Page 12 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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Using ASME Codes to Meet the EU Techniques and Methods Used in
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) API 579-1 / ASME FFS-1 for Advanced
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Assessments
This three-day MasterClass provides an overview of the EU Pressure This two-day MasterClass is designed to provide practical
Equipment Directive (PED), highlights the changes in the 2014/68/EU knowledge and in-depth examination of the Fitness-For-Service
version and identifies specific issues of importance. (FFS) Assessment Methods in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.
This is followed by a detailed review of the requirements of the PED A review of the FFS assessment levels will be provided along with a
and how employing the ASME Codes can satisfy them. As each discussion on what constitutes a “best-buy;” assessment examples
aspect of the Directive is discussed, examples are provided to for volumetric damage, crack-like flaws, creep damage; efforts to
illustrate how the Codes meet the PED and how they should be harmonize API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 with ASME, Section VIII, Division
documented to fulfil the Technical Documentation requirements 2, Part 5; a Life Cycle Management overview for fixed equipment;
of the PED. development of volumetric damage assessment methods for general
and local metal loss, and pitting; development of crack-like flaw
Practical demonstrations are provided for the “assessment of assessment methods including stress intensity factor and reference
hazards and risks,” preparation of PMAs, technical documentation stress solutions, failure assessment diagram, fracture toughness
and quality system documentation to meet the optional quality estimation, residual stresses; and remaining life estimation for high
system requirements.
temperature components including an overview of MPC Project
You Will Learn To Omega.
• Identify the requirements and recent changes of the PED and Insights into the improvements made in FFS technology and what
explain what is necessary to satisfy these requirements is coming in the API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, 2014 Edition will also be
• Describe the use of ASME Codes for design and manufacture
of pressure equipment to comply with the PED You Will Learn To
• Document PMAs for selected materials • Define the basis and application of the Assessment Levels emitted
by API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
• Prepare technical documentation that describes how the
applicable European Safety Requirements (ESRs) have been met • Select an Assessment Level given a component with damage
• Prepare a quality system documentation appropriate for • Apply the FFS techniques to the evaluation of in-service
assessment per ASME PED Guide Modules E, D, H, H1 components through the Life-Cycle Management Process and
the relationship API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Level 3 Assessments to
Who Should Attend the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2
Engineers associated with the design, manufacture and inspection Who Should Attend
of all types of pressure equipment who wish to use ASME Codes as
a basis of design. This may be due to a wish to standardise products Owner-user engineers or contractors responsible for the Life Cycle
to one Code, familiarity with ASME Codes or customer preference. Management of pressure vessels, piping and tanks as well as
engineers interested in understanding the harmonisation of
Special Requirements: API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2.
This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants Special Requirements
have a basic understanding of ASME BP&V Code. Participants are
encouraged to bring examples of particularly challenging issues This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants
encountered on the job for in-class discussion. have a basic understanding of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and
API 579-2/ASME FFS-2. Participants are encouraged to bring
3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs examples of particularly challenging issues encountered on the job
Date: 14-16 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands for in-class discussion.
15-17 March 2017, Scandinavia
10-12 May 2017, London, United Kingdom 2 Day, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Member: €1.600 / List Price €1.700 Date: 17-18 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain
13-14 March 2017, Scandinavia
19-20 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350
Peter John Hanmore, C Eng, MIMMM, is a David Osage, PE, CSQE, CQA, President &
metallurgist with nearly 40 years’ experience in the CEO of Equity Engineering Group, and Principal
inspection industry and a recognised expert in the Author of ASME BPV Code Section VIII Division
field of CE marking for both pressure equipment 2. David is internationally recognised for his
and machinery. Hanmore has represented the UK expertise in the design of new equipment
on European Technical Committees during the and as an industry expert and leader in the
development of several harmonised standards, development and use of FFS technology. He
including EN 13445, EN 13480 & ISO 3834, and received a Certificate of Acclamation from
served as Secretary of WPM for 7 years. Currently, ASME for his work on the new ASME B&PV
he is a Team Leader, authorised by ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2.
and the National Board, for the assessment of
manufacturers of non-nuclear pressure equipment
and safety relief devices.