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Flow-Induced Vibration with Applications              Non-destructive Examination - Applying
         to Failure Analysis                                   ASME Code Requirements (Section V)

         PD146                                                 PD389  ASME STANDARDS COURSE
         Problem-solving methodologies are the main focus of this   This course is designed for individuals who require an understanding
         comprehensive course on practical applications of flow and vibration   of the principles, techniques and applications of the key
         theory. The latest design and analysis tools for the prediction and   Nondestructive Examination methods. This programme uses
         prevention of vibration in structures exposed to high energy fluid flow   PowerPoint to present the principles of Nondestructive Examination
         are covered in practical detail.                      (NDE) and practical applications which will provide a basic
                                                               comprehensive knowledge of the major methods.
         This comprehensive course reviews fundamentals of flow and
         vibration theory. Delegates benefit from the problem-solving   Emphasis is placed on basic procedures, techniques, applications,
         activities at the conclusion of each section. Topics such as vortex   advantages and limitations as related to the ASME Boiler & Pressure
         and turbulence induced vibration, galloping, flutter, sonic fatigue   Vessel Code, Section V for each method. Examples of NDE devices
         and fluid-elastic instability will be covered indepth. Delegates are   supplement the classroom lectures to enable the delegate to obtain
         introduced to state-of-the-art analysis tools for the prediction and   a better understanding of the general theory, uses and variables of
         prevention of vibration in structures exposed to high-energy fluid   the methods presented. A copy of the Handbook of Nondestructive
         flow. Case studies and a workshop create an interactive course that   Evaluation (2nd Edition) by Charles Hellier will be given to each
         aid engineers at various levels.                      delegate.
         Each participant will receive a copy of the book, Flow-Induced   You Will Learn To
         Vibration (2nd Edition) by Robert Blevins.
                                                               •   Describe the applications of the basic NDE methods and the
         You Will Learn To                                       various materials to be examined
         •   Describe vortex-induced vibration, galloping, flutter, sonic fatigue   •   Explain the principles, procedures, evaluation, reporting and
          and fluid elastic instability                          ASME Code requirements of the basic NDE methods
         •   Explain the latest vibration theory               •   Identify the techniques of the visual, penetrant, magnetic particle,
                                                                 radiographic, ultrasonic and eddy current testing methods
         •   Demonstrate analysis and test techniques in conjunction with
          strategies for successful design                     Who Should Attend
         •   Explain how to evaluate examples of heat exchanger vibration,   Design, structural, maintenance and materials engineers, and
          strumming of cables and vibration and fatigue of panels  management, supervisors, regulators, auditors and project
         Who Should Attend
                                                               Instructor: Larry Mullins                            BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS Public Courses
         Engineers in the design, mechanical, product development, system,
         R&D, noise, maintenance and diagnostics fields are strongly   3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
         encouraged to attend; supervisors and managers responsible for   Date: 19-21 June 2017, Milan, Italy
                                                               Member: €1.600 / List Price €1.700
         the economic impact of flow-induced component damage will also
         greatly benefit from the course.
         Instructor: To be announced
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
         Date: 19-21 June 2017, Milan, Italy
         Member: €1.500 / List Price €1.600

                                       ASME BOOKS OF INTEREST

                     Continuing and Changing Priorities                       Primer on Engineering Standards
                     of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
                     Codes and Standards                                      Maan Jawad and Owen R. Greulich
                                                                              100 pp
                     K. R. Rao, Editor                                        ISBN: 9780791860342     Print Book
                     800 pp                                                   Member: $39 / List Price $49
                     ISBN: 9780791860199      Print Book                      Order Number: 860342
                     Member: $207 / List Price $259
                     Order Number: 860199

                     Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler                       Knowledge Tornado:
                     and Pressure Vessel and Piping                           Bridging the Corporate
                     Codes, Fourth Edition-Volumes 1 & 2                      Knowledge Gap, Second Edition
                     K. R. Rao                                                Marcus Goncalves
                     1,800 pp                                                 200 pp
                     ISBN: 9780791859889     Print Book                       ISBN: 9780791859957     Print Book
                     Member: $479 / List Price $599                           Member: $39 / List Price $49
                     Order Number: 859889                                     Order Number: 859957

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