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Layout of Process Piping Systems                     ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code

         PD720                                                PD642  ASME STANDARDS COURSE
         Piping arrangements take up the majority of the work in the design   This course provides an introduction to the ASME B31.1 Power
         of a process plant. Traditionally, there has been little formal training   Piping Code. It covers the requirements of B31.1 for design, analysis,
         in the design and location of piping, and many design decisions   materials, fabrication, testing and inspection of process piping
         are based on practical considerations without formulae or code   systems. The instructor provides insight into how they have evolved
         reinforcements.                                      and what future changes may be expected.
         This course discusses the design procedures and practices involved   This course explores the rules for various components including
         in the location of equipment and layout of the piping systems. It   fittings, connections, bends, valves, expansion joints and specialty
         provides attendees with the background and guidance required to   components. Other topics include dimensions and ratings of
         design, engineer and complete piping engineering assignments and   components, fluid service requirements for joints, piping flexibility and
         follow acceptable layout procedures.                 support, welding, heat treatment, bending and forming, brazing and
                                                              soldering, assembly, erection, examination and inspection and testing.
         Each participant will receive a copy of the book, Detail Engineering
         and Layout of Piping Systems, by Bob Wilson.         Each student will receive a copy of the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code.
         You Will Learn To                                    You Will Learn To
         •   Describe the procedures involved in the layout and piping of a   •   Identify the responsibilities of personnel involved in the design,
           typical process unit containing pumps, exchangers, horizontal   fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing
           drums, and vertical towers                          of power piping
     PIPING AND PIPELINES Public Courses
         •   Explain how disciplines such as civil, structural, electrical,   •   Describe the scope and technical requirements of the ASME B31.1
           instrumentation, etc., are relevant to piping design and layout  Code

         •   Identify maintenance and accessibility requirements of piping    •   Apply the quality requirements that are defined in the ASME B31.1
           and related disciplines                             Code
         •   Explain nozzle orientation procedures
                                                              •   Explain the principal failure modes of piping components and where
         •   Identify pipe support requirements                to look for them
         •   Describe piping stress analysis techniques       •   Describe the layout and simplified and formal analysis techniques
         •   Identify the latest CAD Techniques for piping layout  Who Should Attend
         Who Should Attend                                    Engineers entering the piping design and analysis field, practicing
                                                              piping engineers requiring background on Code compliance and
         Practising engineers required to expand their understanding of   trends in piping design, analysis and fabrication, piping fabricators
         layout procedures, as well as piping fabricators, contractors and   and suppliers wishing to understand the relationship of fabrication
         suppliers who need to understand the relationship of manufacture   and manufacture to the design and construction of piping systems
         and fabrication to the design, layout and construction of piping   as well as QA/QC personnel
         systems as well as piping design and analysis personnel wanting
         to expand their knowledge                            Special Requirements:
         Instructor: Bob Wilson                               Each student must bring his or her own calculator.
         3 Days, 2.3 CEUs, 23 PDHs
         Date: 21-23 June 2017, Milan, Italy                  Instructor: Hugo Julien
         Member: €1.500 / List Price €1.600                   4 Days, 3 CEUs, 30 PDHs
                                                              Date:  12-15 December 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
                                                                  19-22 June 2017, Milan, Italy
                                                              Member: €1.850 / List Price €1.950

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