Page 14 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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Run-or-Repair Operability Decisions
for Pressure Equipment
and Piping Systems
This two-day MasterClass provides an in-depth review of the rules
and application of the ASME, NBIC and API codes and standards in
making run-or-repair operability decisions for pressure equipment
(tanks, vessels) and piping and tubing systems. The class is based on
a series of Case Studies of abnormal and damaged conditions, how to
diagnose their cause, how to determine the integrity of the system or ADVANCED TRAINING COURSES FOR ENGINEERS AND TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS
component, how to decide whether to keep the system or component
in service sand how to repair and prevent recurrence. In making these
assessments, we will discuss what guidance is available in ASME The ASME MasterClass Series, launched in 2014 by
B&PV, ASME B31, ASME Post-Construction Codes, API 579, NBIC, ASME Training & Development, consists of premium
and regulations; as well as what is not addressed in codes, standards learning programs comprised of advanced topics aimed
and regulations, and is therefore at the discretion of the engineer. at experienced engineers, emphasizing learning through
discussion of real-world cases and best practices.
You Will Learn To
• Distinguish which parts of run-or-repair operability decisions are The following MasterClass courses are currently in
addressed in ASME-API-NBIC codes and standards; and which development to be available soon:
parts are at the discretion of the engineer
• Apply basic run-or-repair principles to diagnose the cause of • Pipe Support Inspections: Review of Select Codes,
damage or abnormal condition, and know what simplified and Standards and Recommended Practices
advanced methods and criteria are available for their analysis
• Identify the criteria used for making operability decisions for • Static, Elastic Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
several types of generic damage mechanisms, including fatigue, Approaches to address ASME Section VIII Design
pitting, corrosion, cracking, overload, leaks and component by Analysis
support failures
• Design by Rule in ASME Boiler and Pressure
Who Should Attend
Vessel Code Section VIII Division 2
Plant staff engineers, designers, project engineers, maintenance
engineers, inspectors, and regulators who desire a practical roadmap
for making run-or-repair and operability decisions based on the • Fracture Mechanics applied to Pressure Vessels
sound application of ASME codes and standards, regulations and and Piping Systems
engineering practice
• Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Applied to
Special Requirements Integrity Assessment
This MasterClass is structured on the assumption that participants
have a basic knowledge of ASME Pressure Vessel Codes & Standards. • Creep, Creep Fatigue and Remaining Life
Assessment of Components
Participants are encouraged to bring examples of particularly
challenging issues encountered on the job for in-class discussion. • Met allurgical Failure Analysis for Vessels and Piping
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Date: 18-19 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain • … and more to come
Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350
George Antaki, P.E., is a fellow of the ASME,
with over 40 years of experience in pressure
equipment. He is internationally recognised For the latest information about these
for his expertise in design, analysis, and MasterClasses, please
fitness-for-service evaluation of pressure
equipment and piping systems. He is the chair visit
of ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee, or contact Jennifer Delda, Program
chair of ASME III Working Group Piping
Design, member of the ASME III Subgroup Manager, at
Component Design and ASME Operation and
Maintenance Subgroup Piping.