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Pressure Relief Devices: Design, Sizing,             API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
         Construction, Inspection and Maintenance             Fitness-for-Service Evaluation

         PD583  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                         PD616
         This comprehensive review of the design, sizing and selection,   Course participants will learn how to apply the rules of the API 579-1/
         construction, installation, operation, inspection, repair and   ASME FFS “Fitness-for-Service” Standard to evaluate the integrity
         maintenance of pressure relieving devices details how to protect   and remaining life of tanks, pressure vessels, piping systems and
         pressurised equipment from exceeding the maximum allowable   pipelines.
         working pressure.
                                                              Topics covered include: the principles of fitness-for-service, practical
         Each participant will receive a copy of the ASME codebook PTC 25 -   application through case histories, a step-by-step evaluation
         2014 Pressure Relief Devices and a copy of Pressure Relief Devices:   process for each type of degradation mechanism, and a review of
         ASME and API Code Simplified, by Dr. Mohammad A. Malek.  the application of API 579-1/ASME FFS to brittle fracture, general
                                                              metal loss, local wall thinning, pitting, blisters, mechanical defects
         Code requirements for pressure relief devices are covered by   (dents, misalignment, and distortion), crack-like flaws (stress
         the following ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and ASME   corrosion cracking, weld flaws, crack-like defects), fatigue and fire
         Pressure Piping Code:
         •   ASME Section I – Power Boilers
         •   ASME Section IV – Heating Boilers                Special Requirements
         •   ASME Section VIII – Pressure Vessels             Participants must bring a laptop loaded with MS Excel and be
                                                              familiar with MS Excel spreadsheets for repeated calculations.
         •   ASME B31.1 – Power Piping
                                                              Participants are expected to work with computers during the course
         •   ASME B31.3 – Process Piping                      to input data and work with calculations.
         The following European code will be reviewed and its application    You Will Learn To
         will be discussed in detail:
         •   EN ISO 4126 – Safety devices for protection against excessive   •   Identify the latest techniques to determine the fitness-
           pressure                                            for-service of operating tanks, vessels, piping systems
                                                               and pipelines
         In addition, the following American Petroleum Institute (API)
         standards will be discussed:                         •   Explain the practical application of the ASME and API rules for
         •   API RP 520-Part I &II Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure   structural integrity of static equipment and pipelines, and their use
           Relief Devices                                      to assess remaining life
         •   API RP 576-Inspection of Pressure Relief Devices  •   Explain how to apply the step-by-step 3-level approach of
                                                               API 579-1 ASME FFS to evaluate inspection results and
         You Will Learn To                                     recognise potential failure modes
         •   Explain Code requirements for pressure relief devices in the    •   Describe how to apply the latest developments in defect
           ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME Pressure Piping   assessment techniques
           Code and European Code
                                                              Who Should Attend
         •   Identify design, construction and manufacturing of pressure
           relief devices                                     Design and system engineers, integrity engineers
         •   Select materials for various types of pressure relief valves and   Instructor: Mahmoud Nagi Shatla
           rupture disks                                      4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                                                              Dates:  12-15 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
         •   Explain how to apply API RP 520 Part I - Sizing and Selection of   8-11 May 2017, London, United Kingdom
           Pressure Relieving Devices, API RP 520 Part II - Installation and   19-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
           API RP 576 - Inspection of Pressure Relief Devices
                                                              Member: €1.750 / List Price €1.850
         •   Perform calculations for sizing and selection of pressure relief   £1.675 / List Price £1.775 (London)
           devices for single phase flow of fluids
         •   Explain how to handle transportation, storage, installation
           and maintenance
         •   Explain how to perform inspections as per the National Board   Free ASME Training & Development
           Inspection Code (NBIC) and API standards
                                                              Autumn 2016 eCalendar Now Available
         •   Describe how to establish National Board “VR” (valve repair)
           certification programme and repair PRVs
                                                              Download the FREE Autumn 2016 ASME Training
         •   Explain how to test pressure relief valves as required by the code
                                                              & Development eCalendar listing dates and locations
         Who Should Attend                                    of Live Course offerings in North America and
         Mechanical engineers and design engineers, process engineers,   Europe through December 2016, as well as
         chemical engineers, reliability engineers and maintenance engineers,   eLearning Courses available worldwide from
         as well as inspectors and testing engineers, supervisors and managers
                                                              a PC with Internet access, any time.
         Instructor: Mohammad A. Malek
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
         Date: 8-10 May 2017, London, United Kingdom          Visit:
         Member: £1.495 / List Price £1.595 (London)
                                                              or scan with a smart device:

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