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BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 2:                  BPV Code, Section I: Power Boilers
         Alternative Rules—Design and Fabrication
         of Pressure Vessels

         PD714  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                         PD716  ASME STANDARDS COURSE
         Problem-solving methodologies are the main focus of this course,   ASME codes and standards are the most widely used in the world
         which provides a practical comparison of the new rules with the   for the design, operation, maintenance, and repair of power boilers,
         former rules of Division 2. It also covers other international codes,   pressure vessels and nuclear facilities.
         including a discussion of why the new requirements were instituted.
         Also explained are the design margins and their effect on required   This course will provide the participant with a detailed knowledge
         thickness. While emphasising design and analysis rules, the course   of the responsibilities of personnel involved in the manufacturing,
         covers all aspects of construction.                  fabrication and examination of new power boiler plant components
                                                              and new construction activity as defined by Section I of the ASME
         You Will Learn To                                    Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC).
         •   Explain how Divisions 1 and 2 of Section VIII compare  The objective of the course is to enhance your knowledge and
                                                              understanding of the requirements for design and construction of
         •   Explain theories of failure and design margins of various codes   power boilers in accordance with Section I of the ASME Boiler &
         •   Describe the General Requirements of the new Division 2  Pressure Vessel Code.
         •   Identify design rules and stress analysis methods  Participants will receive the most recent edition of the
                                                              BPVC Section I: Rules for Construction of Power Boilers.
         •   Describe fatigue analysis
                                                              You Will Learn To
         •   Identify materials and fabrication requirements
                                                              •   Describe the purpose of the Sections of the ASME Boiler &
         •   Explain Non-destructive Examination (NDE) requirements,    Pressure Vessel Code
           pressure testing and pressure relief requirements
                                                              •   Explain the rules and requirements in Section I for the design
         Who Should Attend                                     and construction of power boilers
         Individuals involved with design, analysis, fabrication, purchasing,   •   Describe the use of Section II Materials and their
         repair and inspection of pressure vessels, as well as supervisory    allowable stresses
         and regulatory personnel. Although some degree of background with
         design and fabrication of pressure vessels is desirable, no previous   •   Explain the basic rules for fabrication of power boilers
         experience is required for attending this course. Both beginners and   •   Describe the process for quality control and certification
         experienced personnel involved with pressure vessels will benefit   in Section I
         from this course.
         Instructor: Michael Frohnert                         Who Should Attend                                     BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS Public Courses
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                            Engineers, managers and quality personnel who are involved in
         Dates:  12-14 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands   manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or parts
              8-10 May 2017, London, United Kingdom           for power boilers or the construction of power boilers built to the
              19-21 June, 2017, Milan, Italy                  requirements of U.S. Codes and Standards, as well as individuals
         Member: €1.600 / List Price €1.700                   who are or will be directly or indirectly involved in the design,
         £1.495 / List Price £1.595 (London)                  analysis, construction, maintenance or operation of power boilers.

                                                              Instructor: To be announced
                                                              4 Days, 3.0 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                                                              Dates:  12-15 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                                                   8-11 May, 2017, London, United Kingdom
                                                              Member: €1.850 / List Price €1.950
                                                              £1.795 / List Price £1.895 (London)

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