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B31.3 Process Piping Code Grade 91 and Other Creep Strength
Enhanced Ferritic Steels
This course provides an introduction to the ASME B31.3 Process The push toward higher efficiencies in power and process plants has
Piping Code. It covers the requirements of B31.3 for the design, resulted in a significant increase in the application of CSEF (Creep
analysis, materials, fabrication, testing and inspection of process Strength Enhanced Ferritic) steels in high temperature services.
piping systems. It explores the rules for various components These steels differ from “traditional” code material inasmuch as they
including fittings, connections, bends, valves and specialty gain their exceptional high temperature creep rupture properties
components. based on a specific condition of microstructure, rather than the
primary chemical composition of the materials. This means that
Other topics include dimensions and ratings of components, fluid the manufacturing and fabrication processes must be controlled
service requirements for joints, piping flexibility and support, carefully to ensure that the appropriate microstructure is achieved,
welding, heat treatment, bending and forming, brazing as well as failing which the material will suffer a significant reduction in creep
soldering, assembly, erection, examination and inspection. strength properties.
Each attendee will receive a copy of the B31.3 Process Piping This course brings delegates up to speed on the specific
Design codebook. requirements for the CSEF steels; specifically, how adequate
properties can be achieved and controlled.
You Will Learn To
• Identify the responsibilities of personnel involved in the design, You Will Learn To
fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection and • Explain the history and background of CSEF Steels
testing of process piping
• Describe the metallurgy of Grade 91 and other CSEF Steels
• Describe the scope and technical requirements of the ASME
B31.3 Code • Explain design benefits
• Apply and implement the quality requirements that are defined • Describe failure histories
in the ASME B31.3 Code
• Explain manufacturing and fabrication processes
Who Should Attend • Identify Welding and PWHT (post weld heat treatment)
Engineers, managers and quality personnel who are involved in • Describe Inspection and Assessment Approaches
the design, manufacturing, fabrication and examination of process
piping that is being built to the requirements of U.S. codes and Who Should Attend
Design, materials and mechanical engineers, QC and inspection
Special Requirements: personnel, construction supervision, maintenance engineers,
welding engineers as well as regulatory personnel PIPING AND PIPELINES Public Courses
Attendees are required to bring a scientific calculator to the course.
Participants should have at least one year of experience in the
Instructor: Jim Meyer design, materials, fabrication, maintenance or Quality Control
4 Days, 3.0 CEUs, 30 PDHs aspects of high temperature boiler and pipe applications.
Dates: 12-15 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
8-11 May 2017, London, United Kingdom Instructor: Jeff Henry
19-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy 3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
Membe r: €1.850 / List Price €1.950 Dates: 8-10 May 2017, London, United Kingdom
£1.795 / List Price £1.895 (London) Member: £1.450 / List Price £1.550 (London)
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