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ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance                         ASME NQA-1 Lead Auditor Training
         Requirements for Nuclear
         Facility Applications

         PD635  ASME STANDARDS COURSE                         PD675
         This course provides an overall understanding of the basic   The objective of this course is to provide the prospective lead
         principles and applications of ASME Nuclear Quality Assurance.   auditor with sufficient formal training to help meet the training
         Managers, engineers and programme developers who take this   requirement for ASME NQA-1 and N45.2.23 auditors. This course
         three-day course gain an enhanced understanding of ASME as an   provides the body of knowledge and understanding of auditing
         organisation, its codes and standards, as well as the ASME Nuclear   methods and techniques to conduct audits of nuclear quality
         Quality Assurance Code and Standard NQA-1 as it is applied to   assurance programme. The material covered in the course includes
         nuclear facilities.                                  the development, organisation and administration of an audit
                                                              programme, the mechanics of an individual audit, audit objectives
         In addition to covering the NQA-1 Standard, it also provides a brief   as well as auditing techniques.
         overview of sections of Section III Rules for Construction of Nuclear
         Facility Components of the B&PV Code as they apply ASME NQA-1   Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of the ASME
         for their quality assurance standard for new construction of nuclear   NQA-1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility
         facilities and plant modifications.                  Applications Standard.
         Participants will receive a copy of the ASME NQA-1 Quality   You Will Learn To
         Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications (QA)   •   Identify and become knowledgeable of rules and regulations,
         codebook and the participant workbook.
                                                               standards and guidance applicable to nuclear facilities
         You Will Learn To                                    •   Explain how to examine the general structure of quality assurance
         •   Explain the purpose of the NQA-1 Standard and its role in    programmes such as NQA-1 and ISO 9001
           nuclear construction and operation                 •   Describe how to establish an audit programme and how to plan
         •   Describe the 18 criteria basis of the NQA-1 Standard contained    for conducting audits
     NUCLEAR Public Courses
           in Part 1                                          •   Identify the four phases of the audit life cycle:
                                                               1) preparation, 2) performance, 3) reporting and 4) follow-up
         •   Describe the organisation of the NQA-1 Standard and the
           major topics (or activities) covered in the Standard  •   Identify the duties and responsibilities of both an auditor
                                                               and lead auditor
         •   Explain the differences between Part 1, 2, 3 and 4
                                                              •   Evaluate quality assurance programme documents and associated
         Who Should Attend                                     procedures
         Design, process and quality engineers, managers, management    •   Explain how to prepare and perform internal and supplier audits
         programme developers and project managers, licensing and   including how to report and follow-up on findings
         procurement personnel, regulators as well as students
         and university personnel                             •   Demonstrate an understanding of auditing methods and
                                                               techniques through participation in practical exercises
         Special Requirements                                  and examination
         This is an intermediate level course for engineers, managers and   Who Should Attend
         quality personnel who are, or will be, directly or indirectly involved
         in manufacturing, fabrication and examination of components or   Quality engineers, auditors, engineers, project managers, inspection
         structures for nuclear power facilities. Participants should have   personnel, production supervisors, facility representatives and
         at least one year of experience in the design, construction and   procurement personnel, as well as safety system oversight staff and
         operation of – or have a supporting-supplier role for – nuclear    assessment personnel
         power facilities and their components.               Instructor: Norman P. Moreau
         Instructor: William (Ken) Sowder                     4 Days, 3 CEUS, 30 PDHS
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs                            Date:  12-15 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
         Date:  12-14 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands       19-22 June 2017, Milan, Italy
             19-21 June 2017, Milan, Italy                    Member: €1.750 / List Price €1.850
         Member: €1.600 / List Price €1.700
         Also available as an Online Instructor-Supported Course, EL520,
         taught by this instructor.

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