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Bases and Application of Piping Flexibility          Piping Vibration Courses and Remedies
         Analysis to ASME B31 Codes                           – A Practical Approach

         MC110  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE      MC111  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE
         The rules of B31.1 and B31.3 have considerations that can have   This two-day MasterClass provides a foundation of knowledge
         a significant impact on the design of systems and associated   necessary for those responsible for assuring the mechanical integrity
         equipment. This interactive two-day MasterClass will provide a   of existing piping systems, as well as those responsible for designing
         thorough insight into the history and bases for the rules for piping   and constructing new piping systems. The program presents
         design. The program will provide a review of the detailed design   background on fundamental causes of piping vibration and describes
         procedures and a thorough explanation of the significant assumptions   how to identify sources of vibration. Rules of thumb and simplified
         and available options. Through both presentation and discussion,   methods for evaluating vibration severity, as well as methods of
         attendees will gain a greater appreciation and understanding of how   treatment are discussed. A wide variety of causes of vibration will
         these assumptions and options can impact their designs.  be explored in detail in order to enable the participant to properly
                                                              evaluate the variety of piping vibration problems that can occur in
         The class will include detailed example problems that demonstrate,   piping systems.
         for “real-world” piping, how the rules are to be applied and how the
         options can influence the final design. Examples will be reviewed   Participants are encouraged to bring examples of troublesome
         showing how outputs from computer analysis can be broken down   vibration problems they have experienced or are experiencing for
         into understandable pieces and verified that the results are consistent   class discussion.
         with the actual behaviour of the piping system.
                                                              You Will Learn To
         You Will Learn To                                    •      Identify the probable causes of piping vibration
         •   Define the analytical basis of piping design rules contained in
           either the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code or ASME B31.3    •   Determine if vibration is likely to be excessive
           Process Piping Code                                •   Recommend methods to correct the problem if the vibration
                                                               is excessive
         •     Evaluate the significance of the modelling assumptions and how
           they affect the final design
                                                              Who Should Attend
         •   Apply the step-by-step design logic for reviewing stress analysis   Engineers, senior designers, maintenance, quality assurance,
           outputs and understanding how to locate and resolve problems  inspection and manufacturing personnel who work with process
         •   Interpret the significance of the calculated stresses and the   piping (e.g., in the chemical, petroleum, plastic processing, pulp
           importance of stress categories                    and paper fields)
         Who Should Attend                                    Special Requirements:
         Piping engineers/designers, developers of piping analysis design   This Master Class is structured on the assumption that participants   PIPING AND PIPELINES MasterClass Series
         software, as well as managers/supervisors of piping design activities   have a basic understanding of at least one of the ASME B31 piping
         Special Requirements:
         This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants   Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
         have a basic understanding of ASME B31.1 or B31.3 Piping Codes.  challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.
                                                              2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
         Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
         challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.  Date:  19-20 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain
                                                                  15-16 March 2017, Scandinavia
                                                                  19-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
         2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
         Date:  17-18 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain          Member: €1.150 / List Price €1.250
             13-14 March 2017, Scandinavia
         Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350

                        MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                               MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR
                        Jim E. Meyer, Principal/Lead Engineer, Louis         Don Frikken, Senior Advisor, Becht
                        Perry Group and Chair, ASME B31 Pressure             Engineering; Member and Past-Chair of ASME
                        Piping Committee. Jim is a recognised                B31 Pressure Piping Committee. Don is an
                        expert with 40 years of experience in refining       internationally recognised authority in piping
                        petrochemical, chemical, power generation            design and has received numerous awards
                        and industrial facilities. Jim has been involved     including the ASME Melvin R. Green Codes
                        in the ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 Section             and Standards Medal, which recognises
                        committees for over 35 years and is current          outstanding contributions in ASME Code
                        Chair of the B31 Standards Committee.                development.

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