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Fatigue Analysis Requirements in                      Design by Analysis Requirements in
         ASME BPV Code Section VIII,                           ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
         Division 2 – Alternative Rules  NEW!                  Section VIII, Division 2 – Alternative Rules

         MC123  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE       MC121  MasterClass Series/ASME STANDARDS COURSE
         The focus of the one-day MasterClass is to provide an   The focus of the two-day Master Class learning event is to provide
         understanding of the fatigue methods found in Part 5 of ASME   an understanding of the analytical methods found in Part 5 of
         Section VIII, Division 2 as well as to convey practical information   Section VIII, Division 2 as well as to convey practical information on
         on how to perform analysis including the use of Finite Element   how to meet the requirements using Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
         Analysis (FEA). Discussion on the background of the analysis   Discussion on the background of the analysis methods and their
         methods and their application are presented through the ASME   application is presented through the ASME Pressure Technology
         Pressure Technology Bulletins, “PTB-1-2013 Section VIII - Division 2   Bulletins, “PTB-1-2013 Section VIII - Division 2 Criteria and
         Criteria and Commentary” and “PTB-3-2013 Section VIII - Division 2   Commentary” and “PTB-3-2013 Section VIII - Division 2 Example
         Example Problem Manual.”                              Problem Manual.” The attendees will gain an appreciation and
                                                               understanding of how these analytical techniques can be applied to
         Attendees gain an appreciation of how these analytical techniques   practical design situations. The class will include detailed example
         can be applied to practical design situations. The class includes   problems that demonstrate how the analytical techniques are to be
         detailed example problems that demonstrate how the analytical   applied, and their limitations. Detailed FEA models will be presented
         techniques are to be applied, and their limitations. The fatigue   to help illustrate the various analytical techniques.
         analysis approaches using smooth bar and welded joint technology
         using the new structural stress approach are covered in detail,   You Will Learn To
         including case histories to highlight the application to common
         Industry problems. Detailed FEA models will be presented to help   •   Define the basis and application of the design by analysis
         illustrate the various analytical techniques.           techniques to ensure proper vessel design
                                                               •   Apply the design by analysis techniques to the evaluation of
         You Will Learn To                                       in-service components through the Life-Cycle Management
         •   Explain the fundamentals of fatigue and the implementation of   Process and the relationship to API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Level 3
          fatigue design methods in ASME Section VIII, Division 2  Assessments
         •     Evaluate the technical basis for smooth bar and welded fatigue   •   Evaluate the basis of design by analysis techniques and how they
          methodologies                                          compare with other International Pressure Vessel Codes,
                                                                 EN 13445 and PD 5500
         •     Apply the fatigue analysis techniques for practical Industry
          problems                                             Who Should Attend
         Who Should Attend                                     Pressure vessels engineers working for owner-users, manufacturers
                                                               or engineering and design construction firms in the refining,
         Pressure vessels engineers working for owner-users, manufacturers   petrochemical and other comparable industries who desire a   BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS MasterClass Series
         or engineering and design construction firms in the refining,   practical understanding of one of the major areas of the new Division
         petrochemical and other comparable industries who desire a   2 of ASME BP&V Code Section VIII
         practical understanding of one of the major areas of the new
         Division 2 of ASME BP&V Code Section VIII             Special Requirements
         Special Requirements                                  This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants
                                                               have a basic understanding of ASME BP&V Code Section VIII,
         This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants   Division 2 and FEA. Participants are encouraged to bring examples
         have a basic understanding of ASME B&PV Code Section VIII,   of particularly challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class
         Division 2, and fatigue concepts.                     discussion.
         Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly   2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
         challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion.  Date:  19-20 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain
         1 Day, 0.8 CEUs, 8 PDHs                                    15-16 March 2017, Scandinavia
         Date:  21 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain                   21-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
             17 March 2017, Scandinavia                        Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350
             23 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
         Member: €750 / List Price €850

                        MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR                                 MASTERCLASS INSTRUCTOR
                        David Osage, PE, CSQE, CQA, President &                David Osage, PE, CSQE, CQA, President &
                        CEO of Equity Engineering Group, and Principal         CEO of Equity Engineering Group, and Principal
                        Author of ASME BPV Code Section VIII,                  Author of ASME BPV Code Section VIII,
                        Division 2. David is internationally recognised        Division 2. David is internationally recognised
                        for his expertise in the design of new equipment       for his expertise in the design of new equipment
                        and as an industry expert and leader in the            and as an industry expert and leader in the
                        development and use of FFS technology. He              development and use of FFS technology. He
                        received a Certificate of Acclamation from             received a Certificate of Acclamation from
                        ASME for his work on the new ASME B&PV                 ASME for his work on the new ASME B&PV
                        Code, Section VIII, Division 2.                        Code, Section VIII, Division 2.

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