Page 16 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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BPV Code, Section III, Division 1: BPV Code, Section III, Division 1:
Class 1, 2 & 3 Piping Design Rules for Construction of Nuclear
Facility Components
This course provides information and instruction on design, analysis This course presents a practical yet comprehensive overview of
and qualification of nuclear power plant piping systems that are Section III, Division 1, including interfaces with Sections II, V and IX.
consistent with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section While not an in-depth review of design, fabrication, inspection,
III, Division 1, Subsections NB/NC/ND, as well as the parallel quality assurance or other technical requirements, every Subsection
requirements of ASME B31.1 for nuclear power plants. The methods in Section III is covered in sufficient detail to provide an understanding
and criteria described throughout the course, apply to new systems, of the Code processes and methodology, including the ASME
as well as modifications or repairs to existing systems. Accreditation processes. The course also furnishes valuable and
useful information about the Nuclear Code for nuclear regulators,
The course reviews the ASME III Code technical requirements, their
technical basis, and the corresponding regulatory requirements technical organisations, nuclear generating facility owners,
for the design, analysis, and qualification of Class 1, 2 & 3 piping equipment and material organisations, installers as well as
systems, for normal operating and postulated accidents. The topics authorised inspection agencies.
covered include pressure design, thermal flexibility analysis, fatigue Insights and perspectives are also offered into the regulatory
analysis, seismic, waterhammer, flow-induced vibration and high significance and application of Section III and other ASME Codes
energy line breaks. The course also reviews best industry practices included in the USNRC’s regulation 10CFR 50.55a, the regulatory
for correct and cost-effective ASME III design, analysis, and significance of Code Cases and Code Inquiries, along with a
qualification. discussion of the use of Code alternatives, as permitted by the
Each student will receive a copy of the BPVC Section III-Rules for NRC’s regulations. Participants will also learn about the USNRC’s
Construction of Nuclear Facility Components-Division 1-Subsection 10CFR Part 21 and 10CFR50.55(e) reporting requirements.
NC-Class 2 Component Code. Reference material includes background on the development
of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, a summary of the
You Will Learn To Subsections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,
NUCLEAR Public Courses
• Identify ASME BPVC Section III and regulatory requirements for Section III, the ASME Accreditation process as well as the course
piping system design presentation material.
• Describe Class 2/3 Piping Design by Rule methods You Will Learn To
• Identify Class 2/3 pipe supports design requirements • Explain why the Code was developed, including its current scope
and exclusions, as well as how the Code is adopted by the NRC
• Identify selected, individual piping component design
requirements • Explain the NRC’s acceptance of Code Cases
• Describe the design of a simple Class 2/3 piping system • Identify the NRC’s 10CFR Part 21 and 10CFR50.55(e) reporting
• Describe the overview of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code • Describe the functions performed by authorised inspection
agencies and authorised nuclear inspectors
• Identify Code requirements for Class 1 Piping Design
Specifications • Explain quality assurance requirements as they apply to Material
Organisations and N-Certificate holders
• Explain Class 1 Piping Design by Rule (NB-3600)
• Describe the use and significance of ASME Code Stamps
• Explain Class 1 Piping Design by Analysis (NB-3200)
• Identify the responsibilities of various ASME Certificate Holders
• Describe non-Code, but related, nuclear piping design issues
• Identify the different Code Data Reports and required signatories
Who Should Attend • Explain how Section III interfaces with Sections II, V and IX
Engineers involved in the design, analysis and qualification of ASME • Identify future trends in nuclear power development
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Safety Class 1, 2 & 3 piping
systems, and ASME B31.1 for nuclear power plants • Identify the qualifications required for professional engineers by
Section III, Divisions 1, 2 and 3
This is an intermediate level course for mechanical and civil
engineers who are or will be directly or indirectly involved in the • Describe the responsibilities and functions of The National Board
design, analysis or construction of ASME Boiler and Pressure of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Inspectors and that of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Vessel Code, Safety Class 1, 2 & 3 piping systems. Participants
are expected to have at least one year of experience in the design, Who Should Attend
maintenance or operation of a nuclear power reactor facility.
Mechanical and mechanical system design engineers, plant systems
Instructor: François Claeys engineers along with QA and inspection personnel, including
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs experienced and entry-level personnel wishing an understanding
Dates: 12-14 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands of Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and its
8-10 May 2017, London, United Kingdom application
Member: €1.600 / List Price €1.700
£1.495 / List Price £1.595 (London) Instructor: Manfred Dilly
5 Days, 3.8 CEUs, 38 PDHs
Dates: 12-16 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
19-23 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
Member: €2.050 / List Price €2.150