contact-
        adoption agency and can                        ed us, it was such an easy
        remain in the life of that                     decision for us, a no-brainer.
        child if they so request.                      Safe Haven saves lives, and
        Another option is, if they                     more importantly plays such a   (l-r) Dr. William Bruno, Ambassador, Safe Haven for Newborns; Matt Johnson, General
        want to remain anony-                          vital role in our community by   Manager Century Ambulance Service; Nick Silverio, Founder, Safe Haven for Newborns; Jose
        mous, the baby is placed in   Salome Lofty     providing pregnant mothers,
        the Safe Haven program,                        in their most desperate     Lopez, EMT Century Ambulance Service; Mario Lascano, EMT Century Ambulance Service;
        and the mother's name doesn't appear on   moment, with safe, sound, and compas-  Jonathan Pauwels, South Florida Regional Operations Manager, Century Ambulance.
        the birth certificate. Silverio said this   sionate alternatives to abandoning their
        process has saved many lives – more than   newborn infants; and everything is done in   eral ways. A mother can give birth to a   or artwork, with everything being oriented
        325 in the 20 years since Safe Haven was   such a confidential manner."   baby outside of a hospital and take it either   toward Safe Haven. "With this pandemic,
        founded.                               Silverio added, "We met with Century   to a fire station or a hospital and express   it's given them a way to earn their hours
          Safe Haven already had partnerships   some months ago and explained our pro-  her desire to leave the baby with the pro-  fairly easily."
        with hospitals and fire stations in Florida.   gram, and then provided education to the   gram. Or the mother may have the baby at   In summary, Silverio said, "Our message
        All hospitals have the Safe Haven logo   ambulance drivers and supervisors, so   the hospital and can ask to leave the child   is that if you're pregnant or know some-
        posted outside their emergency depart-  they would know what to do if they were   with Safe Haven. In some scenarios, she   body who is, and are all alone and don't
        ments, as do all 24/7-staffed fire stations.   in a situation where somebody wanted to   may have the baby but leave without let-  know what to do, call us. We can get help."
        "We felt that would communicate that   leave their baby. And we recently put   ting anybody know what she wants to do.   Lofty added, "It's a much-needed service
        there is a safe haven, so people could ask   decals on the ambulances. Constant   However, sometimes after giving up her   in our community, and we are committed
        questions, find out what a safe haven is,   awareness: it's an ongoing process."   baby, the mother learns she has support   to supporting Safe Haven in their mission
        get answers, and know there was help."   Lofty confirmed, "That means that each   but didn't realize it. In those cases, she has   to eliminate infant abandonment."
          To further the possibility of providing   of our ambulances serves as a safe haven   30 days to reclaim the child by going
        help, Safe Haven's latest partnership is   for newborns. So we are ready to assist any   through the court system. Safe Haven can
        with Century Ambulance Service, a pri-  mother in crisis should she need the assis-  help with that, too.        For more information about A Safe Haven
        vately owned medical transport company.   tance."                          Safe Haven has also created an app for   for Newborns, call (877) 767-2229 or visit
        Lofty explained, "I received a call from Dr.   Silverio said Safe Haven was created   high school and college students to be able For
        William Bruno, one of the ambassadors for   because mothers want to be anonymous,   to earn their community service hours.   Century Ambulance Service, Inc.,
        Safe Haven for Newborns. He was referred   and that's why they were leaving babies   They can tackle one of three do-at-home   call (800) 771-2829 or visit
        to Century by one of our mutual partners   unattended. The program can help in sev-  projects: a smartphone video, a newsletter,

                Decreased Pressure Provides                                                    LINK+ a Life Preserver

          Opportunities for Targeted Reform                                              I am sure anyone who has had a loved one diag-

                                                                                     nosed with cancer or some other terminal illness
            Some interesting data is starting to emerge which                        can attest to the feeling of shock and the surreal
          indicates that health care is of lesser concern to the                     quality that you feel when hearing the diagnosis.
          electorate during this election cycle than in previous                     It is like a punch in the stomach, a gnawing feeling
          years. The Kaiser Family Foundation recently report-                       that this is what you now have to face every day
          ed on these trends that show the public’s focus has                        you wake up. My brother George recently got
          clearly been impacted by the emergence of seemingly                        diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I cannot even
          more immediate concerns such as the economic                               put into words what he must be going through
          impact of COVID-19 and social justice issues.                              right now. As my brother’s health advocate, I will
            The precipitous drop of health care as a key voting                      now be fighting for his life and doing everything
          issue is an interesting phenomenon that demands fur-                       in my power to be there for him, emotionally,
          ther study; however, it may usher in short-term oppor-                     physically and to obtain the most progressive   BY MICHELLE MORSE
          tunities for targeted reforms that often get overlooked                    treatment that is available.
          amongst the drive for more sweeping change.    BY RUDOLPH MOISE,             My older brother and I are 12 years apart. I
            Individuals polled still rank affordability and access   DO, JD, MBA     started hanging out with George socially, my senior year in high school. I would
          to care as the most important health care issues. As the                   be walking home from school and he and his buddies would be shooting hoops
          November elections approach, it is those issues that                       in our driveway. They were older than me and let me tag along with them, so
          the Dade County Medical Association continues to                           that made me feel “cool”. I looked up to my older brother. We bonded over a
          address in our ongoing discussions with current and future elected officials. There   passion for music as well. That bond would continue for the rest of our lives.
          is no doubt that reduced regulation and payment parity for telehealth services dur-  To this day, we have never lived farther than 15 minutes from each other.
          ing the pandemic has enabled physicians to expand access to care in rural commu-  George has always been a happy-go-lucky, live in the moment kind of guy.
          nities and for vulnerable populations. This regulatory relief and payment parity   Never worrying about tomorrow. God bless him, he rarely lets anything get him
          should be made permanent by the Florida Legislature.                       down. Even when he ended up in the hospital because of diabetes, 20 years ago,
            Insurance company utilization of step therapy procedures and strict treatment   he took it in stride and adjusted his diet accordingly. Years later, he would add
          guidelines often delay provision or restrict access to medically-necessary care. These   high blood pressure and cardiomyopathy to his list of health issues.
          delays can increase cost of care through mismanagement of conditions, or shift the   Luckily, with the help of technology, I can use our Link+ medical device to
          costs of treatment onto patients who cannot get care approved. The DCMA supports   monitor his blood sugar, blood pressure, oximeter pulse and temperature in
          legislation that would require insurance carriers to provide patients with trans-  real-time. For example, when he tests his blood sugar, the information seam-
          parency and accountability in the utilization of such procedures.          lessly connects to the secure HIPPA-compliant portal via 4G or 5G. Happily,
            Finally, the economic fallout from the pandemic will undoubtedly leave many   George does not have to worry about downloading an app or using a tablet. I
          Floridians without access to employer-sponsored health insurance. Our organiza-  can view the data at any time. I can also send comprehensive daily health
          tion supports traditional or innovative programs to provide access to coverage on a   reports to his doctor.
          temporary basis to those impacted.                                           As one of my brother’s caregivers, the LINK+ gives me some peace of mind
            The 2021 Legislative Session may provide a small window of opportunity to land   these days. And I can continue being that annoying, proactive sister that he has
          some of these targeted reforms without the cloud of sweeping reform hanging over-  always known me to be.
          head. We encourage physicians and patients to work with the DCMA and our elect-
          ed officials to deliver improved access and affordability of health care.             For more information about the LINK+, call Michelle Morse, American
                                                                                      Telemedicine, at (561) 278-2222 ext. 104 or visit
                       Dr. Rudolph Moise is President of the Dade County Medical Association.
                               For more information, contact the DCMA at (305) 324-8717.

         6                         October 2020                                                                                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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