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Integrity Assessment and Repair                      ASME Supporting
         of Process Piping and Tanks  NEW!
                                                              Organisations in Europe

         MC144  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE
                                                              ASME prides itself in working closely with esteemed
         The evaluation of the integrity of process piping systems and tanks   Supporting Organisations in Europe. Active
         for continued operation is a common concern for upstream,   collaboration with fellow national organisations allows
         transmission and storage, and downstream operations. The
         questions at hand are how to determine the damage mechanisms   ASME to communicate effectively and meet educational
         that affect piping systems and tanks, how to inspect them, determine   needs of mechanical engineers and technical
         their remaining life, make run-or-repair decisions, and choose among   professionals across Europe.
         repair options.
         This two-day MasterClass provides an overview of the methods
         and criteria for inspection of piping systems and tanks, evaluation
         of inspection results, determination of remaining life, and the
         selection of the appropriate repair technique. Examples of practical
         applications for the integrity assessment and repair techniques
         are discussed to illustrate the methods and criteria. The course
         addresses not only the Code requirements, but also their historical
         and technical basis, which provides participants with the technical
         foundation to make the correct integrity and repair decisions.
         You Will Learn To
         •   Identify the general forms of damage mechanisms   IDA The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, is a modern professional
                                                               association for technical and science professionals. IDA holds
         •   Describe the methods and standards for the development of    close to 100,000 members and works closely with the interests
           risk-based inspections of PCC-3 and API-580/581     of employees, managers and self-employed. IDA’s goal is to help
         •   Apply the rules of API-579 / ASME FFS-1 to determine remaining   technical knowledge workers set the agenda via competence
           life of piping systems and tanks                    development, network establishment and political influence.

         •   Explain how to apply ASME Post-Construction Code PCC-2
           methods for welded repairs, mechanical repairs, and non-metallic

         Who Should Attend
                                                               IMechE The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is
         Piping systems and tank engineers working for owner-users as    one of the fastest growing professional engineering institutions.   PIPING AND PIPELINES MasterClass Series
         well as manufacturing, inspection or engineering and design firms  Headquartered in London, but with operations around the world, the
                                                               Institution has over 110,000 members in more than 140 countries,
         2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
         Date: 20-21 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain            working at the heart of the most important and dynamic industries.
         Member:  €1.250 / List Price €1.350                   The Institution is committed to providing the best possible service for
                                                               its members, ensuring that they have the skills, knowledge, support
                                                               and development advice they need at every stage of their career.

                                                              ANIMA The Federation of Italian Associations of Mechanical and
                                                              Engineering Industries is the trade industry organisation within
                                                              Confindustria (Italian Confederation of Industry) which represents
                                                              major mechanical and engineering manufacturers in Italy.  Macro-
                                                              sectors represented by ANIMA include: Plants and equipment for
                                                              energy production for chemical and oil industries; Erection and
                                                              maintenance of industrial plants; Systems and machinery for lifting,
                                                              elevation and handling; Plants and technologies for food processing;
                                                              Technologies and products for industry; Plants and components for
                        MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                industry; Plants and equipment for building; Plants and equipment for
                                                              environmental and personal protection; Other mechanical plants.
                        George Antaki, P.E., has over 40 years’
                        experience in pressure equipment. He is an
                        ASME Fellow, internationally recognised for
                        his expertise in design, analysis and fitness-
                        for-service evaluation of pressure equipment
                        and piping systems. He is Chairman of   UCC The Italian Association of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel
                        ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee,   Manufacturers, member of ANIMA since 1950, represents more than
                        Chairman of ASME III Working Group Piping   60 companies that manufacture pressure vessels, industrial steam
                        Design, member of the ASME III Subgroup   boilers and steam generators, heat exchangers, pressure equipment
                        Component Design and ASME Operation and   and series tanks. The Association also includes companies involved
                        Maintenance Subgroup Piping. He is the author   in design and dedicated software development. Many of its Members
                        of the textbook, “Fitness-for-Service for Piping,   operate for the Energy sector, the Steel industry, Oil & Gas,
                        Vessels and Tanks.”                    Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Petrochemical.

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